TODAY'S NEWS (January.24.2002 Juche 91)



Kim Jong Il's work published in Tunisia

KCNA on Japan's military expansion policy

GIs hit for mass killings of civilians

Ri hit for sycophantic act

National Day of India marked

Bush's projected trip of S. Korea protested

300,000 people inspect U.S. armed spy ship "Pueblo"

South Korea-U.S. cooperation in war moves under fire

Brisk preparations for "Arirang" in DPRK

Book "Good Prescriptions" published

For Spanish-speaking people


preparase con animacion funcion de "arirang"

mas de 300 mil personas visitan a barco espia armado "pueblo" de ee.uu.

politica de expansion militar de japon - comentario de atcc -


Kim Jong Il's work published in Tunisia
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let
us reunify the country independently and peacefully through the great unity
of the entire nation" was brought out in booklet by the Shawki Publishing
House of Tunisia on Jan. 15 The work was published on April 18, Juche 87
(1998). It clarifies the historic five-point policy of the great national
unity that serves as a highly important guideline in achieving the great
unity of the Korean nation.
    The five-point policy calls for sticking to the principle of national
independence, uniting under the banner of patriotism, the banner of national
reunification, improving the inter-Korean relations, struggling against
foreign forces' domination and interference and anti-reunification forces
and strengthening mutual contacts, dialogue and solidarity of the whole
    The booklet in its preface says: we hope that the plan of Kim Jong Il
and the cherished desire of all the Korean people would be achieved, and
wish Juche-based socialism progress and prosperity.


KCNA on Japan's military expansion policy
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Japan reportedly worked out a basic
policy as regards an "emergency legislation" on January 21. The basic policy
was worked out under the pretext that it is the responsibility and duty of
the state to adjust the system of coping with an armed attack in peace time
under the constitution. It is a war document designed to legalise Japan's
policy of military overseas expansion. It is as clear as noonday that the
document has a very baneful impact on regional peace and stability.
    Japan's clamour about the non-existent "armed attack from other country"
is a pretext to justify the "emergency legislation."
    Japan has finished the working out of the basic policy as regards the
"law on emergency" the shaping of which has long been stepped up despite the
opposition of the people at home and abroad. This means that Japan has
seized the opportunity to pursue the policy of military overseas expansion
in real earnest. 
    In the wake of the "September 11 incident" Japan's "self-defence forces"
have intensified overseas military actions.
    Japan has military muscle strong enough to realise the aggressive
ambition of the Japanese militarists and ultra-nationalist forces to recover
from their past defeat.
    What remains to be done by Japan is to perfect a legal and institutional
mechanism so as to emerge a military power and carry out overseas
    Japan tries to act as the leader of the Asia-Pacific region, not bound
by any law. 
    Japan, oblivious of the lesson from the defeat, tries to take the road
of reconquest in a bid to realise its wild ambition for the "Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" in reliance upon its military and economic
potentials. This will only precipitate Japan's self-destruction.
    The international community should be vigilant against Japan's efforts
to become a military power and moves to turn its society into a right-wing
conservative one. 


GIs hit for mass killings of civilians
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist aggressor troops
committed mass killings of civilians in Rogun-ri, Yongdong county of South
Korea during the last Korean War. It was recently disclosed once again by a
testimony made by a former GI who had participated in the mass killings.
Rodong Sinmun today cites concrete facts to describe the mass killings as
monstrous crimes beyond human imagination.
    The news analyst says:
    Countless are testimonies made by those who participated in the mass
    It was not Rogun-ri only where GIs' mass killings of civilians took
    Since the very day of their occupation of South Korea the Yankees have
killed millions of Koreans, betraying bestiality as a group of American
    They are the sworn enemy of the Koreans.
    The South Koreans should no longer allow themselves to be victims of the
Yankees' aggression, killing and plunder.
    The U.S. imperialists should reveal all the real facts of the mass
killings of civilians in Rogun-ri and other parts of South Korea, apologize
to the Korean people and the world conscience, make a thousand-fold
compensation and pull their aggression forces out of South Korea at once.


