I wanted to resurrect an old thread about the MX204, from a year and a half ago:


My understanding is that the MX204 is a 1 RU MPC7, but with a few modifications. I understand that the eight 10Gig ports have been modified to allow for 1 Gig transceivers as well, and perhaps that the QSFP ports can accommodate a pigtail for providing a bunch of 1 Gig connections, if necessary.

The 10/40/100 capabilities of the MPC7 look great, but there are few isolated cases where I need to support legacy 1 gig, and the MX204 can now handle that. Is this true?

Also, I understand that the MX204 CPU and other resources are a vast improvement over the MX80, and that the MX204 can handle multiple full Internet route BGP feeds, just as well as the MX240 REs can, without compromise in performance.

The newer VM support inside the RE makes the requirements for an additional RE less important now, according to my understanding.

So, if you do not need a lot of speeds and feeds, and can live without a physical backup RE, the MX204 would be a good alternative to a MX240.

Have I made accurate assumptions??

Clarke Morledge
Network Engineering
Information Technology
Jones Hall (Room 18)
200 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg VA 23187
William & Mary
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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