Reception given for Congolese delegation

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The Supreme People's Assembly of the
Democratic People's Republic of
Korea yesterday hosted a reception at the Mansudae Assembly Hall for the
delegation of the Transition National
Council of Congo on a visit to Korea.
    Invited to the reception were members of the delegation led by Justin
Koumba, president of the council.
    Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, and officials
concerned were present.

Talks between delegations of DPRK and Congo

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Talks between the delegations of the
Supreme People's Assembly of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Transition National Council
of Congo were held at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall yesterday.
    At the talks both sides informed each other of their countries'
situation and discussed the issue of developing
friendly and cooperative relations between the two parliaments and a series
of matters of common concern.
    Present there on the Korean side were Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the
Supreme People's Assembly, and
officials concerned and on the opposite side were members of the delegation
led by Justin Koumba, president of the
Transition National Council.

Homage paid to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Transition National
Council of Congo led by its
president Justin Koumba yesterday visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace
where the President Kim Il Sung is
preserved in state and paid homage to him.
    Present were Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly
of the DPRK, and officials
    The visitors paid homage to the statue of the President and made a bow
before him who lies in state.
    They looked round orders and medals he received from different
countries around the world and a train and a
car used by him during his on-site guidance and foreign tour and in the
last period of his life.
    Justin Koumba wrote in the visitor's book that Kim Il Sung eternally
lives in the hearts of all the people and
President Denis Sassou Nguesso and he believe the Korean people will
continue to hold fast to the cause achieved
by them at the cost of blood.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from President of TNCC

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from the president of the
Transition National Council of Congo on the occasion of his birth anniversary.
    It was handed sunday to Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, by Justin
Koumba, president of the Transition National Council of Congo, who is on a
visit to the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il's birthday to be celebrated abroad

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees were formed in
different countries to celebrate the
58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    They decided to conduct various events including meeting and book and
photo exhibition during the celebration
    In Nepal the leader of the Nepali Congress Party, who is ex-chairman of
the National Council, was elected
honorary chairman and the Minister of State for Local Development chairman
of the national preparatory committee.
    The former Minister of Public Health of Pakistan, the Sri Lankan
Minister of Professional Education and Rural
Industry and the chairman of the Finland-Korea Association were selected
chairmen of preparatory committees
inaugurated in their countries.
    In France, too, a preparatory committee for celebrating February 16 was
inaugurated with its chairman elected.

U.S. should be made to pay for blood shed by Koreans

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- At least 40 cases of monstrous
massacres committed by U.S. aggression
forces in different parts of South Korea during the last Korean War were
disclosed by the recently declassified
documents of the U.S. military and statements and testimonies made by U.S.
participants in the Korean War and
South Korean victims and witnesses.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces these massacres as
unprecedentedly hideous crimes
against humanity as they were an outright breach of the universally
recognized international treaties and wartime
regulations banning practices of targeting non-combatants.
    It continues:
    Those guilty should admit their crime and take responsibility for it.
    But, the U.S. attitude towards its massacres of South Korean civilians
during the Korean war is very insolent.
    It is playing a trick to evade its responsibility, absurdly asserting
that the DPRK is to blame for it. With no
gimmick can the U.S. shirk its responsibility.
    It should throw away the masks of "human rights champion" and an
"apostle of peace" and stand in the dock at
the human rights court and peace tribunal to face the judgement of history.
    As the U.S. committed massacres during the Korean War under the helmets
of "UN forces", the UN should
make a thorough-going probe into the massacres and punish those responsible
for them under the international law
and promptly dismantle the illegal "UN command" in South Korea.
    It is the DPRK's principled stand and unshakable will to fight against
the enemy to the last and make them pay
for the blood shed by the fellow countrymen. The U.S. is well advised to
properly know this and fulfil all its
commitments, including the immediate pullback of its forces from South Korea.

