----- Original Message -----
From: democrite
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 8:03 PM


WFTU a écrit :



21 August 2000


In accordance with the invitation from the WFTU, a joint meeting of ICFTU and WFTU delegations was held in the WFTU headquarters in Prague during the period 13 to 16 August 2000. The ICATU delegation was headed by Brother Hacene Djamam, General Secretary and the WFTU delegation was headed by Brother A. Zharikov, General Secretary.

The two delegations reviewed the global economic, social and political situation at the present time. They affirmed the necessity of joint activities to mobilise the trade unions and the working people to confront the negative consequences of the neo-liberal policies of globalisation, re-structuring, privatisation as well as the policies of the IMF and World Bank which have a serious impact on developing countries through the elimination of jobs and worsening the unemployment in the countries of the North and the South, the external debt of developing countries and the struggle for its cancellation. Both delegations emphasised the need for further strengthening the efforts at inter-governmental and non-governmental levels to deal with the negative impact of the external debt burden on economic and social development. They also called for the elimination of unequal trade and to ensure equality and justice in economic relations.

Both sides called for efforts to remove the causes of wars and border conflicts, internecine conflict and civil wars. They condemned the cult of violence and terror fostered by fundamentalist and extremist groups, and especially the slaughter in Algeria. They demanded non-intervention in the internal affairs and an end to military aggression on countries, as well as the lifting of all economic sanctions blockades which cause great suffering to the workers and people of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Iran, India, Pakistan and Jugoslavia. Both delegations called for further strengthening of the international campaign against blockades and sanctions imposed on countries and peoples by the dominant powers in the world.

Reviewing the situation of the trade union movement in the Arab countries and in the world , both sides expressed serious concern at the increasing attacks on trade unions in a greater part of the world and the attempts to attack the interests and gains of the workers and the trade union movement. They emphasised the vital necessity to create conditions and develop forms of cooperation among all trends in the trade union movement and all regional and international trade union centres. In this context, they called for serious efforts to promote specific forms of coordination and joint action, with a view to build an International Trade Union Front leading to a united world trade union movement to defend trade union rights and freedoms and to coordinate and further strengthen the workers’ struggle against globalisation, privatisation of the public sector, defend social security and defend the gains won during decades of struggle. They called for united efforts to organise the unorganised, in order to deal with the low level of trade union membership and to build up collective bargaining strength. Both sides also stressed the need to enhance the role of the trade unions in the sphere of the activities of civil society institutions.

Both sides highly appreciated the bi-lateral cooperation and close fraternal relations between the ICATU and the WFTU in support of the struggles for the well-being of the working people, solidarity actions in support of the just causes of the peoples and to find mechanisms and ways to consolidate the joint work and coordination between the two organisations at the level of the ILO and other specialised agencies of the UN as well as at the level of the NGOs. They called for effective action to support the cause of migrant workers both inside and outside the Arab world and support their trade union rights and demands. Both delegations emphasised the need for broader meetings to plan joint activities, involving the participation of the leaders of national trade union centres and trade federations, in support of the vital demands of workers and trade unions and people at the national, regional and international levels. It was agreed to jointly organise an International Trade Union Conference to deal with the most important problems and main issues linked with globalisation and its conseqences and to take steps to prepare for the Conference and fix the date and venue. It was also agreed to convene a meeting in Damascus to study all aspects of building of an International Trade Union Front composed of regional and international trade union centres.

Both delegations agreed to further develop their cooperation in the field of trade union education, including the hosting of events and participants in joint actions, for mutual exchanges of participants in educational seminars organised by both organisations, organise exchange of lecturers and experiences. It was agreed to invite each other to the Seminars which will be organised this year, to send lecturers and participants.

It was agreed to continue and develop the exchange of information and media activities of trade unions, in particular, through the new possibilities of communication technology and the Internet and also participate in the solidarity actions which are initiated by both organisations.

In order to implement these guidelines and develop concrete forms of cooperation, both sides agreed to convene joint meetings annually and whenever needed.

Both sides discussed the political, economic and social situation in the Middle East at the present time and condemned the continuation of Israeli occupation of Arab territories and the policies of intransigence and bluster which the Israeli government continues, thus destroying the peace process and led to the failure of the Camp David negotiations. Both delegations condemned the unjust practices by the Israeli authorities such as confiscation of land, destruction of houses, the building of settlements, the denial of the right of refugees to return and their right to self-determination. Both sides reiterated their strong support to the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent national State with Jerusalem as its capital. They condemned the racist statements against the Arab Palestine by some politicians and religious extremist personalities in Israel. The two delegations will continue to do their best to activise and further strengthen the permanent Secretariat for Solidarity with the Workers and People of Palestine and the occupied Arab territories.

Both sides noted with great regret the stubborn support given by the United States to Israeli intransigence which led to the failure of the Summit between the departed President Hafiz Al Assad and President Bill Clinton, and the continuation of Israel’s obstructions to peace negotiations on the Syrian track, and reiterated their support to the Syrian positions for the implementation of a just and comprehensive peace and for the unconditional withdrawal of Israel from all occupied territories in the Syrian Golan to the border of 4 June 1967. Both delegations expressed their concern and condemned the existence of foreign armies in the Arab Gulf region and the military attacks on the regions inhabited by the civilian population and the civilian institutions in Iraq. They called the United Nations and members of the UN Security Council and the Kuwaiti and Iraqi governments to solve the vestiges and results of the Gulf War and find a quick solution to the problem of Kuwaiti prisoners and hostages in Iraq.

In conclusion, the ICATU delegation thanked the WFTU Secretariat for the generous hospitality and warm welcome which the delegation received since its arrival. Brother Hacene Djamam, General Secretary of the ICATU, invited Brother A.Zharikov, General Secretary of the WFTU, to visit the ICATU headquarters in Damascus, leading a large WFTU delegation. The invitation was accepted and it was agreed that the dates will be fixed later.

Prague, 16 August 2000

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