>Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 23:03:29 -0500
>Radio Havana Cuba-23 November 2000
>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 23 November 2000
> .
> .
>Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- Cuba has expressed its willingness to open all
>necessary legal channels to resolve the case of an American child brought to
>Cuba illegally. An official note in Cuba's Granma newspaper today pointed to
>reports in U.S. media outlets of a denunciation made by U.S. citizen John
>Colombini, who charged that his son was spirited out of the United States
>and taken to Cuba by the child's Cuban mother without his consent.
>Cuban authorities have confirmed the arrival in Pinar del Rio Province last
>November 12th of two men and a woman, accompanied by two minors - one of
>whom is the child in dispute, Jonathon Loren Colombini. Agustin Lemus Arzola
>and his wife Arletis Blanco Perez, both natives of Cuba and residents in
>Florida, said they had arrived illegally in a speed boat with their daughter
>and the wife's son, along with 21-year-old Yuriel Leon Lemus, also
>The 29-year-old mother presented Cuban authorities with legal papers
>regarding her divorce from her son's father and stating that the father's
>custody of the child had been withdrawn due to his problems with alcoholism.
>Her husband told Cuban authorities that the decision to travel to Cuba came
>following death threats against his wife by the owner of a firm where she
>works, named Juan Emilio Suarez.
>The child's mother said Suarez found her recording conversations at a
>meeting discussing the sale of oil to a vessel belonging to the Miami-based
>counterrevolutionary organization Democracy Movement, adding that the money
>obtained would be used to buy weapons in Nicaragua for terrorist activities
>in Cuba and to finance the Miami-based terrorist organization Alpha 66.
>The child's mother stated that a recent audit of the firm found that 150,000
>dollars was missing, and that she tried to record the conversation because
>she thought she would be investigated. According to the Miami Herald, the
>child's mother fled to Cuba because she was accused of stealing the money.
>Cuban authorities said that Cuban citizens Lemus Arzola and Leon Lemus are
>currently detained, while Arletis Blanco and her two children are residing
>with family members in Pinar Del Rio. Cuban authorities also reiterated
>their willingness to open all the necessary legal channels to resolve the
>situation as quickly as possible and with absolute impartiality and a spirit
>of justice.
>Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- Justino Di Celmo, the father of Italian tourist
>Fabio Di Celmo -- killed three years ago in a terrorist attack against
>tourist facilities and hotels here in the Cuban capital -- said that all he
>demands is that those responsible face a just, impartial trial.
>Di Celmo gave a news conference on Wednesday at the Copacabana Hotel, the
>spot where his 32-year-old son was murdered on September 4th, 1997.
>Cuban authorities arrested Salvadoran mercenary Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon, who
>confessed to having planted the bomb. During the trial that followed,
>sufficient evidence was presented to prove that the mastermind of the wave
>of bombings was well-known international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. It
>was also proven that Posada Carriles was in the pay of the U.S. Central
>Intelligence Agency and the Miami-based Cuban-American National Foundation.
>The aim of these terrorist attacks was to spread terror among foreign
>visitors and damage the tourist sector -- the driving force of the Cuban
>Posada Carriles and several accomplices were arrested last Friday in Panama,
>after Cuba denounced a terrorist plot to assassinate Cuban President Fidel
>Castro during his participation in the 10th Ibero-American Summit of Heads
>of State and Government. Panamanian authorities found 20 kilos of C-4
>plastic explosives and a detailed diagram of the University of Panama campus
>in the residence of one of Carriles' accomplices.
>During the news conference, the father of the murdered Italian tourist
>called on Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso to hold the captured
>terrorists in jail until they are brought to justice for their crimes.
>Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- Salvadoran representative of the Farabundo Marti
>National Liberation Front, Shafik Handal, has denounced Luis Posada Carriles
>as an expert in sabotage. He also affirmed that he was trained by the CIA to
>carry out terrorist attacks against Cuba.
>In an interview given to Salvadoran TV Channel 33 -- which was re-broadcast
>on Cuban television Wednesday evening, Handal affirmed that Carriles was
>part of the operation involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal. Luis Posada
>Carriles was also an aide to Salvadoran President Jose Napoleon Duarte and
>Guatemalan President Vinicio Cerezo.
>The Salvadoran member of parliament strongly criticized his country's
>authorities for not having conducted a thorough investigation into the
>presence in El Salvador of such a well-known terrorist and his criminal
>activities. He stated that Carriles, using El Salvador as his center of
>operations, recruited Salvadorans and other Central American mercenaries to
>execute his terrorist plans.
>Handal said that the position of Salvadoran President Francisco Flores
>during the recently held 10th Ibero-American Summit was intolerable. During
>the meeting, Flores referred to the war in El Salvador during the 1980s,
>blaming Cuba for the conflict.
>Schafik Handal said that Flores had knowledge about that crucial page in the
>history of his country, since it was a war of the Salvadoran people against
>the prevailing economic and social system of injustice. He added that the
>war was to put an end to the continued violations of human rights in the
>Central American nation, where human beings were hunted like animals and
>murdered for their political beliefs.