Basketball star Pak Chon Jong

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Pak Chon Jong, captain and no. 12 of
the DPRK basketball team Uroe, is
rightly claimed to be a national star, a leading scorer with bewildering
rapidity. At every contest, his stunning
performance gives delight to the spectators. He is 1.87 metres tall with a
sturdy build.
    Born of an ordinary worker at the Pyongyang Thermal Power Station he
was a basketball idol of his fellows
from his primary school days. His distinctive style of quick action earned
the admiration of his teachers and
schoolmates. His talent got on a polished sheen at Phyongchon district
sports school in Pyongyang. He participated
in scores of national senior-middle school contests where his lightning
play and accurate shooting caught the fancy
of basketball experts and players.
    Later he was taken on by the Korean People's Army April 25 Sports
Group, and his zeal of fortitude ran in the
upper stream.
    After his international debut at 18, he put in scores of international
occasions, showcasing his package of
high-jump and field-goal skills. As an upsetting powerhouse and
rim-rattling dunker, his haunting juice is a streak
three-point jumper. He is particularly quick at judgement and a deft hand
at coordination. His lightning onrush
through two or three feint maneuvers are both amazing and baffling. In
every game, he nets an average total of 30
    In his recent interview with reporters, he said, "My country has
brought me up as you see, and I'm only eager
to repay its favour with my excellent performance."

Korean people all out in economic construction

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The joint New Year editorial of the
newspapers of the Worker's Party of
Korea, the Korean People's Army and the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League
called on the people to uphold and
carry out the economic policy of the party in the same spirit as was
displayed by the ten party members of the
Rakwon Machine Plant.
    They were workers of the casting shop of the Rakwon Machine Plant in
Sinuiju, North Phyongan Province.
They were the loyalists of the times and patriots who made whatever the
party called on them to manufacture during
the Fatherland Liberation War and in the difficult period of postwar
rehabilitation and construction.
    In June, 1952 the President Kim Il Sung visited this plant (Rakwon
Machine Factory at that time) and guided a
general meeting of the party-cell of the casting shop, instilling
conviction of victory in the war into party members
and visualizing a vista for the postwar rehabilitation and construction.
    Even under the difficult conditions where power supply was cut, they
operated the cupola and produced molten
iron in the spirit of self-reliance, thus successfully ensuring the wartime
    After the war, they succeeded in making the large water pump, the first
of its kind in the country while
rehabilitating the factory on their own efforts and thus made a great
contribution to completing the south Phyongan
provincial irrigation set-ups.
    They produced the first excavator "Chollima" in a matter of 46 days
smashing conservatism, passivism and
mysticism about technique. This was followed by the manufacture of large
excavators, highly efficient deep-boring
machines and hydro-crane trucks and many other machines and equipment badly
needed for the economic
development of the country.
    Scores of years have passed since then. But their spirit still greatly
inspires all the working people.
    The economic situation in the country in recent years is more difficult
than that in the postwar period.
    A key to standing on our own feet and improving the standard of
people's living despite the imperialists'
encirclement is to uphold and implement the party's economic policy.
    All the working people are called upon to display to the full the same
spirit that was done by the ten party
members of Rakwon.
    All the people are all out in the drive to glorify this year, the WPK's
55th anniversary, with signal victory in the
crucible of greatly increased activity of chollima.
    Coal mines in Sunchon, Tokchon and Pukchang are fulfilling their daily
coal production quotas at more than
120 percent on an average as compared with those at the end of last year.
The Musan mine, the nation's leading
producer of iron concentrate, successfully carried out blasting of 100,000
cubic meters of earth.
    The Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway construction, the Kaechon-Lake Thaesong
Waterway project and other
major construction objects are making headway.

Pyongyang gold lane

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A modern gold lane is situated on the
bank of the River Taedong flowing
through Pyongyang.
    It is a good complex for the entertainment and promotion of health of
working people and students.
    It was opened in Juche 83 (1994) thanks to the policy of the Worker's
Party of Korea to provide people with
every condition for a happy, cultured life.
    The gold lane with its floor space of 14,300 square metres has a
basement and two floors.
    It houses 40 sets of computerized bowling facilities and has a seating
capacity of over 500.
    The bowling hall covers 6,630 square metres. It can host international
matches as it is well equipped with
service facilities such as amusement facilities, saunas, a restaurant and shop.
    Its basement has a parking place for over 100 cars.
    It boasts peculiar architectural beauty as it has three pyramid-like
roofs and it is largely covered with glass.
    It is always crowded with working people, school youth and children and
bowling fans.
    Thousands of people visited this place in the last more than ten days
of the month.

