Hi Paul,

Your feature info frame looks nice.
The discussion you have with Martin is very interesting and very 
important as it is about JUMP's feature model.
I just want to mention other discussions we had on this list about the 
interest to write bridges between JUMP's feature model and GeoTool's one 
or to make JUMP's feature model closer to GeoTool's one.
I think the last feature model of GeoTools or the one they are talking 
about for next version include such things as nested attributes where 
attributes may be features or feature collections.


Paul Austin a écrit :

> All,
> I have attached a screen shot of my new Feature InfoTable 
> implementation. As you can see I've added some CSS styling to the 
> table and where there are "nested" feature types have the feature type 
> name displayed and a nested table with their attributes.
> NOTE: The sub feature type name stuff won't work with regular JUMP 
> features as the FeatureSchema does not include the feature type name. 
> I'm using my own Feature implementation based on the model used in my 
> reader framework. It would be simple to add this to FeatureSchema if 
> required.
> After looking at the current implementation I would like to suggest a 
> change to the way the who feature info table view works.
>    1. Under the view menu have sub menu to allow the user to select
>       the style for viewing geometry (WKT, EWKT, CL, GML) in addition
>       to the current approach and save that so the user always get
>       their preference.
>    2. Implement a FeatureInfoTable renderer which defines the style
>       for the info view (e.g. HTML table, v.s. GML v.s. Tab/CSV format
>    3. Roll the FID and geometry attribute into the table
>       FeatureInfoTable renderer so that the geometry render is just
>       used when geometry values are detected to display the value
>       portion. So for example there would be a position row in the
>       table that would have the geometry formatted as WKT or GML
>    4. Where multiple records are displayed use a database style paging
>       display where one feature is displayed at a time but you have
>       back/forward, first/last and jump to record number. Think
>       MSAccess or FME style paging through selected features.
> Any comments/suggestions?
> Paul
> Martin Davis wrote:
>>Is your use case only for a property which contains a single Feature?  
>>The general case would be to have a property which contains a 
>>FeatureCollection (this is the full GML model, for instance).  In this 
>>case the UI gets a bit more complicated.
>>How are you creating the Feature property?  Do you need to spatially 
>>visualize it? 
>>I'm asking these questions because while your use case may simply be to 
>>view a single Feature property, it's nice to look a bit further down the 
>>road at a more general design, in order to avoid making the 
>>implementation overly specific and hard to extend.
>>In general supporting a hierarchical feature model introduces tons of 
>>issues all through JUMP... which is why we didn't go there at first.  
>>The closest we got was to support a custom object hierarchy and expose 
>>different classes of it as separate FeatureCollections.  This allowed 
>>treating the various classes as map layers, which worked pretty well.  
>>But this was all custom code and hard to make general-purpose.
>>As for the code-value entry plugin, the general concept would clearly be 
>>nice to have.  Would your entry screen only support that single 
>>attribute, or would you make a general entry panel which showed all 
>>attributes?  This was talked about a week or two ago - it would be nice 
>>to have this as another view in the Attribute View window.  How would 
>>you supply the code-value mapping?
>>Paul Austin wrote:
>>>I have a data set where a property of a feature is another feature 
>>>object. In the schema it has the type Object but it's actually a 
>>>Feature instance.What I would like to do is have the following.
>>>   1. A right click on the feature row to view the whole feature and
>>>      have a view/edit feature frame that would display the list of
>>>      property names and values with nested panels for each nested
>>>      feature.
>>>   2. Use the feature display panel to display the feature on say roll
>>>      over of a complex property value
>>>Has anyone worked on such a feature? If not I'll start writing one.
>>>Also I was thinking that in databases you have the concept of code 
>>>lookup tables, I was thinking of a plugi-in that you can configure to 
>>>display the code value instead of the code ID and have a drop down for 
>>>changing the values instead of entering the codes.
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