>From: "Jose G. Perez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    According to leaders of the Indian movement, they had plotted together
>with the generals the overthrow of the government and were betrayed by the
>    This, they pointed out, was a second great betrayal that their movement
>had suffered; the first was at the hands of the politicians when the
>Indigenous movement supported the "constitutional coup" against Bucaram
>three or four years ago.
>    You might say, serves them right, the dirty reformists but my impression
>from far away is that these are far from typical social-democrats. They have
>led a powerful mass mobilization against the dollarization of the economy
>and the corruption of the existing regime (to those who say this last point
>smacks of "sewer socialism," I would urge them to think about why agitation
>around corruption was perhaps the single most effective weapon in the rebel
>arsenal in the war against Batista -- basically, because in any number of
>instances, the lack of schools, textbooks, desks, clinics, roads, etc.,
>presents itself first of all as the result of government officials having
>stolen the money supposedly assigned to those purposes). They have fostered
>the creation of a series of local, provincial and even a national popular
>assembly, which, with the right perspective, would have become organs of
>dual power and an insurrection is they were not already in fact tending to
>act in that way.
>    It is, I think, typical of a peasant-based movement to rely on other
>forces. Clearly, what is missing is a revolutionary working class movement
>following an *independent* class policy. If anyone has or has seen material
>examining this angle of the issue, and what role the Ecuadorean working
>class and its organizations have been playing, I'd appreciate seeing it.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tony Abdo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 4:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [Fwd: CNN: Ecuador's Noboa assumes power after coup]
>> This is a neat sleight of hand by the Ecuadorian military.      I wonder
>> if the people will fall for it?
>> In effect the military has said............... We are with you,
>> Ecuadorans!     We overthrew Mahuad for you.    But the US and the OAS
>> have given us no out,  except to put the vice-president, Noboa,  in
>> charge.       This is a REAL change!       Now go home and cause no
>> further problems that would bring down on us,  the wrath of the US.
>> Can the US government control the collapse of all 3 governments
>> (Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador), all at one time?


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