Ri hit for sycophantic act
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The reunification solidarity for the
implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and peace in the
Korean peninsula reportedly issued a statement denouncing Ri Hoe Chang,
president of the "Grand National Party" of South Korea, for his sycophantic
remarks and anti-reunification stand on January 18. The "three principles of
strategic reciprocity, national agreement and the verification of
transparency" set out by Ri in the new year press conference on January 17
are in full accord with the anti-DPRK stand of the bush administration, the
statement says, and goes on:
    This is a sycophantic act designed to curry favor with the U.S. master.
    We strongly warn him that if he persists in his partitionist stand, the
U.S.-toeing flunkeyist stand, he will face a stern judgement by the people.


National day of India marked
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries hosted a friendship meeting at the
Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps yesterday on the occasion of the
52nd the National Day of India. Invited to the meeting were Indian
ambassador to the DPRK Binanda Kumar Gogoi and staff members of the embassy.
    Present there were Choe Jong Hwan, vice-chairman of the committee, and
other officials concerned.
    The participants enjoyed colorful amusement games and an art performance
given by schoolchildren and conversed with each other, deepening friendship.


Bush's projected trip of S. Korea protested
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly released a statement on
January 16 protesting Bush's projected trip of South Korea. This planned
trip hints that the Korean nation will fall victim to unilateral hegemonism
of the U.S., the statement said.
    Stressing that the inter-Korean relations of cooperation and unity based
on the June 15 joint declaration is incompatible with the U.S. hard line
toward the DPRK, it said:
    Designating the DPRK as a target of its war operation, the United States
is now forcing upon it the inspection of mass destruction weapons such as
nuke, missile, conventional arms and biological and chemical weapons while
rendering the bilateral relations extremely strained. In another
development, it announced a plan for establishing a missile defense system
and is drawing the South Korean authorities to its implementation.
    The U.S. should immediately stop such political intervention and take a
sincere approach to the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations on the basis
of the agreement reached between them before, squarely seeing the will of
the Korean nation for reconciliation and reunification.


300,000 people inspect U.S. armed spy ship "Pueblo"
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- 34 years have passed since the u.s.
imperialists' armed spy ship "Pueblo" was captured. The armed spy ship was
captured by seamen of the Korean People's Army on January 23, Juche 57
(1968) while illegally intruding into the territorial waters of our side.
    The ship, which was in the East Sea of Korea off Wonsan, is on display
on the River Taedong flowing through Pyongyang.
    More than 4,000 soldiers of the KPA three services and officials,
workers, farmers and students of institutions, actories, cooperative farms
and schools visited the ship this year.
    A total of 300,000 people inspected it in a matter of two years from
October Juche 88 (1999).
    140,000 men and officers of the people's army and people of all strata
inspected the ship last year when the Korean peninsula was faced again with
confrontation and tension owing to the reckless hard line of the U.S.
administration toward the DPRK.
    This clearly proves that the indignation and revenge of the Korean
people upon the U.S. imperialist aggressors are daily growing.
    Before the "Pueblo" which shows the shameful end of the aggressors, the
visitors can hardly repress hatred for the U.S. imperialists who have
resorted to aggression and war moves against Korea century after century.


