michaelh added a comment.

  This is bad! I have learned baloo itself doesn't handle stringlists. Which in 
my view would be the natural way to handle token-like items like tags, keywords 
and subject(s). Until this is changed in baloo I'm putting this diff on hold 
and fro the time being work around these long subject-strings within 
  @mgallien: Did I understand you correctly, the refactoring helped you to 
understand it better? That would be an incentive for me to do more refactoring.

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: michaelh, mgallien, dfaure
Cc: #frameworks, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, isidorov, 
nicolasfella, firef, andrebarros, alexeymin, emmanuelp

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