On Wednesday December 16 2015 11:48:58 David Faure wrote:

> They are copied into the frameworks at release time. So you can also grab 
> them from
> svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/l10n-kf5 directly (warning, this is huge)

Ah, good! Svn is a bit of a hog indeed, but IIRC it does make it easier to grab 
only a subset (supposing the repository is organised by language and not by 

> See release-tools/update_l10n.sh for the script I use to fetch only the 
> frameworks translations
> in all languages (rather than all translations and all docbooks for all apps 
> in all languages)

What I forgot to raise earlier was a more general question. If interface 
translation is handled through a dedicated framework, wouldn't it be possible 
to install the translation files in a well-optimised container? Even with a 
single container per framework/application/whatever you'd still ought to get 
significantly more efficient disk usage. Not just re: file size in bytes vs. 
blocks but I think also on modern COW filesystems like ZFS and btrfs (and 
filesystem level compression should perform better too).

As I said, this is something about which *I* tend to be principled :)

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