lshoravi added a comment.

  Using @abetts prototype: No blockers, incorporating the given teal and green 
colours given by mgallien is TODO.
  Otherwise, the blocker would be to find what visual profile Elisa has so that 
we can work around that.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: lshoravi, #vdg, ngraham, #elisa
Cc: abetts, paullesur, januz, mgallien, alex-l, andreask, kde-frameworks-devel, 
mnesbitt, LeGast00n, carneirogustavo, jguidon, ctakano, Tizon, oussemabouaneni, 
ashwind, fbampaloukas, sourabhboss, aureliencouderc, tgraves, hantzv, 
lcmscheid, nhuisman, ursjoss, mykolak, jussiv, michaelh, astippich, James, 
ngraham, bruns, kmf, lemuel

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