Birthday tables to many people from leader

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent a
birthday table to academician,
professor and doctor Pak Si Hyong on his 90th birthday. It was conveyed to
him on January 16, who is "Kim Il
Sung Prize" winner and labour hero.
    Kim Jong Il was so gracious as to send him birthday tables on his 70th
and 80th birthdays, too.
    Pak is a researcher of the faculty of history at Kim Il Sung University.
    He has devoted himself to scientific researches and the education of
the younger generation at the university and
the Academy of Social Sciences for more than 50 years.
    He is author of at least 30 textbooks and reference books, including
"Korean History of Ancient and Middle
Ages," "Korean History of Land System" (two volumes), "Monument To the
Mausoleum of King Kwanggaetho"
and "History of Palhae." He has trained scores of students as doctors and
    These birthday tables carrying the deep love and trust of Kim Jong Il
went not only to the old generation of the
Korean revolution but to young innovators, men and women of merit in the
capital and remote mountainous
villages, macrobians and other ordinary people.
    Last year alone hundreds of people were honored with birthday tables
sent by Kim Jong Il.
    60th birthday tables and birthday tables were sent to participants in
the national meeting of active economic
agitators, the national meeting of scientists and technicians, and those
who came from Japan to attend celebrations of
the 40th anniversary of repatriation of Koreans in Japan and to others.
    Many overseas compatriots and foreigners also received birthday tables
from Kim Jong Il.

S. Korean ruler's anti-DPRK smear campaign denounced

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean Association
for the Study of Human Rights
today issued a statement assailing the South Korean authorities' ever more
virulent anti-DPRK smear campaign over
what they call "issue of refugees."
    The spokesman said: The South Korean authorities hosted an
"international meeting" on "refugee" in Seoul
some time ago in the wake of their noisy talk about "exodus of North Korean
refugees." They are now getting
frantic with their anti-DPRK campaign, asserting that they would build
"North Korean refugee camp" in northeast
china and send "humanitarian aid."
    Their loudmouthed "exodus of North Korean refugees" to northeast china
is a sheer fiction and it will never
happen in the future, either.
    Quite many Koreans now live in northeast China to which they had
immigrated in search of a means of living
due to the Japanese occupation of Korea and their medieval colonial rule.
    Most of them hailed from the northern regions of Korea and have their
relatives there. That is why a large
number of North Koreans and those in china visit their relatives and
hometowns every year after going through
necessary procedures.
    Meanwhile, under a bilateral agreement both the DPRK and China are
committed to deporting border violators
and outlaws to the opposite side.
    This is the universally recognized requirement of the international law
and practice.
    Such being the fact, the South Korean authorities are presumptuously
poking their nose into other's affair and
running about like mad dogs, egging gangsters on to stage protest
demonstrations and calling for the examination of
the issue of recalling their "ambassador" home.
    Clear is the aim sought by them in terming border violators, outlaws
and even those visiting their families and
relatives "refugees." They seek to achieve their dastardly and foolish
purpose of diverting elsewhere domestic and
foreign criticism of their political and economic failure through a new
shocking anti-DPRK smear campaign and thus
driving a wedge in the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK
and china.
    This despicable campaign is only ridiculed by the unbiased
international community.
    They are well advised to properly behave, mindful that their reckless
anti-DPRK campaign will only reveal
more saliently their despicable true colors.

Cassettes praising Kim Jong Il distributed

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Copies of "deep reverence", a cassette
containing songs in praise of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il, were distributed in university quarters on
the occasion of the New Year 2000,
Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation quoted the Pusan city
committee of the National Democratic Front of
South Korea as saying.
    Contained in the cassette made in the name of the Hwipharam (whistle)
band are 20 songs including "Hymn to
Marshal Kim Jong Il", "Song of Sun", "Marshal of Reunification" and "May
Kim Jong Il's Century Shine With
Glory," which were created by the Pukguksong Meari band in praise of Kim
Jong Il.
    This cassette is widely being disseminated to students and people of
other social standings, adding to their
reverence for Kim Jong Il, the radio said.

