On Jul 5, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Eric Lease Morgan <eric_mor...@infomotions.com> 

>> I recommend that you downgrade to MySQL 5.5, or better install on top of 
>> Ubuntu LTS/Debian Wheeze. I recommend Ubuntu 12.04 Server. And follow the 
>> official instructions [2].
>> [1] 
>> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html
>> [2] http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages
> Alas, I can not afford to downgrade MySQL nor find an additional operating 
> system. Instead, I have installed Koha version 3.16.01 on a machine with 
> MySQL 5.1. Tomorrow I will dump the initialized database and import it into 
> MySQL on a different machine where I plan to run Koha for “real". Wish me 
> luck. I’m making progress.

Four steps forward and three steps back.

I installed Koha 3.16.01 on a different host. I dumped the database. I 
installed Koha 3.16.01 on yet a different host, sans database initialization. 
Then, my hand, I populated my koha database with the database dump from the 
first host. After doing this I was able to add patrons, namely, myself. There 
were no weird errors. All of this was four steps forward. Then I:

  1. used the Z39.50 interface to add some bibliographic records. I searched 
the Library of Congress for books on origami. I got a list. I tried to add one 
to my catalog. After filling out a number of fields I said go, but it did not 
save. I forget what the error was. I tried other searches, and no matter what I 
searched for I got no results. It seemingly broke. One step backwards.

  2. tried to stage some records. Import. See all 1,400 of them. I cleaned 
them. I try to import the staged records and get "No data available in table”. 
A second step backwards.

  3. su’ed to the koha user. I set my environment variables. I ran 
bulkimport.pl and I got the same errors as before. ".DBD::mysql::st execute 
failed: Field 'marcxml' doesn't have a default value at 
/usr/local/koha/lib/C4/Biblio.pm line 3222, <GEN15> line 1465. ERROR in 
_koha_add_biblioitem INSERT INTO biblioitems SET” Searches against my OPAC 
return Zebra error 109. I have no bibliographic data. A third step backward.

I’m running out of options. I will:

  1. try to repeat the above process but with version 3.14
  2. break down and use my “different host”


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