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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:24 PM
Subject: Portuguese CP, 16th Congress, Theses, Draft of Political Resolution(Chpt.3)

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        Portuguese CP, 16th Congress, Theses, Draft of Political
                    From: Portuguese Communist Party
         http://www.pcp.pt/pcp, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     Draft of Political Resolution
  Draft Document proposed by the Central Committee to debate in all the

                       1 INTERNATIONAL SITUATION

                    1.3. THE ALTERNATIVE IS SOCIALISM

  1.3.1. It is necessary and possible to reverse, through the struggle,
the current course of the world's evolution, that is, to contain and
roll back the imperialist "globalisation" process, to defeat the
attempts to set up a "new order" at the service of big business, to
achieve a turn to the left and alternatives of social progress, to
advance towards socialism.

  1.3.2. In what ways is this possible, with such a disproportion of
forces and in times of such an accelerated internationalisation of the
productive processes and of social relations?

  1.3.3. There are no easy answers nor ready-made "models" to break the
huge difficulties and the complexity of the current situation. But we
are sure that the course of an alternative and of revolution is the
course of the working class and the masses, of their organisation and
mobilisation for the struggle, for the satisfaction of their interests
and most heart-felt expectations and for political power. It is, at the
same time, the course of solidarity and internationalist co-operation of
Communists, progressives, workers and peoples world-wide.

  1.3.4. In valuing national sovereignty as an indispensable component
of democracy, and the national State as a privileged and unavoidable
arena of the class struggle, the PCP views the goals and the struggle at
a  national level as dialectically articulated with world-wide goals and
struggle, the growing importance of which is recognised.

  1.3.5. History, and particularly the history of the workers' movement,
shows that, despite huge difficulties and obstacles, there is an
accumulation of forces and processes which can evolve, sometimes very
quickly, in favourable ways for the progressive and revolutionary
struggle. But it also shows the dangers of underestimating the strength
and determination of big capital in defending its class privileges and
its hegemonic power. The process which will lead to a fundamental change
in the world balance of forces will probably be a complex and prolonged
one, involving huge social and political explosions, and implying bitter
struggles to overcome the resistance and confront the violence of the
ruling classes. To privilege and circumscribe the action to the
institutions of the system, disregarding the reality of the class
struggle and the Marxist-Leninist conception of the State and power, can
only favour a wait-and-see attitude and lead to bitter disappointments.

  1.3.6. In general terms, the present stage may still be considered as
one of resistance, of the accumulation of forces, including very
diversified actions and struggles, covering a very broad range of
demands and goals.

  1.3.7. At the same time, the advancing processes of
internationalisation, co-operation and integration and imperialist
"globalisation" itself, tend to bring together and to establish
increasingly closer objective links of interdependence between the
workers' and peoples' struggles all over the world.

  1.3.8. It is the Communists' and revolutionaries' duty to act in order
to expand the international and internationalist dimension of their
activity, and to find the common problems, demands and goals enabling
them to bring together in a broad anti-imperialist front very
diversified social and political sectors that fight for democracy,
national independence, peace, the preservation of the environment,
social progress and socialism.

  1.3.9. Considering the diversity of political, economic and social
situations, and therefore the diversity of tasks which each people
faces, it is necessary, urgent and possible to achieve a broad unity in
the struggle against imperialism and neo-liberalism, for peace and
social progress, around goals such as: The struggle against monopolies, transnational corporations
and finance capital; against imperialist globalisation and the political
and economic bodies at its service; against underdevelopment,
exploitation, poverty and hunger; against speculation and the free
movement of capital; for the allocation of resources to development and
productive investments; against privatisation; for public, universal and
free public systems of health, education and welfare; for the abrogation
of the foreign debt of the least-developed countries; against political
and economic impositions by the most powerful countries; The struggle to value labour and those who work; against
unemployment and for jobs with rights and security; for wages and
retirement pensions; for labour and social rights; in defence of
workers' trade unions and representative organisations; to reduce
working hours without loss of pay and rights; in defence of national
agricultures and of farmers; The struggle for a real political, social, economic and
cultural democracy; the struggle for true equality between men and
women; internationalist solidarity with the peoples in struggle for
freedom and self-determination, or who are victims of foreign
aggressions or blockades; the struggle against every expression of
fascist, racist,
  xenophobic or obscurantist forces; The struggle for a world of peace; against imperialism's
militarist and interventionist escalation; for the dissolution of NATO
and of all political-military blocks; in defence of the international
system of arms-control and disarmament treaties; against the
militarisation of space and the development of new weapons systems; to
ban and eliminate nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction; The struggle to defend the current International Law and
United Nations Charter; in defence of sovereignty and national
independence; for international relations based on co-operation, mutual
advantages and the respect for national interests, for the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of each State; in defence of the United
Nations and of its system of organisations, as a framework for peaceful
co-operation between peoples; The struggle for an ecologically sustainable development; for
the preservation of natural resources and ecological balances; against
environmental pollution and desertification; for an orderly development
of the big urban centres.