"Citizens' Solidarity for General Election" supported

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- South Korean people increasingly
supported the "Citizens' Solidarity for
General Election" (CSGE) in its activities for defeating candidates,
according to a news report.
    Over 4,000 hailing letters and materials on the corrupt South Korean
rulers were carried in the internet home
page set by this organization and hundreds of people on a daily average
encouraged it on the phone.
    The cripples organization and other organizations expressed their will
to join the CSGE and backing funds
reached tens of million won.
    Many more people joined in the movement against the corrupt and
incompetent candidates.
    Meanwhile, the general student council of Seoul National University at
a news conference on January 20
expressed support to the movement against the recommendation of candidates
and for their defeat conducted by
different civil organizations and declared it would actively join it.
    In this regard, the council vowed to form "students' headquarters of
joint struggle for general election" on Jan.
29 and take part in the struggle for checking the recommendation and
election of anti-national candidates on the
occasion of the "election."

More genocide of civilians disclosed

    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A genocide of civilians by the South
Korean "ROK" Army and police in
Jeju Island at the bidding of the U.S. troops during the last Korean War
(June 1950-July 1953) was reportedly
brought to light.
    In this regard scholar Ri To Yong, a Korean resident in the United
States, called a press conference in Seoul on
January 19 and opened the clarified facts and materials of the murder to
the public.
    All the materials are documents and photos declassified at the U.S.
National Archives in December last year.
    He opened to the press a document showing the massacre in Jeju Island
above all.
    The document proves that the then "ROK" Army killed civilians at random
through police without any trial, he
said, and continued:
    Groups of 210-240 civilians were killed in south Jeju county and their
bodies could not be buried in seven
    300 of the 1,800 people killed at Taejon prison in 1950 are islanders.
It is recorded that the genocide was
committed on the front as well as in all the areas regardless of the front
and rear.
    He put on show photos including a "photo of a man in U.S. military
uniform standing at the execution ground
of political prisoners," saying that the U.S. troops who had the right to
the then "ROK" Army operations were
involved in this case.
    Meanwhile, a South Korean newspaper carried an account of the news
conference including photos showing
the brutal murder and fact that the then military attach of the U.S.
embassy in South Korea in his report confessed
that a sanguinary massacre was committed after the beginning of the war.

For Spanish-speaking people

responde vocero de minrex de rpdc

    pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero del minrex de la republica
popular democratica de corea al responder
el dia 22 a la pregunta de un corresponsal de la atcc formulada en relacion
con la reciente prueba de interceptacion de
misil de los estados unidos declara que con respecto a eso la rpdc no puede
menos que considerar seriamente el
problema del cese provisional de lanzamiento de misil.
    el vocero senala:
    los cables extranjeros estiman unanimemente que la prueba en cuestion
es un eslabon de desarrollo de "sistema
de defensa estatal de misiles" promovido intensamente por los estados unidos.
    este desarrollo se perpetra so pretexto de la supuesta "amenaza de
misiles" de la rpdc y otros paises.
    en la actualidad la rpdc y ee.uu. estan en negociaciones en torno al
problema de misiles y otros de interes comun
de ambas partes.
    tomamos por iniciativa la medida de suspender provisionalmente desde
septiembre del ano pasado la prueba de
lanzamiento de misil a fin de crear un buen ambiente para las negociaciones
y la apertura de las conversaciones de
alto nivel rpdc-ee.uu. precisamente en tal momento los estados unidos
ejecutaron la prueba de interceptacion de
misil, lo que constituye otro gran desafio a nuestra generosidad y buena
voluntad de resolver los problemas
pendientes a traves de las negociaciones.
    tomaremos la decicion pertinente al observar el movimiento posterior de
los estados unidos.

