Did anybody consider putting the field name templates / alias / mapping things 
into some project or workspace file which can be individually set and loaded 
based on the user's workflow/preference?
I strongly prefer to have any configuration space like "custom" field names not 
in the schematics unless it's actively put there.

Personal note again:
"Distr", "Distr P/N", "Mfgr", "Mfgr P/N", "Specifications" are not what I would 
prefer to place in the libs/schematics/layouts.

Just for information, I have only the mandatory "attibutes" tied into the EDA 
systems as they are needed/created there:
partname, pcbdecal, ref, value, posx, posy, height, rotation, layer 
(top/bottom/inner{n}), smt (Technology SMT/THT), asy (assembled in assembly 
variant(s) x,y), coat (conformal coated), ...
"partname" is an index into a database. refs are usually unique, except in 
multi-pcb projects or multi-channel designs.

All manufacturer / distributor / procurement / warehouse / life-cycle / 
assembly house annotations / whatever information is retrieved from a database 
with a simple (SLQ-) query like:
SELECT partname, mfg, dist, price, stockqty, stockplace, ... FROM schematics, 
database WHERE schematics.partname=database.partname ... 

Divide and conquer,


On 2018-05-29 22:06, Jeff Young wrote:
> Field Name Templates is even better as it’s harder to parse wrong.  
> DefaultField Names vs. Default FieldNames suggest different things, while 
> FieldName Templates and Field NameTemplates have pretty much the same 
> connotation.
> I think we need to remove the values for 5.0, though.  Plus, it will fix the 
> “silent” side-effect as a bonus.  Then anything we do in 6.0 can be 
> considered new features.
>> On 29 May 2018, at 20:55, Wayne Stambaugh <stambau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/29/2018 3:16 PM, Jeff Young wrote:
>>> And one more idea: “Default Field Names” would also be a reasonable thing 
>>> to call these (so it’s clear that the /name/ is a default, not the /field/).
>> Would that be "Field Name Templates"?
>>>> On 29 May 2018, at 19:56, Jeff Young <j...@rokeby.ie> wrote:
>>>> Another way to fix the side-effect issue:
>>>> 1) Go with the seed field model (we can name them "template fields”).
>> This is my preference.  I would stick with the "template" nomenclature.
>> I think "seed" would be tricky to translate although I could be wrong
>> about that.
>>>> 2) Don’t allow setting values for template fields.  If you open the Symbol 
>>>> Properties dialog the names will appear in the field list, but without 
>>>> values.  If you want to add a value then the field is now part of your 
>>>> symbol.  No “silent” adding.  
>> I'm OK with have field values as long as they are not added "silently"
>> to the either the schematic or the netlist output.  I recommend that we
>> revert to the previous behavior for the v5 release (at least it is a
>> known in spite of it's flaws) and reset the associated bug report
>> status.  Then make the following changes early in v6 development for a
>> v5 point release:
>> Remove the "silent" add template fields behavior from the symbol
>> properties dialog.
>> Add a button to the symbol properties dialog to add the template fields
>> to the symbol.
>> Add an option in the template field option panel to add the template
>> fields to symbols as they are added to the schematic.
>> Add a menu command and possibly a toolbar button to add the template
>> fields to all symbols in the schematic.
>> Any adding of template fields assumes that any duplicate existing symbol
>> fields will not be overwritten.
>> During v6 development, I would like to see the storage of the template
>> fields moved from the Eeschema config file to the default project file.
>> This would allow users to define project specific template fields.  I
>> could see this being useful for consultants who lay out boards for
>> multiple customers with differing BOM requirements.
>>>> The internal struct name (TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME) suggests this might have 
>>>> been the intention at some point.
>>>> This walks a fine line on the string freeze.  We need to change the dialog 
>>>> to Template Fields, but as they were named that earlier the translation 
>>>> keys might already be in the dictionaries.
>> It's possible the old template strings are still around in the
>> translation files but I suspect not.
>>>>> On 29 May 2018, at 19:38, Jeff Young <j...@rokeby.ie> wrote:
>>>>> We really must choose a model.  What we have is broken under either model.
>>>>> If they’re “default” fields, then they need to be there by default.  
>>>>> That’s what “default” means.  I understand this isn’t the model you have 
>>>>> in mind.
