Le 05/04/16 02:11, Julian Hyde a écrit :
> The semantic versioning site[1] has some examples of what is appropriate, and 
> gives '1.0.0-alpha.1’ as an example of a ‘pre-release version’. In this 
> scheme, Kerby’s releases would be ‘1.0.0-M.1’ and ‘1.0.0-M.2’.

We don't follow that kind of semantic.
> I think ‘M’ would be fine, although I still think that ‘beta’ is clearer, 
> because I wouldn’t be sure what ‘M’ stood for. The only thing to avoid would 
> be ‘RC’ since in the Apache world, a release candidate is NOT a release.
In the Apache world, a release is only some package that has a version
and has been voted, period. Using alpha, RC or M is orthogonal and just
a matter of taste.

Now, that the name is not something you are used to, or like, I can
understand. The project can discuss a change after 1.0.0, this is a no

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