TODAY'S NEWS (January.05.2001 Juche 90)



Young vanguard visit revolutionary battle sites in area of Mt. Paektu

Rodong Sinmun on idea of great national unity

High vigilance against Japan called for

Servicemen under Ministry of People's Armed Forces meet

Korean schoolchildren's art troupe from Japan entertained

Pyongyangites meet

Reception given by Vietnamese ambassador

Exhibition of successful calligraphy works

U.S. should be punished by history

For Spanish-speaking people


mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto


Young vanguard visit revolutionary battle sites in area of Mt. Paektu
     Hyesan, January 4 (KCNA) -- The first group of the young vanguard from
across the country for expedition to Mt. Paektu in the 21st century visited
revolutionary battle and historic sites in the area of Mt. Paektu to renew
their resolution to follow only leader Kim Jong Il, the great sun. After
making an oath to uphold Kim Jong Il's idea and leadership with loyalty in
front of the his native home at the secret camp on Mt. Paektu, members of
the group visited the Pegae Hill Bivouac, the Samjiyon Revolutionary Battle
Site, the Chongbong Bivouac and the Rimyongsu Revolutionary Site and then
the Pochonbo Revolutionary Battle Site.
    While looking round various places, they realized the immortal feats of
peerless great persons who devoted everything to the liberation of the
country and the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and the indomitable
revolutionary spirit displayed by anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners.
    Through their visit, they hardened their pledge to glorify the immortal
feats performed by President Kim Il Sung in the anti-Japanese war and to
accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche which started on Mt. Paektu,
generation after generation.


Rodong Sinmun on idea of great national unity
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Signal successes made in the struggle
for great national unity and the reunification of the country are a clear
proof of the great vitality of the Juche-oriented idea of the great national
unity and line of national reunification put forth by the Workers' Party of
Korea, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. Leader Kim Jong Il has
steadfastly carried forward the idea of great national unity set forth by
President Kim Il Sung and his exploits he performed in the struggle to
realize it, thus putting the struggle for great national unity on a new
higher stage, the article says, and continues:
    Kim Jong Il, regarding the strengthening of internal forces of the
nation as a sure guarantee for national reunification, has widely led the
struggle to unite the whole nation under the banner of national
    He has taken warm care of all the compatriots and invited them to join
the movement for national reunification. He said that he would join hands
with whoever comes out for national reunification with national conscience
irrespective of his ideology and religious belief, be he or she a capitalist
or an army general or a person in high authority and that he would not care
about the past of those who committed crimes against the nation, leniently
treat and unite with them, if they return to its fold, repentant of their
past wrongs. 
    The historic Pyongyang meeting and the publication of the north-south
joint declaration were the brilliant fruition of Kim Jong Il's great idea of
national reunification and noble idea of great national unity, the article


High vigilance against Japan called for
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Japan has emerged as the most dangerous
aggression forces by pushing ahead with its militarization last year,
observes Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The article says:
    throughout last year the Japanese reactionaries were busy inventing
pretexts for overseas aggression after rounding off their preparations for
it, while evading under this or that pretext the liquidation of their
biggest war crimes in the 20th century.
    It is clearly evidenced by their moves to complete the fascistization of
the country and to put it on wartime footing, institution of a wartime law
to legalize Japan's overseas military actions and their frantic escalation
of the drive to turn the "Self-Defence Forces" into modern armed forces
capable of operating anywhere in the world.
    Last February the Japanese diet began a formal discussion on the
revision of the constitution so far called "peace constitution" in a bid to
replace it by a war constitution.
    The Japanese reactionaries urged the government to stipulate an article
providing for the "exercise of right to collective self-defence" in the
constitution, asserting that Japan will not be able to make satisfactory
"international contribution" unless its "SDF"'s "exercise of right to
collective self-defence" is allowed. They even asserted that the "SDF"
should be renamed "national army."
    They, in fact, fabricated a wartime law. A good example of this is a
"law on inspection of ships" instituted in the Japanese diet last November.
The law legally allows the Japanese "SDF" to restrict, control and inspect
ships of other countries sailing along recognized international sea route
and in open seas and use weapons in case of "emergency."
    The Japanese reactionaries visited the United States one after another
from early last year and had confabs with its top brasshats at which they
called for "closer ties" between the two countries to counter North Korea.
    They worked hard to strengthen their position as a military power and
convert the "SDF" into first class armed forces.
    They pushed forward their plan to introduce up-to-date "F-2" support
fighters, air refuelling tankers, "Aegis" warships and build large warships
of aircraft carrier type under the pretexts of "coping with emergencies in
surrounding areas" and "increasing defence capabilities" of the "SDF."
    They are now giving a finishing touch to their commanding system so as
to carry out military actions for aggression worldwide.
    The article calls for heightening vigilance against Japan and foiling
the Japanese militarists' moves for overseas expansion.


