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  That looks really fancy! :)
  Yet i have to give it a -1..
  You are overwriting a setting that the user had explicitly set (show 
preview). That will result in a "huh, why is the preview off all of a sudden?" 
responses which will lead to bug reports.
  I would consider it a bug if the view is going to decide for me when i want 
to see previews and when not.
  Also, i really would not base this logic on fonts. I can have smaller fonts 
just because i might like that (or bigger, same argument) which would then 
determine when the preview is switched off.
  I get that this is a tricky area, but it would be much better if you can 
somehow determine if the preview is going to be smaller then - lets say - 1 by 
1 centimeters (in physical size, therefore you need to know the scaling ratio 
and the dpi) or in inch it would be 0.39 by 0.39. That would be a more logical 
decision to turn on/off previews.
  This logic breaks in really high resolution displays (take smartphones for 
example) where a 1x1 cm block can (and should!) easily show you an image. But 
lets lets consider that a out-of-scope issue as dolphin isn't on the smartphone 
(that i'm aware of), just something that might need to be considered in the 
  That being said, having an "auto preview" (aka, the view knows best, your 
implementation) would be awesome! But not as overridden user setting.
  Perhaps the preview button needs to become a tri-state button:
  - Off
  - On (always a preview, the user knows best)
  - Auto (the view decides when you see a preview)
  I have no clue how a tri-state button would look in dolphin though :) Or even 
if the Breeze theme has a graphical representation for it.

  R241 KIO


To: anemeth, #vdg, #frameworks, ngraham, rkflx, #dolphin, markg
Cc: markg, xyquadrat, sharvey, rkflx, ngraham, #frameworks, michaelh, bruns

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