Hi Michaël,

You were meaning this https://sourceforge.net/p/jump-pilot/feature-requests/211/
The enhanced Extract layers by geometry type covers it perfectly.


Lähettäjä: Michaël Michaud [mailto:m.michael.mich...@orange.fr]
Lähetetty: 18. syyskuuta 2016 1:36
Vastaanottaja: jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] ExtractLayerByGeometry

Hi Jukka,

I just noticed that you already wrote a FR about this :

#211 Easy extraxt layers for saving to shapefiles

Let me know if new options covers this FR so that I can close it.


Le 15/09/2016 à 19:54, Stefan Steiniger a écrit :


sounds good. I think I just sorted all GeomColl types into one layer for

ease of use/lazyness as I had to deal with non-empty GeomCollections

(btw. for instance a cycle path or hiking trail (or even a lake shore?)

may be modeled as a collection). So if you just put them in separate

layers at the end this seems fine to me. If all of them are "explodable"

(in a sense making way), I don't know. Would need to explore OSM files

in detail again.

thanks for improving this,


On 9/15/16 03:15, Michaël Michaud wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Current plugin with option decompose checked is OK  for me (I think this

is the one you need for OSM and I want to keep it)

-> every original geometry component goes in one of Point/LineString/Polygon

but current plugin with "decompose unchecked" produces the following

Empty -> empty layer

Point -> Point layer

LineString -> LineString layer

Polygon -> Polygon Layer

MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection -> Mixed layer

This one seems useless to me (except if you confirm this option is also

need to process osm) and I want to replace it by other propositions

which makes more sense (shapefile like or geometry dimension)

Let me know if I understood your comment correctly.


Le 15/09/2016 à 03:29, Stefan Steiniger a écrit :


rather than valuing Michaels proposal. Just a comment: If I remember

correctly I did this change with the GeometryCollections to further

process (split) a previously imported OpenStreetMap *.osm file

(resulting in one Layer with everything mixed up). And I also think that

I used the empty GeometryCollection trick to get some OSM objects loaded

that may have no geometry (similar trick as with loading csv table?). So

if Michaels changes still allow me to load and split (arbitrary) osm

files, I am happy with it :)



On 9/14/16 18:31, Michaël Michaud wrote:

Hi list,

ExtractLayerByGeometry is a very useful tool, but after several

revisions, its semantic is still not the one I'd like:

first version (beckerl)

empty features -> deleted

(multi)point -> first layer

(multi)linestring -> second layer

(multi)polygon -> third layer

second version (beckerl)

geometrycollection : decompose to simple geometries

point -> first layer

linestring -> second layer

polygon -> third layer

third version (mmichaud)

same as previous but put empty geometrycollection in a separate layer

fourth (last) version (mentaer)

option explode geometries

yes -> same as previous

no -> all geometrycollections (including multi*) go to the same "mixed"


What I want

radio button 1 : extract simple types (point / linestring / polygon)

after explosion of all geometrycollections and multi*

radio button 2 : extract by shapefile base types (point / polyline /

polygon / multipoint) + geometryCollection for true GeometryCollection

radio button 3 : extract by dimension ((multi)point / (multi)linestring

/ (multi)polygon) + geometryCollection for true GeometryCollection

- option : empty geometries in a separate layer

Any comment ?



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