Servicemen under Ministry of People's Armed Forces meet
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Servicemen under the Ministry of the
People's Armed Forces held a meeting at the April 25 House of Culture on
Thursday to carry through the tasks set forth in the joint New Year
editorial under the wise guidance of leader Kim Jong Il. The meeting was
attended by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of
the Korean People's Army, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the
KPA, and Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed Forces.
    At the meeting Jo Myong Rok made a report, which was followed by
speeches of generals. They stressed that the joint new year editorial is a
bright design reflecting the far-sighted plan and intention of Kim Jong Il,
the sun of the 21st century, and a millitant banner that the Workers' Party
of Korea, the army and the people should hold fast to this year.
    All the officers and men of the people's army will be standard-bearers
and a shock brigade in upholding the army-first politics of the WPK to make
a powerful socialist advance under the red flag and become the most resolute
worshippers of Kim Jong Il and best loyal subjects, they pointed out, and
went on: 
    A strong army will firmly defend and hold higher the red flag of
socialism. A great turn will be brought in increasing the combat power of
the people's army in the New Year.
    The people's army is the main force in building a powerful nation. The
people's army will be a model in all aspects of ideology, culture, struggle
and life to lead society.


Korean schoolchildren's art troupe from Japan entertained
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- A banquet was given in honour of the
Korean schoolchildren's art troupe from Japan at the Mokran House yesterday
under the care of leader Kim Jong Il. Kwon Sun Hwi, vice-chairman of the
central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in
Japan (Chongryon), in his speech at the banquet said it is the greatest
honour and happiness for the Korean children in Japan to enjoy the New
Year's day of the hopeful new century in the socialist homeland led by Kim
Jong Il. 
    Thanks to Kim Jong Il, the future of our homeland and Chongryon is
bright and the 21st century will shine for all ages as the great Kim Jong Il
century, he stressed, adding that the Korean schoolchildren in Japan would
stoutly grow to be creditable pillars who will shoulder the patriotic cause
of Chongryon, picturing Kim Jong Il in mind.
    Given at the banquet was a joint art performance of schoolchildren in
Pyongyang and members of the troupe. Present there were choe thae bok,
chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, and other officials concerned.
    The troupe headed by Song Kun Hak, department director of the central
standing committee of Chongryon, joined in the schoolchildren's celebration
of the New Year Juche 90 (2001) held in Pyongyang on Jan. 1.