>>>>> The alternative is “seed” (or “template”) fields.  In this model they 
>>>>> must be added by the user.  But that’s NOT what the code does (either 
>>>>> before or after the recent change).  If you edit a symbol they are 
>>>>> *silently* added (as if they were default fields).  If you understand the 
>>>>> model to be seed fields, and all you did was change the symbol 
>>>>> orientation, having the seed fields added will be VERY surprising.
>>>>> This is why I suggested earlier that if we want to treat them as seed 
>>>>> fields then we need a button in the Symbol Properties dialog to add the 
>>>>> fields.  That way it’s clear to everyone what is happening.
>>>>>> On 29 May 2018, at 16:30, Wayne Stambaugh <stambau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I figured out what is going on here.  There are two distinct issues at 
>>>>>> play.
>>>>>> It appears that all of the python BOM generation scripts[1] are adding
>>>>>> non-mandatory fields even if the fields do not exist in the the generic
>>>>>> (XML) netlist file.  These should be fixed.  I have no idea how much
>>>>>> work this will be but a quick scan would suggest that it wouldn't be too
>>>>>> difficult.  I suspect these were provided as examples to create your own
>>>>>> scripts.  Used as is, they will add extra empty field columns to the
>>>>>> BOM.  BOMs generated with xsltproc do not exhibit this issue so the as
>>>>>> long as the default field does not have a value associated with it, the
>>>>>> generic netlist file does not contain any unexpected field information.
>>>>>> However, if a default field contains a value then it is added to the
>>>>>> default netlist even if none of the symbols contain said field.  This is
>>>>>> where I take exception.  The generic netlist file should only contain
>>>>>> fields that are defined in the symbols.  The assumption that the netlist
>>>>>> should contain default fields if the are not empty is broken.  This will
>>>>>> lead to corrupted BOMs for existing projects which is not acceptable.
>>>>>> This change needs to be reverted.  I know that it was done to fix a bug
>>>>>> report but this is not an acceptable solution for the bug.  We can push
>>>>>> that bug fix off until the first v5 point release or v6 because it will
>>>>>> require a feature change to fix.
>>>>>> [1]: https://git.launchpad.net/kicad/tree/eeschema/plugins/python_scripts
>>>>>> On 5/29/2018 10:12 AM, Jeff Young wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Reece,
>>>>>>> Was that generated with a recent build?  Earlier versions of 5.0
>>>>>>> certainly had that bug, but I’m pretty sure it’s been fixed.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Jeff.
>>>>>>>> On 29 May 2018, at 13:54, Reece R. Pollack <re...@his.com
>>>>>>>> <mailto:re...@his.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 05/29/18 08:27, Jeff Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Comments inline:
>>>>>>>>>> On 28 May 2018, at 17:28, Reece R. Pollack <re...@his.com
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:re...@his.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I believe you owe me 2c. We can discuss 2c in which currency later. 
>>>>>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>>>>>> I have five custom default fields defined:
>>>>>>>>>> - Mfgr
>>>>>>>>>> - Mfgr P/N
>>>>>>>>>> - Dist
>>>>>>>>>> - Dist P/N
>>>>>>>>>> - Specifications
>>>>>>>>> None of these have any default values that make any sense, so I
>>>>>>>>> assume they’re all just names with empty values, right?
>>>>>>>> Yes, all of these are empty by default, though I typically order from
>>>>>>>> DigiKey so I could have set that one. I added them as "Default Fields"
>>>>>>>> so that all components would have the same fields, and I wouldn't have
>>>>>>>> to depend on adding the field names by hand.
>>>>>>>>>> The first two give the manufacturer's name and part number; the
>>>>>>>>>> second two give the distributor's name and part number; the third is
>>>>>>>>>> a catch-all for specs that are important for ordering but aren't
>>>>>>>>>> worth cluttering the schematic with.
>>>>>>>>>> My biggest issue with the current Default Fields is that I didn't
>>>>>>>>>> start my current project with them, so using the field edit
>>>>>>>>>> spreadsheet-like thingie often results in lots of noise in my
>>>>>>>>>> commits as the empty default fields get added to components.
>>>>>>>>> If it’s adding empty default fields then it’s a bug.  It should only
>>>>>>>>> add them if they have non-empty values.
