Agreed that's the problem with warnings... as you say it's the same with
the compiler errors some systems generate. I must admit that once or
twice I've given up on some software due to it generating so many
warnings that I simply could not be bother to sift through the error file
to find the real problem.

The visual indication of a user pin is a good idea, I suppose the obvious
choice would be colour and / or shape. Colour is not over used in
eeschema so I think I would lean more to than than shape.


On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 08:51:34 -0700
Werner Almesberger <> wrote:

> Andy Eskelson wrote:
> > Warnings are just that, a warning it's up to the user to heed or ignore.
> What I mean is that it's easy to miss warnings if your system always
> generates some. You're much less likely to miss a warning if your
> system normally doesn't complain. This applies also to compilation,
> Web browsing, etc.
> Likewise, if you disable an entire class of diagostics, you may
> easily miss new problems.
> > Exception lists... sorry to say this but that's clumsy, long winded,
> > and not obvious to the untrained eye.
> It tells you if it has hidden any exceptions.
> > projects and I can see it's use (I do hope you have suggested that the
> > error output of the ERC is usable as an input) .
> The current ERC format would be very hard to use for this, since it
> doesn't include the full information. Also, you probably don't want
> to just make all problems disappear too often, but instead examine
> every one of them carefully. Those warnings are there to help you,
> not to add more bureaucracy to your life ;-))
> > For most uses I think
> > that the addition of some "user" pin types would solve many of these
> > problems. Assigned on a per-project basis, and you simply tag an existing
> > pin with a user type and then specify what it connects to. a user pin
> > connection would over-rule the standard ERC 
> Yes, pin type overrides could be used to solve this problem as well,
> and they could help with some other issues as well - including making
> the constraints even tighter.
> If someone implements pin type overrides, I think there should also
> be some visual indication that such an override is in effect, or it
> will get very hard to review such schematics.
> - Werner
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