Pyongyangites meet
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Pyongyangites met at the Kim Il Sung
Square today to vow to carry through the militant tasks laid down in the
joint editorial in the first year of the 21st century. Attending the meeting
together with more than 100,000 people from all walks of life were premier
Hong Song Nam and other senior party and state officials.
    Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, in his
report said that the joint editorial of the newspapers Rodong Sinmun,
Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi is a banner of victory which calls upon the
whole party, the entire army and all the people to turn out in the general
march of the New Year.
    Juche 89 (2000) was a year of great turn marked with momentous events
unprecedented in the history of the Korean nation, a historic year that
triumphantly made the "arduous march" and concluded the 20th century with
brilliant achievements, the reporter said, and continued:
    The credit for the great victory won last year which splendidly
concluded the 20th century goes to leader Kim Jong Il's preeminent political
ability and energetic activities.
    The New Year 2001 is a year of new advance and a great turn in which a
broad avenue will be opened for the building of a powerful nation in the
21st century. 
    He called upon all the party members and other working people in the
capital city to give fuller play to the advantages of socialism in all
fields of the revolution and construction and put fresh spur to the building
of a powerful nation, basing themselves on the achievements gained in the
"arduous march". 
    He underscored the need for them to become indomitable fighters who
implement the idea and line of Kim Jong Il under any circumstances, true to
the party's great policy of unity. He added that they should not merely
shout slogans but prove their loyalty in devotedly protecting the leader.
    He called upon them to work hard to implement the army-first
revolutionary line of kim jong il, regarding it as their lifeline, no matter
how the situation may change.
    In hearty response to the slogan "glorify this year as a year of fresh
onward march in the building of an economic power in the 21st century " they
should consolidate the existing economic infrastructure and display its
potentials to the full, while conducting a forceful campaign for
refashioning the national economy as a whole with up-to-date technology, he
    He also stressed the need to increase the potentials of powerful
national economy to meet the requirements of the new era of the army-first
    Then, the floor was taken by representatives of people from all walks of
life including workers, farmers, youth and students.
    The speakers said that they will carry through the militant tasks laid
down in the joint editorial, holding aloft the red flag of Korean socialism
under the tested leadership of kim jong il.
    At the end of the meeting, its participants marched through main streets
of the city, shouting slogans to vow to take the lead in the advance under
the red flag of socialism.


Reception given by Vietnamese ambassador
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Do Thi Hoa, ambassador of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam to Korea, hosted a reception at the embassy yesterday on
the occasion of the New Year Juche 90 (2001). Present on invitation were Pak
Kil Yon, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and officials concerned. speeches
were made at the reception.


Exhibition of successful calligraphy works
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- The first national exhibition of
successful calligraphy works is going on at the Pyongyang International
House of Culture under the sponsorship of the central committee of the
Korean Artists Union. This is the first of its kind ever to be organized to
attract social interest in calligraphy and popularize it.
    The exhibition followed the 60-odd-day long national calligraphy prize
contest participated in by calligraphers and calligraphy fans from across
the country. 
    Displayed there are about 200 works appreciated as successful at the
    On display there are a photo of President Kim Il Sung writing letters
with a writing-brush and calligraphy works done by him and leader Kim Jong
    Many calligraphy works such as "Bright Road", "My Native Village" and
"Greeting Spring of National Reunification" are highly praised for their
diversity in balance between letters, strokes, arrangement of letters and
space between them.
    Drawing particular interest of visitors are calligraphy works including
"Bright Star Over Mt. Paektu", "Star", "All-Embracing" and "Treasured
Sword." diverse style and methods of art including embroidery, handicraft,
gem painting and pyrography are applied to the creation of these works to
increase aesthetic and emotional effect.
    It will last till January 10, Juche 90 (2001).