  1.3.10. These are some of the problems, demands and goals around which
the unity in action of the revolutionary, left and progressive forces,
as well as the convergence of broad processes and struggles, is
necessary and possible. Naturally, it is easier to draw up a list of
issues than to find, at each given moment and in the heat of the moment,
the specific bonds of unity which can give a strong momentum to the
anti-imperialist struggle and open up real prospects of liberating
advances. That requires a much broader and quicker circulation of
information, a high degree of willingness and readiness for unity,
greater speed in co-ordinating efforts.

  1.3.11. It is also necessary to consider that the need for, and the
possibility of, establishing very broad alliances to fight against the
most inhumane aspects of the policies of big business and imperialism
only makes sense when inserted within a broader view of the struggle
against their causes and for alternative policies with a view to
overcoming them.

  1.3.12. Convergences and alliances involving a wide array of forces of
the national liberation movement, of important social and democratic
movements, and even sectors of social-democracy and of the
"Green"/ecological movement are obviously desirable, even when limited
in scope and duration. This is possible on issues such as fundamental
rights and freedoms, denouncing the most flagrant injustices and
inequalities, renewing the importance of the State's social functions,
taking steps to regulate global capitalism, considering the most harmful
effects of the finance economy and the most pressing problems of the
Third World. But to give up, in the name of equivocal notions of
"anti-neoliberalism" and "left", goals which challenge the power of the
monopolies and of finance capital, the fight against militarism and war,
the rejection of the so-called "right of interference" among others,
would castrate an anti-capitalist and revolutionary dynamic. As for the
main international instruments of imperialist "globalisation" - the IMF,
WB, WTO, EU, etc. - the issue at stake is not to "democratise" or
"redirect" but to fundamentally restructure, with a view to reorganising
the international system of relations, to establish a new equitable and
fair economic world order, with a "new world information order", a
"collective security system", etc.

  1.3.13. In the struggle for specific goals and reforms achievable
within the limits of the system, it is necessary, in order to avoid
sliding towards an inconsequent reformist short-termism, not to lose
sight of the demand for profound social-economic changes of an
anti-monopolist, anti-capitalist nature, nor the prospect of the
revolutionary overcoming of capitalism, inscribed in the very
contradictions of the system.

  1.3.14. However hard people try to distort and deny it, socialism, in
a conception necessarily renewed by the lessons of experience, is
proving itself, day after day, as the necessary alternative.

  1.3.15. Ten years after the "fall of the wall", of the defeats of
socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe, of the arrogant proclamation
of the ultimate triumph of capitalism, it is obvious that the world has
not become safer, more democratic, fairer, more humane. We see precisely
the opposite. Capitalism is not only incapable of solving the workers'
and the peoples' problems, as it is also imposing terrible social and
even civilisational regressions and dragging Humankind towards great

  1.3.16. And if capitalism still displays a remarkable capacity of
adjustment and recovery, it is also true that it shows itself incapable
of suppressing its intrinsic contradictions, beginning with the basic
contradiction between, on one hand, the huge development of the
productive forces and the growingly social character of production, and,
on the other, the relations of production based on the sacrosanct
private property. The opposition between the outstanding advances in
knowledge and the brutal worsening of social and human problems, the
solution to which is now within Man's reach, is a relevant expression of
that basic contradiction that is urgent to overcome through social
revolution and the establishment of socialism.

  1.3.17. The defeats of socialism and the dangers impending over
Humankind do not erase the reality that the 20th century, albeit marked
by cruel dramas and violent storms, was essentially a century of huge
liberating advances which are inseparable from the creative thought and
the revolutionary action of Communists.

  1.3.18. The defeats of socialism and the dangers impending over
Humankind do not erase the reality that the 20th century, albeit marked
by cruel dramas and violent storms, was essentially a century of huge
liberating advances which are inseparable from the creative thought and
the revolutionary action of Communists.


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