kmaterka added a comment.

  In D24755#550415 <>, @anthonyfieroni 
  > That should be fine, in QPA we have a tray icon per sni, update menu should 
be on same object which will not be a problem, check it.
  There are two objects in QPA that live independently:
  - KDEPlatformSystemTrayIcon (QPlatformSystemTrayIcon), with KSNI instance, 
KSNI and KDEPlatformSystemTrayIcon **are** destroyed on QSystemTrayIcon->hide() 
and new instance (with new KSNI) is created on QSystemTrayIcon->show()
  - SystemTrayMenu (QPlatformMenu) is **not** destroyed on 
QSystemTrayIcon->hide() and will be reused later on QSystemTrayIcon->show()
    void KDEPlatformSystemTrayIcon::updateMenu(QPlatformMenu *menu)
        if (SystemTrayMenu *ourMenu = qobject_cast<SystemTrayMenu*>(menu)) {
  About you patch: I understand your idea, but it changes API contract and is 
not backward-compatible. Current documentation says:
  > The KStatusNotifierItem instance takes ownership of the menu, and will 
delete it upon its destruction.
  This is quite clear, I want to be really careful here - I don't want to be 
blamed for memory leaks :) I think that we need to keep:
  > d->menu->setParent(nullptr);
  in setContextMenu.
  Then, to prevent menu deletion, developer needs to explicitly retake 
ownership, for example:
    QMenu *menu = ourMenu->menu()
    QWidget *parent = menu->parent();
  The problem is that SystemTrayMenu->menu() has no parent and there is no 
QWidget to use...

  R289 KNotifications


To: kmaterka, #frameworks, davidedmundson, broulik, nicolasfella
Cc: anthonyfieroni, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, 

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