Hi Katrin,

I was finally able to get in and check this...

Lost item fee refund on return policy for Donald L. Pavlik Middle School

Specify the default policy for lost item fees on return.
Refund lost item fee
                           [#% Default branch %#]
                            [#% Branch-specific %#]

                                                       Use default (Yes)




The setting was set as (default)yes.

I have manually changed the setting for this library to "yes" (and saved).

I'll ask one of my circulation people to check and see if the refunds are
issued correctly.

Thank you for your assistance !


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Scott Owen <so...@edzone.net> wrote:

> Hi Katrin,
> I know that the patron and item are from the same branch.
> " rule on the circulation page" --- I'll check this out.
> Thank you !
> -S
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Katrin <katrin.fischer...@web.de> wrote:
>> Hi Scott
>> |RefundLostOnReturnControl is more granular now and works in combination
>> with a rule on the circulation page. Have you checked those? What are your
>> settings? Are patron and item from different branches?|
>> |Hope this helps,|
>> |Katrin
>> |
>> On 13.06.2017 14:04, Scott Owen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> One of my users is reporting :
>>> ***************************************************
>>> I noticed that a book that was marked lost, charged to a patrons account
>>> with the replacement cost, was not credited when the book was found.
>>> Steps:
>>> Marked book as lost, currently checked out to a patron.
>>> Patron paid the fine for the lost book
>>> Lost book was checked in, and was then supposed to credit the patron's
>>> account.
>>> **************************************************
>>> it seems that the proper credit is not being issues back to the patrons
>>> account.
>>> any ideas on this ???
>>> Koha version:
>>> Thanks
>>> -S
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