South Korea-U.S. cooperation in war moves under fire
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea issued a statement as regards the grave
situation prevailing on the Korean peninsula. Chief Pak Kwang Gi of the
NDFSK Pyongyang mission at a press conference held here today with Korean
and foreign reporters attending made public the statement denouncing the
U.S. and the South Korean bellicose elements for their undisguised
cooperation in war moves.
    The statement says:
    Bellicose mandarins of the Bush administration fly into South Korea one
after another after it proclaimed this year as a "year of war."
    On January 3 three congressmen, advocates of the missile defense system,
flew into Seoul and on January 17 a group of republicans led by the speaker
of the U.S. house of representatives, ill-famed "advocates of arch enemy
    U.S. defense secretary Rumsfeld and the chairman of the U.S. joint
chiefs of staff are expected to visit Seoul.
    In mid-February Bush-led warmongers are expected to visit Seoul.
    Owing to the war preparations of the Bush administration to invade the
DPRK dark clouds of war are gathering over the Korean peninsula where the
process of reconciliation, cooperation, peace and reunification has been
underway since the publication of the June 15 joint declaration. Bush-led
warmongers' tour of Seoul is a war junket designed to block the improvement
of inter-Korean relations, inveigle the South Korean authorities into their
war strategy and thus put into practice the U.S. reckless war plan to invade
the DPRK. The developments are reminiscent of the tour of Dulles on the eve
of the June 25 Korean War.
    The situation on the Korean peninsula in the far east is getting so
tense that the same war of aggression as that in Afghanistan is about to
break out. 
    We cannot remain a passive on-looker to the serious developments.
    It is the fixed will and determination of the Korean people to preserve
the basic spirit of the June 15 joint declaration, a programme for
independent reunification common to the nation, and, through its
implementation, put an end to the tragedy of national division in this land.
    The U.S. should have a proper understanding of the Korean people's
unshakable will for independent reunification against the U.S. and act with
discretion. It also should put an immediate halt to the anachronistic war
preparations against the north and moves to turn South Korea into a
permanent colony and pull lethal weapons and aggressor troops out of South
Korea at once. 
    The present authorities of South Korea should draw a lesson from the
miserable end of the flunkeyist traitors who were sternly tried by the
nation, immediately stop cooperating with the U.S. in war moves and
sincerely implement the joint declaration in cooperation with the fellow
    The statement calls upon all the people to turn out in an anti-U.S.
struggle to frustrate the war tour of Bush and Rumsfeld.
    Then Pak Kwang Gi answered questions put by reporters.


Brisk preparations for "Arirang" in DPRK
    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A mass gymnastic and artistic
performance "Arirang" is in the making as a great masterpiece in the 21st
century. It will raise its curtain at the may day stadium on picturesque
Rungra islet of Pyongyang in April. A full-dress depiction is going on on
the basis of the already completed program.
    At least 90 scenes of the constantly changing background have been
completed and many songs and orchestras arranged to suit the character of
the extravaganza. 
    Uptodate science and technology has been introduced to this performance.
    A work is progressing at the final stage to make a three-dimensional
decoration of the large stadium with the help of specially arranged stages,
large lanterns, huge projectors, laser illuminators, automatic monochromatic
ray devices, direct ray illuminators, color changing devices and other
lighting equipment.
    Constantly changing background scenes will be put on a high level of
grand, rhythmic, three-dimensional and scientific description. The
background will present fascinating scenery of lightning, thunder, fountain
and rainbow. 
    The creating staff is now busy with preparations to give its premiere in
spring to live up to the expectation of the people.


Book "Good Prescriptions" published
    Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The Foreign Languages Book Publishing
House has recently published a book "Good Prescriptions" (health-special
efficacy 6). Collected and systematized in the book are methods of treating
sick people with Koryo medicines whose efficacy has long been confirmed
through life experience and secret treatment methods handed down to people.
    The book has 4 chapters.
    Chapter 1 "experiential remedy that should not be ignored" introduces
valuable experiential remedies under 16 subtitles and chapter 2 "secret good
remedies according to symptoms of diseases" good prescriptions under 118
    Chapter 3 "first-aid folk remedies" introduces good prescriptions which
can be applied to first-aid and chapter 4 "good use of some Koryo medicines"
deals with a good use of natural medicines such as earthworm, alum,
schizandra chinensis and leaves of gingko tree.


For Spanish-speaking people

preparase con animacion funcion de "arirang"
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- en corea se crea como una gran obra
maestra del siglo 21 la funcion gimnastico- artistica masiva "arirang" que
se ofrecera en abril que viene en el estadio "primero de mayo" de la
pintoresca isla rungra de esta capital. termino la preparacion del guion de
la obra y el trabajo de descripcion esta en su etapa decisiva.
    fueron preparados ya mas de 90 dibujos originales de la pizarra humana y
arregladas numerosas canciones y melodias orquestales conforme al caracter
de la obra. 
    se promueve en la etapa final la labor de llenar el espacio
tridimensional del gran estadio con las escenas especiales hechas a base de
los adelantos de ciencia y tecnica y con los equipos de luces electricas
tales como el gran proyector de vista, el proyector cinematografico, de gran
tamano, los iluminadores de laser, la maquina automatica de rayo
monocromatico, el iluminador de rayo directo, la maquina de cambio coloral.
    se preparan la armoniosa pizarra humana grande, ritmica, tridimensional
y de alto nivel cientifico y la escena artistica fascinante con el
relampago, el trueno, el surtidor y el arco iris.


