When I ftp'd the file to the MX960, it puts it in /var/home/remote/

When I run the software upgrade command it seems to copy that junos tgz file
to /var/tmp/

....and then tells me I'm out of space.  :|

I tried this...

I deleted that junos file from /var/home/remote/       

...then specified the new location of where it was auto-copied to during the
upgrade process.... and it now gets past the "Not enough free space" issue,
BUT, now hits up with all sort of other problems.

I see that there are some ISSU unsupported items... wondering why my
MPC7E-MRATE modules are being seen as non-ISSU supported 

agould@mx960> show chassis hardware models | grep FPC
FPC 0            REV 43   750-056519   (removed)          MPC7E-MRATE
FPC 11           REV 43   750-056519   (removed)          MPC7E-MRATE

...then the vmhost is seen as too old ... wonder what that is all about ?

Is it to much to jump from 15.1F7.3 to 16.1R3-S7 ?  ...maybe I need an
intermediate step in order to get to my end junos version goal?  Or is there
perhaps a different vmhost software piece that needs to be upgraded?  

I'll ask jtac too.

agould@mx960> request system software validate in-service-upgrade
FPC 0 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
FPC 11 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 0/0 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 11/0 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 0/1 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 11/1 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
Verified junos-install-mx-x86-64-16.1R3-S7.1 signed by
PackageProductionEc_2018 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Verified manifest signed by PackageProductionEc_2018 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Checking PIC combinations
Checking vmhost version compatibility
VMHost version too old for Junos
ERROR: package junos-x86-64-16.1R3-S7.1 fails requirements

- Aaron

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