>>>>>>>> Then you have a bug. Here's a small excerpt from a Git diff where a
>>>>>>>> lot of components had empty fields added. None of these components
>>>>>>>> were added in this revision; I was simply setting part numbers for
>>>>>>>> /other/ components using the field editor spreadsheet thingie:
>>>>>>>> diff --git a/Recreation/P170-DH/pcb/P170-DH
>>>>>>>> Replacement/ExternalInterface.sch b/Recreation/P170-DH/pcb/P170-DH
>>>>>>>> Replacement/ExternalInterface.sch
>>>>>>>> index 37482ee..e2aea43 100644
>>>>>>>> --- a/Recreation/P170-DH/pcb/P170-DH Replacement/ExternalInterface.sch 
>>>>>>>> +++ b/Recreation/P170-DH/pcb/P170-DH Replacement/ExternalInterface.sch 
>>>>>>>> @@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ F 0 "U12" H 3900 2215 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 1 "74LVC1T45" H 3900 2124 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6" H 3900 1850 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 3 "http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74lvc1t45.pdf"; H 3900 1850
>>>>>>>> 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> +F 4 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr"
>>>>>>>> +F 5 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 6 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr"
>>>>>>>> +F 7 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 8 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Specifications"
>>>>>>>>      1    3900 1850
>>>>>>>>      1    0    0    -1 
>>>>>>>> $EndComp
>>>>>>>> @@ -33,6 +38,11 @@ F 0 "U13" H 3900 3415 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 1 "74LVC1T45" H 3900 3324 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6" H 3900 3050 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 3 "http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74lvc1t45.pdf"; H 3900 3050
>>>>>>>> 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> +F 4 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr"
>>>>>>>> +F 5 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 6 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr"
>>>>>>>> +F 7 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 8 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Specifications"
>>>>>>>>      1    3900 3050
>>>>>>>>      1    0    0    -1 
>>>>>>>> $EndComp
>>>>>>>> @@ -66,6 +86,11 @@ F 0 "J5" H 7719 1375 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 1 "Conn_01x06" H 7719 1466 50  0000 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H
>>>>>>>> 7800 1900 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 3 "~" H 7800 1900 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> +F 4 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr"
>>>>>>>> +F 5 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 6 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr"
>>>>>>>> +F 7 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 8 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Specifications"
>>>>>>>>      1    7800 1900
>>>>>>>>      1    0    0    -1 
>>>>>>>> $EndComp
>>>>>>>> @@ -209,6 +234,7 @@ F 4 "CTS" H 3900 7100 50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr"
>>>>>>>> F 5 "218-4LPST" H 3900 7100 50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr P/N"
>>>>>>>> F 6 "DigiKey" H 3900 7100 50  0001 C CNN "Distr"
>>>>>>>> F 7 "CT2184LPST-ND" H 3900 7100 50  0001 C CNN "Distr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 8 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Specifications"
>>>>>>>>      1    3900 7100
>>>>>>>>      1    0    0    -1 
>>>>>>>> $EndComp
>>>>>>>> @@ -321,6 +347,11 @@ F 0 "R127" H 4509 5746 50  0000 L CNN
>>>>>>>> F 1 "100K" H 4509 5655 50  0000 L CNN
>>>>>>>> F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric" H 4450 5700 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> F 3 "~" H 4450 5700 50  0001 C CNN
>>>>>>>> +F 4 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr"
>>>>>>>> +F 5 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Distr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 6 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr"
>>>>>>>> +F 7 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Mfgr P/N"
>>>>>>>> +F 8 "" H 0   0   50  0001 C CNN "Specifications"
>>>>>>>>      1    4450 5700
>>>>>>>>      1    0    0    -1 
>>>>>>>> $EndComp
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Jeff.
>>>>>>>>>> I was originally against adding such defined fields, as I expect it
>>>>>>>>>> will add fields to components that will potentially conflict with
>>>>>>>>>> those created by current users. However, if it doesn't do that, and
>>>>>>>>>> has the support from parts distributors, I guess I could live with 
>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>> On 05/22/18 10:56, Fabrizio Tappero wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to contribute with my 2c. 
>>>>>>>>>>> I completely agree with Kristoffer, there is a need for a "MPN"
>>>>>>>>>>> field hard coded exactly as "Value" field is hard coded in Kicad.
>>>>>>>>>>> As Wayne mentions the current "Preferences - General Options -
>>>>>>>>>>> Default Fields" is not a bad option to add a "MPN" field. This is
>>>>>>>>>>> what I do and this is what all my PCB colleges at work do. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Above solution will however not help the majority to do the same. I
>>>>>>>>>>> would actually bet 2c that nearly nobody uses the Default Fields
>>>>>>>>>>> feature (most of the people probably do it component by component).
