>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 23:35:52 +0100
>From: "TKEP/Leninist (Communist Labour Party of Turkey / Leninist)"
>Evolution of capitalism, economical and historical development has
>entered a new stage. In this stage while capitalism has been entering
>into an exact collapse due to effect of destructive dynamics it has
>developed, socialism, however, has been getting more actual. Mode of
>capitalist production and productive forces developed by large industry,
>have reached a level in which capitalism will not manage anymore.
>Capitalism that couldn't manage has missed the productive forces.
>Productive forces can only be managed by society collectively.
>Productive forces can be controlled collectively by the social relation
>which pople will form by gathering in free and equal conditions and
>all-round development of individual can be performed. Domination of
>socialisn in all over the world has become inevitable.
>As a result of development of large industry, the use of science in
>production area extensively, accumulation of capital on the hands of a
>few imperialist-capitalist inonopolies, social character of production
>and labour as maturing have created whole conditions of capitalism's
>transformation to socialism. Transformation of capitalism to socialism
>is inevitable.
>In event this transformation is to be delayed capitalism will destroy
>labour and nature wholly which are the life sources of humanity. In this
>sense transformation of world has come in front of humanity as a matter
>of death or life. Social revolution and socialism in the lead of
>proletariat has become a compulsion for the fact that life will prevail
>in all over the world.
>International proletariat whose historical mission is to save the
>humanity has been treated and united by capitalism as much as it will
>accomplish this mission. Proletariat who has started the Era of
>Proletarian Revolutions is the motor force and leading class of
>transformation of capitalism to socialism. In new stage, revolutionary
>role of proletariat has come forward clearly. Proletariat's work of
>changing world is a practical mission.
>It is possible to pass socialism by socialist revolution. Basides the
>level economical and historical development have reached it is also
>possible to pass socialism by the
>aspects of knowledge buildup and great experiment of socialism. The fact
>that socialism has been realized in Russia, Eastern Europe and other
>regions of world and proletariat's class struggle buildup.
>Proletariat has waged an international struggle whose base was all over
>the world to abolish the classes. Proletariat has come into power in
>some countries and in others however, has been resuming the struggle. A
>classless world marching maintains as getting stronger. Class struggle
>at the and will be concluded everywhere that proletariat will come into
>power and with proletariat dictatoriaship. Proletariat has entered a
>next and new stage on the aim of classless stage.
>Proletariat Internationalism which is the basic condition for the aim of
>saving world, today, has come forward more clearly than every period
>before. Proletariat has launched a new revolution wave in all over the
>world to demolish capitalism. Struggle of proletariat on the world
>scale, has brought forward closer solidarity and acting collectively as
>urgent mission. Communist forces and revolutionary forces must start for
>the proletariat internationalism based on action.
>TKEP/Leninist that has aimed at socialism since it was established has
>waged struggle for an active proletariat internationalism calls
>international communist forces and revolutionary forces to put
>proletariat internationalism into practice.
>Turkey and Kurdistan which have passed the most intensive civil war for
>the last decade, today have entered the stage of proletarian civil war
>that is the second stage of civil war. The fact that imperialism has
>made its economical annexation till the end, collabrator monopolist
>capitalism has expansed economical and political power along with
>imperialism, class discrimination has become tangible everywhere,
>economical and social problems that has been accumulating for decades
>and political conditions are strengthening the bases of proletarian
>civil war. Proletariat that is the leader of proletarian civil war,
>revolution, democracy and struggle for socialism are going      into struggle
>everywhere. Proletariat epplying to economical and political devices of
>struggle like strike, resistance, rallies, is getting ready for a
>struggle which will take place harder. Class struggle of proletariat
>also sets poor peasantry farmers, urban proletarians into action.
>Proletariat's union in struggle and proletariat with the non-proletarian
>workers' union in struggle is realizing as a vital issua in practice.
>Abolishing capitalism that drags workers and all proletariats to the
>starvation, poverty, death, accomplishing the aim of democracy-socialism
>is in agenda as a problem of life or death. Compulsion of revolution
>that will solve this problem is getting adopted day by day by a larger
>proletariat mass. The conditions of revolution which is actual are
>getting stronger. Revolution is improving on inevitable manner.
>Revolution struggle of proletariat improves now around the demands of
>"All power Will Belong To Labour", "Self Determination Right of Nations"
>and "Destroy Dungeons Freedom to Captives". Among the aims of political
>struggle, having seized the power is the main aim. Others are dependent
>upon this struggle, Leninist Party puts its all power to use and will to
>accomplish proletariat's this short-term political aims.
>Conditions on the world, are strengthening the means of accomplishing
>Democratic People Revolution and Democratic People Power which will
>reach socialism continuously. Dynamics of revolution have started
>everywhere. Our urgent mission is to direct the great potential of
>revolution to the struggle of power.
>TKEP/Leninist which has been struggling on the front of class struggle
>has the theoric and pratic buildup which will carry proletariat to the


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