That's no strawman, that's a genuine questionning.

You talk inclusivity, I'm all for it, but can we walk the talk now? 'They' is a bigger barrier to entry than 'he' for non-English readers/coders. But hey, what do I know, what is my perspective here? The stated initiative is good: the majority of users are female, the code is male-centric, can we be progressive, inclusive... But 'they' sucks. As I said, why not use "she" ?

I don't send formating and commenting patches, the QA team having quite enough on its plate already.

Philippe Blouin,
Responsable du développement informatique

Tél.  : (888) 604-2627 <>

inLibro | pour esprit libre | <>
On 04/19/2017 03:20 PM, Chris Cormack wrote:
Of course we won't fail patches, thanks for the strawman. We can easily fix them instead. In fact I volunteer to do that.

You're welcome to fix grammar too, send some patches.

And of course you can vote -1 you just did. I certainly noticed it.


On 20 April 2017 7:16:22 AM NZST, Philippe Blouin <> wrote:

    My mistake, I hadn't read the original bugzilla. :-(

    Well, can I -1 this or only +1 are politically acceptable? Since
    this is politic, really.  Could you amend the ticket to also
    rewrite all the comments to some acceptable level of English, to
    start with?  Syntax, grammar, conjugation...

    Call me obtuse, but 'they' can be quite offputting in the middle
    of a sentence.  I've read some short novels with that usage (used
    as an androgynous pronoun).  To someone whose first language is
    not English, that can be quite disconcerting on first and second

    The ticket also refers to someone having written "it" for a person
    in some comment.  Well, that's the type of things that occurs in a
    software partly written by French (I'm not pointing), Indians and
    Finns...  You want to set a rule forcing them to use proper
    English, you'll fail their patches because of it, in the name of
    inclusivity???  That's productive...

    Frankly, a much better "rule" should have been to write all
    comments using the _female_ form.  Clear and concise. But I don't
    believe that was the aim of the ticket...

    Philippe Blouin,
    Responsable du développement informatique

    Tél.  : (888) 604-2627 <>

    inLibro | pour esprit libre |
    On 04/19/2017 02:18 PM, Jonathan Druart wrote:
    The patches only affect code comments so no translation needed.

    On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 at 15:12 Philippe Blouin
    <>> wrote:

        How many of "these" are there to change?  Not that the work
        itself will be massive, but putting a 'they' in the middle of
        a sentence does not make it easy to translate intuitively, I
        would think. If it's a consideration (it is for non-English
        users, at least).

        Philippe Blouin,
        Responsable du développement informatique

        Tél.  : (888) 604-2627 <>

        inLibro | pour esprit libre |
        On 04/19/2017 01:16 PM, Jonathan Druart wrote:
        The next step would be to provide a check to our QA tests to
        make sure we will not introduce future occurrences.
        I am pretty sure they will not be caught manually by QAers.

        On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 at 13:56 Eric Phetteplace
        < <>> wrote:

            Hi Paul,

            English has a singular "they". It doesn't suggest
            androgyny, either, from the definitions I've seen. For
            instance, Oxford English Dictionary:

            2. In anaphoric reference to a singular noun or pronoun
            of undetermined gender: he or she.

            The first usage example OED provides is from 1375. I
            don't think replacing "he" with "she" addresses the
            problem, it's still assuming a default gender. It's not
            too much tricker to search code for he/him & replace
            with they/them but that's also just an implementation
            issue, not a policy one.

            It sounds like people are otherwise supportive but I'm
            not sure what the next step should be.

            Eric Phetteplace
            Systems Librarian
            California College of the Arts
   <> |

            On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Paul A
            <>> wrote:

                On 2017-04-18 08:25 PM, Eric Phetteplace wrote:

                    Hi list,

                    I opened bug



                "Kid growing and become a juvenile, he should pay "


                "Kid growing and become a juvenile, they should pay "

                Political correctness has never been my strong point
                (although I try to understand it), but I'm
                proficient in grammatical rigour. [1]

                "Kid" is a singular noun, "a" is a singular article
                -- "they" is a plural pronoun. Perhaps replace
                "they" with "[s]he"? or "Kids growing and becoming
                juveniles, they should pay"?

                From a code maintenance p.o.v., it's easier to find
                and replace 'he' with '[s]he' if really this becomes
                a priority for Koha.

                Best -- Paul

                [1] I am aware of the so-called "singular third
                person epicene 'they'", but academically object to
                it -- it often suggests androgyny rather than gender

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