Hello to all members of the KDE community,

this friday (september the 20th) will be a big day in climate protests and 
hopefully also in human history: People in more than 3500 places worldwide are 
joining the Global Climate Strike to draw attention to the rising climate 

The question I want to ask you is: Should KDE join this protests and show 
solidarity with the people engaging for this very important topic?

I created a phabricator task (https://phabricator.kde.org/T11717 
<https://phabricator.kde.org/T11717>) and will be happy about everyone 
discussing this very important topic.

I figured out two ways for us as a community to participate:

1. create and publish a social media post showing KDE's support for the movement

2. join the website strike (https://digital.globalclimatestrike.net/ 
<https://github.com/fightforthefuture/digital-climate-strike>) by showing a 
full-screen banner on KDE's websites to illustrate KDE's participation, raise 
awareness for this very important topic and mobilise people to join the protests

In my opinion, KDE should not only engage in its "main business" (amazing) free 
software and all its associated topics, but also topics concerning the wider 
environment KDE's software runs in.

One first step would be joining the Global Climate Strike to ensure future 
generations can enjoy KDE's software as we did, and ensure KDE still exists in 
100s and 1.000s of years.

The most important part in KDE's community are its members, but which people 
should be part of KDE when humanity disposes itself due to the extreme climate 

Your's sincerely

Ways you could participate in the Global Climate Strike on a personal basis:
- join a local strike (find one at 
or at https://globalclimatestrike.net/#map 
- take part in the website strike with your personal websites 
- spread the word on the internet, for example on social media
- organise a climate strike in your hometown 
<https://globalclimatestrike.net/organise/>), if there's not already one

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