On 8/28/2018 16:51, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Hi Ede
>> .... for extensions w/ more dependency jars a subfolder w/ a speaking name 
>> would be great. note the jar w/ the extension class still needs to be placed 
>> in lib/plus/ .
> The OpenKLEM files are two
> a) OpenKLEMOJ.jar with the extension class that goes to lib/plus folder
> b) OpenKLEM.jar with the algorithms. Should this file goes to a 
> lib/plus/OpenKLEM folder? Or should I keep it into lib/plus folder?

no need for a subfolder if there is just one dependency jar. just wanted to 
state how i handled it in the past to keep it tidy.

before i forget.. the new extension of course needs to be documented in 
etc/readme.txt !

>> the OpenKLEM sources - a readme with url pointing to the original repo _and_ 
>> a zipped copy of the used sources/binaries-jar (just in case) would be the 
>> sure shot route to go. original repos tend to disappear after some time ;)
> In the svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/plug-ins 
> <http://svn.code.sf.net/p/jump-pilot/code/plug-ins> repository I would add a 
> main folder OpenKLEM where to locate 2 folders folders of the two jar 
> (OpenKLEM.ja, the algorithms, and OpenKLEMOJ,jar, the plugins) with the 
> corresponding trunk and dist folders
> In the same OpenKLEM folder I will add a third folder ("doc") to locate the 
> url of the original repository and any documentation

sounds good to me.. ede
> 2018-08-28 16:08 GMT+02:00 <edgar.sol...@web.de <mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de>>:
>     On 28.08.2018 15:53, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>     > I will add the jars to OpenJUMP.
>     jupp, lib/plus/ is the place to be. for extensions w/ more dependency 
> jars a subfolder w/ a speaking name would be great. note the jar w/ the 
> extension class still needs to be placed in lib/plus/ .
>     > About the source code: I have a copy on GeoArbores  site ( 
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensit/files/Openjump/OpenKLEM/ 
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensit/files/Openjump/OpenKLEM/> 
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensit/files/Openjump/OpenKLEM/ 
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensit/files/Openjump/OpenKLEM/>> ).
>     > My idea is to move the source code to OJ svn.
>     > 
>     at least the OJ glue code should be placed in OJ svn under plug-ins/ .
>     wrt. the OpenKLEM sources - a readme with url pointing to the original 
> repo _and_ a zipped copy of the used sources/binaries-jar (just in case) 
> would be the sure shot route to go. original repos tend to disappear after 
> some time ;)
>     ..ede

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