U.S. should be punished by history
     Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Massacres of civilians committed by the
U.S. imperialists during the Korean War are vehemently condemned by the
world public. The chairman of the Paektusan Chech-Korean Friendship
Association said that the outrages committed by the U.S. imperialists during
the Korean War surpassed by far those committed by Hitler of Germany.
    The brutality of the U.S. imperialists was clearly proved by the fact
that they dropped over Pyongyang at least 400,000 bombs equivalent to the
city population during the Korean War, he noted.
    The Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea in a statement said that
all the U.S. troops' mass killings in the north and South Korea were crimes
against humanity grossly violating the international convention and wartime
rules that prohibit targeting non-combatants as they were deliberate and
premeditated ones committed according to orders from their superiors.
    The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association in a statement held that the
massacres of peaceable civilians by U.S. troops were an intolerable
violation of the international law and the truth behind them should be
thoroughly probed and those responsible for them should be punished by law
as the Nazi war criminals of Germany were done.
    The chairman of the Bulgarian Green Party said that the U.S. imperialist
aggressors are diabolic beasts in human skin and rare killers and the past
Korean War was that of massacres launched by them for the purpose of
annihilating the Korean nation.
    The chairman of the Madagascan branch of the African Human Rights
Committee in a press statement said that the United States should admit its
crimes before the Korean nation and humankind, face a trial, make
compensation for the losses and take hands off the land of Korea stained
with its crimes. 
    The leader of the new left movement of Peru in a press statement
vehemently denounced the massacres by the U.S. troops as thrice-cursed moral
crimes and vicious manslaughter.


For Spanish-speaking people

mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto
     pyongyang, 5 de enero (atcc) -- tuvo lugar hoy en la plaza kim il sung
el mitin de la ciudad de pyongyang para ejecutar cabalmente las tareas
combativas planteadas en el editorial conjunto del primer ano del siglo 21.
en el participaron el primer ministro hong song nam y otros cuadros
dirigentes del partido y el estado junto con mas de 100 mil habitantes de
distintos sectores.
    el informe del acto estuvo al cargo del presidente ryang man gil del
comite popular de la ciudad de pyongyang quien dijo en particular:
    el editorial conjunto de los periodicos del partido, el ejercito y la
juventud es la bandera de la victoria que llama a todo el partido, todo el
ejercito y todo el pueblo a la marcha general de ano nuevo.
    el 89 (2000) de la era juche fue un ano de gran cambio en que ocurrieron
los eventos asombrosos sin precedentes en la historia de la nacion coreana y
un ano historico que hizo balance brillante del siglo 20 al concluir con
exito la "marcha penosa".
    la gran victoria del ano pasado que dio conclusion brillante al siglo 20
es un valioso fruto de la destacada capacidad politica y las dinamicas
actividades del dirigente kim jong il.
    el presente es un ano de nuevo avance y gran cambio, llamado a abrir un
ancho camino de la construccion de potencia del siglo 21.
    todos los militantes del partido y otros trabajadores de la capital
deben manifestar plenamente la superioridad del socialismo en todos los
sectores de la revolucion y la construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la
construccion de potencia a base de la victoria lograda en la "marcha
    en acato a la poderosa politica de unidad del partido deben ser
inflexibles combatientes que ejecuten la idea y la linea del dirigente kim
jong il en cualesquier circunstancias y hacer que la defensa decisiva al
lider no sea la consigna abstracta sino la consigna de accion y de practica.
    en cualquier situacion deben luchar al tomar por linea respiratoria la
linea revolucionaria de priorizacion militar presentada por el dirigente kim
jong il. 
    con la consigna " hagamos del presente un ano de nuevo avance de la
construccion de potencia economica del siglo 21 " en alto, deben hacer con
constancia la labor para reconstruir a base de la tecnica moderna el
conjunto de economia nacional a la par de reajustar las bases economicas
existentes y elevar al maximo su poderio.
    deben disponer de gran poderio economico del estado de conformidad con
la demanda de la nueva epoca de la revolucion con el ejercito al frente.
    en el mitin intervinieron representantes de los obreros, campesinos,
jovenes estudiantes y de otros sectores.
    los oradores senalaron que bajo la probada direccion del dirigente kim
jong il y con la bandera roja del socialismo coreano en alto llevaran a
feliz termino las tareas combativas presentadas en el editorial conjunto.
    terminado el acto, los participantes marcharon por las calles
principales de la capital gritando consignas de decision de ocupar en la
delantera del avance de la bandera roja del socialismo.

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