>Regarding international solidarity with the Salvadoran insurgency during the
>war, the FMLN official said that it wasn't just Cuba, but other countries
>that were involved as well, including several non-governmental U.S.-based
>Deputy Shafik Handal said that the U.S. administrations of Presidents Ronald
>Reagan and George Bush were heavily involved in the conflict -- on the side
>of the military dictatorships. He said it is common knowledge that both U.S.
>administrations provided the Salvadoran repressive regime with money, arms
>and military experts.
>Hanoi, November 23 (RHC)-- Thursday's edition of Vietnam's daily Nhan Dan
>published a detailed article on Cuba's extradition request against Luis
>Posada Carriles and his accomplices.
>The newspaper reproduced the extradition request presented by Cuban Foreign
>Minister Felipe Perez Roque to the government of Panama, where those
>involved in the assassination attempt on the life of the Cuban leader were
>arrested last Friday.
>The article also referred to other failed terrorist attempts on the life of
>Fidel Castro, which were unscrupulously planned by Carriles. Many of the
>assassination plots were organized to take place during international trips
>by the Cuban leader.
>The Vietnamese daily Nhan Dan also offered its readers detailed information
>on the terrorist activities of Posada Carriles, who was the mastermind of
>the bombing attack against a Cubana Airlines flight in 1976, killing all 73
>people on board.
>The Cuban extradition request, currently under consideration by Panamanian
>authorities, was also the headline story in other Vietnamese newspapers,
>including the daily Quan Doi Nhan Dan.
>Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- The First Congress of the Cuban Society of
>Bio-Energetics and Alternative Medicine opened its doors Wednesday at
>Havana's ORTOP Convention Center.
>Chiropractic, acupuncture, chaconne and other methods of alternative
>medicine for alleviating diseases and pain are some of the themes at this
>congress on alternative medicines, which is being attended by over 300
>delegates from 10 countries.
>After two days of pre-congress courses offered by Cuban and foreign experts,
>delegates are participating in conferences and roundtables, dealing with a
>variety of themes regarding alternative and bio-energetic medicine; all of
>them with a special emphasis on the need for human beings to be in balance
>with the universe.
>Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- Pediatricians from the United States and Cuba
>will meet from November 26th through the 28th at several hospitals in the
>Cuban capital.
>Steve Berman, President of the American Pediatrics Society, told reporters
>here in Havana that the aim of the encounter is to learn about Cuba's
>experience on health disciplines such as attention to the newborn and
>pediatric intensive care.
>This is the first time that experts from the American Pediatrics Society,
>with some 75,000 members, will meet with their Cuban counterparts.
>During their stay in Cuba, the U.S. experts will visit places of interest,
>including the Latin American School of Medicine, located on the outskirts of
>International terrorist Luis Posada Carriles was arrested last week in
>Panama after Cuban authorities revealed he was in that Central American
>country in order to assassinate President Fidel Castro who was attending the
>10th Ibero-American Summit.
>During the roundtable discussion, the panel of Cuban experts painstakingly
>went over Posada Carriles' activities during the l990's. It soon became
>clear that the international criminal had not been picked up earlier due to
>the lack of desire to do so on the part of Washington and El Salvador --
>where Posada Carriles has been living. Cuba had passed on detailed
>information to the appropriate authorities as to where Posada Carriles was
>Experts also revealed the ties Posada Carriles maintains with the
>ultra-right wing Cuban-American National Foundation, based in Miami.
>The evidence also supported Cuba's claims that Havana is not looking for
>vengeance, but rather desires justice. If Cuba wanted vengeance, would have
>been easy to eliminate Posada Carriles by simply training a rifle sight on
>the terrorist rather than the telegraphic lens with which Cuban officials
>had filmed his every move in Panama and El Salvador.
>Wednesday evening's roundtable discussion included an update on the case,
>quoting the international press. The Panamanian newspaper "El Universal"
>reported that Posada Carriles and his accomplices were being processed by
>Panamanian authorities, which are considering the petition for extradition
>filed by Cuba.
>Salvador Interior Minister Mario Acosta now says that the terrorist could be
>extradited to El Salvador, if it is proven that he used a false Salvadoran
>passport to enter Panama. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Safety and
>Justice claims that El Salvador never received information requesting the
>capture of Posada.
>Other press outlets speculate about the reactions sparked by the terrorists'
>arrest in Panama after Cuba charged that they were plotting an assassination
>attempt against Cuban President Fidel Castro during the 10th Ibero-American
>Summit. Some press agencies claim Panamanian authorities want to send Posada
>Carriles to Cuba, while others claim that they want to free him.
>Panamanian lawmaker Hector Aleman believes that the magnitude of the
>assassination plot demonstrates that the terrorists were not acting alone.