>>>>>>>>>>> And this makes it a not so useful feature.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kicost is a god-made tool and for sure Dave will soon add MPN as a
>>>>>>>>>>> default field in Kicad.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>> Fabrizio
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 3:41 PM, kristoffer ödmark
>>>>>>>>>>> <kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> My updated patch forgot to add the files before doing the --amend.
>>>>>>>>>>> So it only updated the commit message. Here is the real file
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 2018-05-22 at 07:52 -0500, Ben Hest wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> From a Digi-Key KiCad library standpoint, as we're still in
>>>>>>>>>>> beta, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>> gladly change the fields to whatever would be decided. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Uniformity
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins use would definitely be an advantage.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ben
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 5:38 AM kristoffer ödmark <
>>>>>>>>>>>> kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! This is exactly what i was going for, non-intrusive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> oppurtunity
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for uniformity!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tested the bom2csv plugin, It did not include the empty
>>>>>>>>>>> fields.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also tested the bom_csv_sorted_by_ref, it did not include the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty
>>>>>>>>>>>>> values, but it included some values I had not specified,
>>>>>>>>>>> such as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturer and Vendor even if they were not provided in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> schematic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Kristoffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 2018-05-22 at 11:05 +0100, Jeff Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I like this new patch.  It provides the
>>>>>>>>>>> /opportunity/ for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uniformity, without getting in the way of those who want
>>>>>>>>>>> to go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do the BOM generators automatically output all default
>>>>>>>>>>> fields or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those with values?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 22 May 2018, at 09:22, kristoffer ödmark
>>>>>>>>>>> <kristofferodmark90
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @gma
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> il.com <http://il.com/>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please disregard my previous mail, it got mangled badly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not look like that in my editor at least.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2018-05-21 at 18:22 -0400, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eeschema already supports creating default optional
>>>>>>>>>>> fields in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration settings dialog.  Used correctly, these
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same optional field names for every project without
>>>>>>>>>>> having to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by hand to each symbol and possibly typing in
>>>>>>>>>>> different field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> names
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accident.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Different users will still type in different field
>>>>>>>>>>> names for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things though. What you describe works as long as there
>>>>>>>>>>> is only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person in the entire projects lifetime, using only one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The proposed patch would intermingle the default fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing schematic symbol fields which would break
>>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOMs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't think users will appreciate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The proposed patch will only change default settings,
>>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a config already in place will not be affected. I
>>>>>>>>>>> realised
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the fields now accept empty values as well, so existing
>>>>>>>>>>> boms on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installations will not be affected either. I updated
>>>>>>>>>>> the patch,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will not affect anyone that doesnt use the fields.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...] As I've stated before, I can set 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different designers down and I will get 10 different
>>>>>>>>>>> sets of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field names.  This really seems like me to be a
>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is the problems I want to address, because those 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> designers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by experience also spell the same field in 10 different
>>>>>>>>>>> ways.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Making
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their fields incompatable. MPN, MFPN, #mfg, ManufPart,
>>>>>>>>>>> etc etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those 10 designers remove the fields they do not want
>>>>>>>>>>> instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only possible solution that I would accept is to
>>>>>>>>>>> move the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field definitions from the eeschema configuration
>>>>>>>>>>> file into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kicad project file.  This way existing projects would
>>>>>>>>>>> not be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> polluted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the proposed default fields and users could
>>>>>>>>>>> define their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default fields in a custom project file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Default fields does not pollute if they are empty, they
>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hint of what data could be put into the schematic, same
>>>>>>>>>>> as with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datasheet field, which is not often used. Funny how
>>>>>>>>>>> noone ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complains about that one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A more flexible solution would be to add a "File->New
>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Custom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Template" command to KiCad to allow the user to
>>>>>>>>>>> select any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project file.  This would allow for multiple custom
>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of forcing the user to use only a single default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As long as the "File->New Project" would include the
>>>>>>>>>>> additional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then people can use "New from Custom Template"
>>>>>>>>>>> means they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> template that is empty. Otherwise it would defeat the
>>>>>>>>>>> purpose.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposing a slightly different default configuration,
>>>>>>>>>>> not any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how people will use the software.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wayne
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/20/2018 06:27 PM, Andrey Kuznetsov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree, I had the same issue when I was doing my
>>>>>>>>>>> board, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field for all components, and I had to manually add
>>>>>>>>>>> it for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> item,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there was no way to add this field to all
>>>>>>>>>>> components at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to have it add by default from the addition of a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sheet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which reminds me, Cadence Designer has tools to
>>>>>>>>>>> manipulate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large scale, whether to add, delete, show, hide,
>>>>>>>>>>> etc, this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that would be nice to have in KiCAD, either that or
>>>>>>>>>>> a table
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> components for the sheet or schematic and columns
>>>>>>>>>>> for each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ability to show/hide each cell individually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think the ultimate goal is to make the Symbol
>>>>>>>>>>> Table more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useful,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that'll take to long for v5 so if Kristoffer's
>>>>>>>>>>> patch allows
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to add fields to all components or similar, I'd say
>>>>>>>>>>> do it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be pissed and waste their time doing it for every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their schematic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 3:01 PM, kristoffer Ödmark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmark90@gm <mailto:kristofferodmark90@gm>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ail.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I obvviously disagree, the correct solution
