>>> I am having a lot of problems getting Koka (version 3.14.08) up and running…

Alas, nor am I able to successfully use bulkmarcimport.pl.

I su to the user koha. I set two environment variables:

  * export KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
  * export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/koha/lib

I then run bulkmarcimport:

  $ bulkmarcimport.pl -file /tmp/pamphlets.marc

And for each record in pamphlets.marc I get the following error:

  .DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Field 'marcxml' doesn't have a
  default value at /usr/local/koha/lib/C4/Biblio.pm line 3222,
  <GEN15> line 1465.
  ERROR in _koha_add_biblioitem INSERT INTO biblioitems SET
          biblionumber    = ?,
          volume          = ?,
          number          = ?,
          itemtype        = ?,
          isbn            = ?,
          issn            = ?,
          publicationyear = ?,
          publishercode   = ?,
          volumedate      = ?,
          volumedesc      = ?,
          collectiontitle = ?,
          collectionissn  = ?,
          collectionvolume= ?,
          editionstatement= ?,
          editionresponsibility = ?,
          illus           = ?,
          pages           = ?,
          notes           = ?,
          size            = ?,
          place           = ?,
          lccn            = ?,
          marc            = ?,
          url             = ?,
          cn_source       = ?,
          cn_class        = ?,
          cn_item         = ?,
          cn_suffix       = ?,
          cn_sort         = ?,
          totalissues     = ?,
          ean             = ?,
          agerestriction  = ?
          Field 'marcxml' doesn't have a default value at
          /usr/local/koha/lib/C4/Biblio.pm line 3236, <GEN15> line 1465.

I’m getting tired. 

Eric Lease Morgan

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