kmaterka added inline comments.


> anthonyfieroni wrote in kstatusnotifieritem.cpp:454
> Do not take ownership of the menu and delete it when it does not have a 
> parent. takeOwnership is wrong approach, you can remove it.

In theory that should be the correct approach, the "Qt way". But we have 
existing contract (also discussed in D24667 
<>), documentation is clear, menu ownership 
is always transferred and menu removed, regardless of the parent (please check 
my comment in line 790, parent might be null or might not be null).

> kstatusnotifieritem.cpp:790
>      //create a default menu, just like in KSystemtrayIcon
>      QMenu *m = new QMenu(associatedWidget);

"associatedWidget" is a KSNI parent (line 780). It might be or might not be 
set. If parent is not set, then "associatedWidget" is null and QMenu does not 
have parent. This is fine, we will delete it. But if there is parent then menu 
won't be deleted and we will have memory leak. Eventually this menu will be 
deleted, when parent is destroyed, but current contract is different.
To make things even worse, associatedWidget can change, so we can't compare the 
parent of the menu with associatedWidget during the destruction...
Let's say we will change it to:

  new QMenu()

Then it will be removed, because there is no parent. It should not have any 
important side effects. So far so good.

What we want to achieve is have an ability to retake ownership after it is 
passed to setContextMenu. With your approach, it could be done this way:
QMenu *menu =new QMenu(); // null parent, doesn't matter here
This way menu won't be deleted. There are two problems with this approach:

- we don't know if no-one is doing that - most probably not and this can be 
- the parent needs to be a QWidget type. This is serious issue, because there 
are cases when it is not possible.

The final goal is to fix KDEPlatformSystemTrayIcon and there is no QWidget to 
use as a parent :( Exactly:


ourMenu can live longer than KStatusNotifierItem *m_sni and can be reused for 
another KStatusNotifierItem instance. The situation is described in BUG 365105 
<>. In other word, in QPA, menu can 
and should live independently to system tray icon, which is not the case in 

I really like your idea! Maybe I'm missing something obvious and is possible to 
set parent in KDEPlatformSystemTrayIcon...

  R289 KNotifications


To: kmaterka, #frameworks, davidedmundson, broulik, nicolasfella
Cc: anthonyfieroni, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, 

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