>>>>>>>>>>> would be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  This does not hinder that, its not even the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  The problem is for everyone who want for example the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Part Number will have to define a fieldname,
>>>>>>>>>>> which every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  results in them abbreviating it to something
>>>>>>>>>>> different.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nobody
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  can work with Manufacturer Part Numbers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Here is something similar, Imagine all of the
>>>>>>>>>>> colours in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kicad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  all of the layers where white by default. Have fun
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defining
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  colours yourself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Maybe you want to define them yourself, nobody is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stopping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  either, just get cracking.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  How easy would it be for you to look at the board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  later and understand what is what? Maybe for
>>>>>>>>>>> some that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  solution, but for me that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  would be an extreme example of bad default values.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  This is how the default fields are now, they are
>>>>>>>>>>> white,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  see-throught, which makes life harder for anyone
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  wants to contribute or create tools that
>>>>>>>>>>> interact with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kicad,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I previously said, this is only a default, you
>>>>>>>>>>> are still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  equally able to add/remove or change the fields
>>>>>>>>>>> how you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  But, tools like kibom or various other web-based
>>>>>>>>>>> tools
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  easier integrate to it, or at least support a
>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  So for the majority of users, who doesnt change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  the tool would just work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I will reiterate, I do not care what they are
>>>>>>>>>>> named, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  default field where I can put my manufacturer part
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amongs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  The specific abbreviation or name does not
>>>>>>>>>>> matter, If i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> care, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  manually add/remove my own fields *JUST AS I DO
>>>>>>>>>>> NOW*,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  who use it, it will be easier across projects,
>>>>>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  dont, It will not matter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Sane defaults matter. A lot actually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  - Kristoffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On 2018-05-20 23:40, José Ignacio wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      I dont like this, the right solution would be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      importing a default config into kicad for things
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      different groups will have different policies.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 3:31 PM, Kristoffer
>>>>>>>>>>> Ödmark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          The patch should only affect first startup,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          will be saved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          On May 20, 2018 22:18, "Seth Hillbrand"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <seth.hillbr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:seth.hillbr...@gmail.com> <mailto:seth.hillbrand@gma
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:seth.hillbrand@gma>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> il.c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> om>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          <mailto:seth.hillbr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:seth.hillbr...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:seth.hillbr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:seth.hillbr...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Hi Kristoffer-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              This feels like a management issue
>>>>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              If the user doesn't want any extra
>>>>>>>>>>> fields,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              patch allow that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              -S
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              Am So., 20. Mai 2018 um 13:00 Uhr
>>>>>>>>>>> schrieb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kristoffer Ödmark
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:kristofferodmar...@gmail.com>>>>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  Hello!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  I will open this can of worms
>>>>>>>>>>> again, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  to. So from what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  I gather we have proffessionals
>>>>>>>>>>> as the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      Kicad.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  The reason I will open this
>>>>>>>>>>> issue again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      feel we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  collaboration issue, maybe not a
>>>>>>>>>>> mayor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  nonetheless.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  We really need more default
>>>>>>>>>>> fields for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> schematic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  symbols. Im not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  proposing required fields, I am
>>>>>>>>>>> *ONLY*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposing that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  there should be default fields added
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  fields settings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  tab. I am not proposing they
>>>>>>>>>>> need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  libraries, nor that people need
>>>>>>>>>>> to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  they need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  exist with a fresh install of
>>>>>>>>>>> kicad so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      problems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  such as theese do not happen:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       - Collaborators working on
>>>>>>>>>>> the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      will not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  create
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  duplicate fields in libs/projects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  thing by mistake
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       - Projects that aim to
>>>>>>>>>>> interact or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kicad can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  assume that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  Fields will exist, and will know
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name/tag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      look for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                         (bom exporters, price
>>>>>>>>>>> checkers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MacroFab, etc)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       - Open source projects will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      collaborate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  read and order
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  The reason I think it is better
>>>>>>>>>>> to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  default than the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  current solution to add them is
>>>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> majority
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      will use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  what exists, and tools can
>>>>>>>>>>> support it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  beginning, people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  with inhouse tools seems to dislike
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      map their
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  parts with an inhouse number -
>>>>>>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  information about the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  part there. From what I gather,
>>>>>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      majority, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  these persons still modify the
>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> settings.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  I spent maybe 30-40 mins
>>>>>>>>>>> checking the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with kicad"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  projects, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  found that the most common