nuestro modo de respuesta es golpe demoledor

    pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- recientemente, el vocero del
departamento de estado de ee.uu. expreso la
disposicion de su pais de exportar ilimitadamente las armas a sudcorea
diciendo que seguira cooperando con los
gobernantes surcoreanos en el intento de estos de proveer de "capacidades
de defensa y disuasivas".
    los gobernantes surcoreanos se proponen invertir 5.3 billones de wones
al "aumento armamentista para el ano
2000" que comprende entre otras la introducion de las armas de punta de 20
generos incluyendo misiles de distinto
genero, el submarino de gran tamano y el buque de transporte.
    estimulados por el ofrecimiento de armas y la instigacion de su dueno
norteamericano actuan mas locamente
para aumentar armamentos de exterminio masivo de las unidades del "ejercito
nacional" y para acelerar la
preparacion de guerra contra el norte, senala asi "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario del dia 23 y continua:
    los imperialistas norteamericanos intentan ampliar ilimitadamente la
exportacion de sus armamentos al sur de
corea para desatar la segunda guerra coreana.
    toman la rpdc por el siguiente blanco de ataque despues del incidente
de yugoslavia y reforzan las fuerzas
armadas de sus tropas en el sur de corea y del "ejercito nacional"
surcoreano con fin de provocar a toda costa la
segunda guerra coreana.
    la rpdc da importancia a las fuerzas armadas considerandolas el mas
importante asunto del estado y esta
enteramente lista para enfrentar todos los casos. nuestro modo de respuesta
es el golpe demoledor.
    los imperialistas yankis deben evaluar correctamente su contraparte y
actuar sensatamente.

vocero de asociacion de investigacion de derechos humanos de corea denuncia

    pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- el vocero de la asociacion de
investigacion de derechos humanos de corea
publico el dia 24 una declaracion oral denunciando a las autoridades
surcoreanas que arman mas ruidosamente
alborotos anti-rpdc presentando el asi llamado "asunto de refugiados".
    el vocero senala:
    desde hace tiempo, las autoridades surcoreanas difunden obstinadamente
la "doctrina de exodo de refugiados
norcoreanos". recientemente efectuaron en seul la "reunion internacional
sobre estos" y arman freneticamente
alborotos anti-rpdc diciendo que establecerian en la region nordeste de
china "el asilo de refugiados norcoreanos" y
les ofrecerian "ayuda humanitaria".
    el "exodo de refugiados norcoreanos" a la region nordeste de china no
hubo ni habra tampoco en el futuro.
    a esta region emigraron muchos coreanos en busca de medio de existencia
siendo victima de la agresion a corea
y la dominacion colonial medieval de los imperialistas japoneses y la
mayoria de emigrados tienen su tierra natal y
parientes en la region septentrional de corea. por esta razon muchos
coreanos en el pais y en china realizan cada ano
visita por via legal a sus parientes y tierra natal.
    por otra parte, segun el convenio de ambas partes la rpdc y la rpch
devuelven respectivamente a las personas
que cruzan ilegalmente la frontera y los violadores de la ley.
    esto constituye la exigencia de la ley y las costumbres internacionales
    tal es la cosa, pero las autoridades surcoreanas actuan
desesperadamente interviniendo impertinentemente en este
asunto, azuzando a gangsters a desplegar manifestacion de protesta y
hablando de revisar el problema de llamar el
    las autoridades surcorenas califican de "refugiados" a las personas que
cruzan ilegalmente la frontera, violadores
de la ley e incluso a los visitantes a familiares y parientes, y lo hacen
con el taimado designio de desatar una
sensacional campana difamatoria contra rpdc para desviar la censura y la
atencion de la opinion interna y externa del
pais de su fracaso politico y economico y meter una cuna en las relaciones
de amistad y cooperacion entre la rpdc y
    la justa sociedad internacional expresa burla a tal intriga anti-rpdc.
    ellas deben actuar con prudencia bien conscientes de que cuanto mas
promueven tal alboroto anti-rpdc tanto mas
revelaran su sucia naturaleza.


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