On 20 April 2017 at 07:48, Philippe Blouin <philippe.blo...@inlibro.com> wrote:
> That's no strawman, that's a genuine questionning.
> You talk inclusivity, I'm all for it, but can we walk the talk now?  'They'
> is a bigger barrier to entry than 'he' for non-English readers/coders.  But
> hey, what do I know, what is my perspective here?  The stated initiative is
> good: the majority of users are female, the code is male-centric, can we be
> progressive, inclusive...  But 'they' sucks.  As I said, why not use "she" ?

Interestingly enough, my first language Māori has no gendered pronouns at all.
All of them are non gendered. So they is much easier to understand for me.

Anei tōnā ngeru
Here is their cat.

There's your useless trivia for the day. Not all non english speakers
have gendered pronouns either :)

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