>>>>>>>>>>> addition to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> libs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      schematics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       - Manufacturers part
>>>>>>>>>>> number, these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      widely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  different in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  projects, (BOM, MP, MPN, #mfg, or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> syntaxes in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  the Value field )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                           I even saw a mix of
>>>>>>>>>>> these in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  once, along with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  some people having the vendor id
>>>>>>>>>>> only.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       - Manufacturer ( found some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> languages
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      though )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  more uncommon things was, Tolerance(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10%,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20pps),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      Ratings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  ( 1/4W, 85C,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  16V ), Vendor information and
>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      Descriptions. They
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  were named
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  and abbreviated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  very differently accross projects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  What I would like to see is these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> additional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  default, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  hidden from the schematic unless
>>>>>>>>>>> changed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Tolerance ( used for setting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tolerances
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      resistors,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  capacitors,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  oscillators, etc )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       MaxRating ( field were one can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> max
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Voltage,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  Ampere,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  Frequency, or whatever the component
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Manufacturer ( For inhouse
>>>>>>>>>>> numbers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      either
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  just remove
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  it, or use the company/group name )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       MPN ( Maybe PartNumber could be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  who use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  inhouse numbers use it aswell, I
>>>>>>>>>>> dont
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> care
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      what its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  called, as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  long as its called something )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Vendor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Notes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  I would be all up for extra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> additions/removals,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  would prefer if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  the naming is not discussed, but
>>>>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  decided/agreed upon by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  someone in the lead team.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  The very least I think should be
>>>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  previous is to much are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Tolerance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       Manufacturer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                       MPN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  I attach a patch for the minimal
>>>>>>>>>>> set,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tested
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> linux by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  removing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  .config/kicad/eeschema file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  - Kristoffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  ps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                  Some github files i reviewed,
>>>>>>>>>>> not all:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/b
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/b>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lob/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ter/MCP3002-I_SN.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blob
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ma
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ster/MCP3002-I_SN.lib>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blob
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ma
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ster/MCP3002-I_SN.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/AnaviTechnology/anavi-gardening/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blob
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ma
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ster/MCP3002-I_SN.lib>>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Blix
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Blix>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ten%
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20L
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ED%20Device/Blixten.sch
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xten
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LED%20Device/Blixten.sch>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xten
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LED%20Device/Blixten.sch
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jonpe960/blixten/blob/master/Bli>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xten
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LED%20Device/Blixten.sch>>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/master
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/master>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pcb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> design/IGBT_board-cache.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/pc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b%2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0design/IGBT_board-cache.lib>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/pc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b%2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0design/IGBT_board-cache.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/paltatech/half-bridge/blob/maste>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/pc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b%2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0design/IGBT_board-cache.lib>>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sch
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sch>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _sm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h/ca
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p_s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> md.lib>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h/ca
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p_s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> md.lib
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/pluggee/KiCADLibs/blob/master/sc>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h/ca
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p_sm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d.lib>>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schemat
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schemat>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ic_p
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cb/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> electronic_design_kicad/electronic_design_kicad.sch
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tic_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pcb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /electronic_design_kicad/electronic_design_kicad.sch>
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tic_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pcb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /electronic_design_kicad/electronic_design_kicad.sch
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jim17/memtype/blob/master/schema>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tic_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pcb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /electronic_design_kicad/electronic_design_kicad.sch>>
>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ____
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ___
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remember The Past, Live The Present, Change The Future
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Those who look only to the past or the present are
>>>>>>>>>>> certain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> miss
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> future [JFK]
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Live Long and Prosper,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrey
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