>"Those individuals operate in Latin America, with their base in Miami. They
>are financed in some way and are connected to U.S. intelligence
>organizations, especially the CIA. I believe that everyone in our country is
>hoping that these people will be made an example of and we are watching very
>closely what the government is doing regarding Cuba's extradition request
>and other such possible such requests from other countries," he said.
>Cuban journalist Reynaldo Taladrid listed the times that the Cuban
>government informed U.S. authorities of the anti-Cuba activities of Posada
>Carriles and other terrorists. He also revealed that in l997, former U.S.
>Democratic Senator Gary Hart received in Havana from Cuban president Fidel
>Castro himself, a document that describes a series of terrorist actions
>committed from l992 to that time -- with the idea that Hart would turn the
>information over to U.S. President Bill Clinton, who was a personal friend
>of Hart's.
>Cuba used a variety of ways to keep the U.S. government informed of the
>movements of the infamous terrorist. On June 16th and 17th in l998, a
>meeting took place in Havana between Cuban Interior Ministry officials and a
>U.S. delegation made up of three FBI agents, two criminal experts and a U.S.
>federal official --all specialists in terrorism -- and two officials from
>the U.S. Interests Section in Havana.
>Reynaldo Taladrid said, "During the meeting, Cuban officials gave them a
>detailed analysis of information on terrorist plans and activities aimed
>against Cuba which originated in the United States, giving a detailed,
>chronological account beginning in l990, including clandestine activities
>and attempts to infiltrate weapons and people into Cuba, pirate attacks
>against economic objectives on our coasts and the placing of explosive
>devices in heavily populated areas in our capital and in other provinces.
>They also turned over to the Americans four folders containing 220 pages of
>information, five video cassettes and eight audio cassettes, also containing
>important information."
>Having run down most of the terrorist acts to the U.S. delegation, they
>explained the inter-connection between organizations and people residing in
>Miami and New Jersey, under the sponsorship of the Cuban-American National
>Foundation which, given its greater economic and logistic possibilities, was
>frequently creating phantom organizations both inside and outside of the
>United States, as a way of covering up its role in terrorist actions.
>The Cuban delegation provided ample evidence of those ties and maneuvers.
>The Cubans provided the U.S. specialists with information on the plans that
>Posada Carriles organized, which were facilitated by the Cuban-American
>National Foundation, to assassinate Fidel Castro in Chile, on Venezuela's
>Margarita Island and in the Dominican Republic. They also provided the
>American anti-terrorist experts with a video containing images of Posada's
>daily activities in El Salvador along with other evidence and information.
>Reynaldo Taladrid continued, "No responsible government would minimize the
>importance of the information that our authorities have systematically
>turned over on the activities organized and financed by the anti-Cuba mafia
>and in particular, the Cuban-American National Foundation, which place in
>danger so many innocent people in the entire hemisphere and in the United
>States itself. The abominable plan of Luis Posada Carriles during the Panama
>Summit was only stopped by the denunciation of our president, and would not
>have occurred at all if the U.S. government would live up to its
>These have been excerpts from Wednesday's televised Round Table which
>revealed new information on the case of Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada
>Carriles, who is currently under arrest in Panama and waiting for a ruling on
>an official extradition request made by Cuba.
>Since l959, when Cuba became a truly independent and sovereign nation, the
>island has been the object of innumerable acts of terrorism planned and
>directed from abroad under the auspices of nine successive U.S. governments.
>These types of actions, which include economic sabotage to attempts to kill
>Cuban leaders, have been internationally condemned, but not with the same
>spirit of indignation as when the terrorist acts are carried out by victims
>of oppression around the world. For example, the Israelis accuse the
>Palestinians of practicing terrorism, but they forget the cases of massacres
>in the occupied territories, under Zionist control, like those of Shabra and
>In Africa, there is much talk of terrorism committed by warring tribes and
>ethnic groups, but one never hears of the innumerable acts of terrorism,
>mass murders and the violation of the human rights of Africans, committed
>first by European colonists and later by agents paid by those same interests
>in order to divide the popular African forces.
>In Latin America, the bloody face of terrorism was seen in the crimes
>committed by military regimes in Chile, Argentina and Uruguay -- just to
>mention a few. Tens of thousands of innocent people of all ages were killed
>or forcibly disappeared; detained without charges, placed in secret jails,
>tortured and murdered. All of that happened with little outcry from most of
>the international organizations. The infamous "Operation Condor" -- which
>savagely internationalized political repression -- was an unforgettable
>example. Wasn't it terrorism to brutally murder Chilean Carlos Prats and his
>wife by detonating explosives planted under their care in the streets of
>Buenos Aires? Or that of former Chilean foreign minister Orlando Letelier --
>who was blown up in the U.S. Capital along with his American assistant. Were
>these crimes denounced publicly? NO. What was done was to protect
>international terrorists and continue protecting the interests of those
>ultimately responsible. That is what should have been roundly condemned as a
>question of honor during the 10th Ibero-American Summit in Panama. Cuba
>condemns terrorism and has never hidden it, but we demand justice.
>(c) 2000 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
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