mas de 300 mil personas visitan a barco espia armado "pueblo" de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- han transcurrido 34 anos desde cuando
fue capturado el barco espia armado "pueblo" de los imperialistas
norteamericanos. este barco, al cabo de hacer intrusion ilegal en las aguas
territoriales de la republica popular democratica de corea, fue capturado el
23 de enero del 57 (1968) de la era juche por los marineros del ejercito
popular de corea. 
    este barco, que se encontraba en el mar frente a wonsan del mar este de
corea, esta exhibido a la orilla del rio taedong de pyongyang.
    numerosas personas concurren alli para verlo.
    este ano, el numero de los visitantes llego a mas de 4 mil personas,
entre ellas, los oficiales y soldados de las fuerzas terrestres, navales y
aereas del epc, los funcionarios de los organos a todos los niveles,
empresas, granjas y escuelas, obreros, campesinos, jovenes y estudiantes.
    durante 2 anos y pico a partir de octubre del 88 (1999) de la era juche
en que se empezo la visita al barco "pueblo", el numero de los visitantes
llega a mas de 300 mil.
    el ano pasado en que debido a la temeraria politica intransigente de la
administracion de ee.uu. con respecto a norcorea la situacion de la
peninunsula coreana volvia a inclinarse al enfrentamiento y la agravacion de
la tension, mas de 140 mil oficiales y soldados del epc y habitantes de
distintos sectores visitaron a dicho barco.
    esto demuestra que se tornan cada dia mas elevados vehemente indignacion
y sentimiento de venganza del pueblo coreano a los agresores imperialistas
    ante el barco "pueblo" que muestra el ignominioso destino de los
agresores, los visitantes no contienen un gran odio a los yanquis que han
recurrido de siglo en siglo a las conjuras de agresion y guerra contra


politica de expansion militar de japon - comentario de atcc -
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- segun informaciones, el japon elaboro
el dia 21 la orientacion principal sobre la "legislacion para el tiempo de
emergencia" so pretexto de que "arreglar en tiempo ordinario el sistema para
enfrentar al ataque de las fuerzas armadas bajo la constitucion es la
responsabilidad y el deber del estado". es obvio que esta orientacion, que
es un documento belico destinado a legalizar la politica de expansion
militar al ultramar del japon, ejercera una grave consecuencia sobre la paz
y la estabilidad de la region.
    el supuesto "ataque de fuerzas armadas de otro pais" de que habla el
japon no pasa de ser un pretexto para justificar la "legislacion para el
tiempo de emergencia".
    desde hace mucho tiempo el japon vino acelerando la elaboracion de dicha
orientacion pese a la protesta interna y externa y la completo ya, lo que
significa que por fin preparo la ocasion para promover decisivamente su
politica de expansion militar al ultramar.
    con motivo del "incidente de ataque del 11 de septiembre", el japon
impulsa mas activamente las actividades militares de las "fuerzas de
autodefensa" en el ultramar. ahora posee las poderosas fuerzas militares que
reflejan la ambicion de agresion de las fuerzas militaristas y
ultranacionalistas enloquecidos por el sentimiento de venganza.
    lo que queda por hacer ahora para este pais es el trabajo practico para
completar el aparato juridico e institucional para convertirse en potencia
militar y emprender la agresion al ultramar.
    el japon se propone actuar desenfrenadamente como dueno de la region de
asia-pacifico liberandose de todas las restricciones juridicas.
    en vez de sacar lecciones de su derrota en la guerra el japon se
precipita por el camino de la nueva agresion para realizar su ambicion de la
"esfera de coprosperidad de la gran asia oriental" valiendose de su
potencialidad militar y economica. al hacerlo acelerara solo su
    la sociedad internacional debe guardarse de la inclinacion del japon a
la conservadora de derecha y su conversion en una potencia militar.

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