On Donnerstag, 10. August 2017 18:40:34 CEST Christian Loosli wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 10. August 2017, 17:25:14 CEST schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> > LibreOffice are having a similar discussion
> > 
> > https://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/projects/msg02257.html
> > 
> > They want to continue using IRC though which means fragmentation would
> > continue.
> Maybe someone should inform them that there are bridges available to avoid
> that.
> But maybe they'd simply ignore that, multiple times, and go on, as some
> people seem to do in this thread as well *shrug*

Who ignored the possibility of bridges?
Where does Martin Steigerwald's impression come from that people want to make 
this an "either/or decision"?

The only person who seems to want to get rid of IRC is Jonathan, because he 
thinks bridges have a negative impact on the experience of both sides of them.

I never said that. Martin Klapetek never said that.
Yes, we both think that IRC is not suitable as the _only_ chat tool for a 
community in 2017.

Why do people feel something is threatened without people threatening it?


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