TODAY'S NEWS (April.24.2001 Juche 90)



Letter to Kim Jong Il from Latin American seminar participants

Japan's distortion of history protested

Friendly gathering with Polish delegation

Art exhibition opens to mark KPA birthday

S. Korean defector publishes book

Chinese residents help builders in land realignment project

Lao President on friendly relations with DPRK

Korea's illustrious man St. So San

Kim Jong Il's army-first politics praised

National technical innovation festival held

Rodong Sinmun on comradeship

Work to preserve cultural relics brisk

National meeting held to mark KPA anniversary

Lao foreign minister and Namibian delegation here

Chairman of Hyundai Asan of S. Korea here

For Spanish-speaking people


dirigente kim jong il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de industria ligera de

comunicado conjunto sobre establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas rpdc -

corriente indetenible


Letter to Kim Jong Il from Latin American seminar participants
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A letter to leader Kim Jong Il was
adopted at the First Latin American Seminar on the Juche Idea in the 21st
Century held in Caracas, Venezuela, on March 30. The letter noted that
President Kim Il Sung founded the immortal Juche idea and ushered in a new
era of history in which the exploited and oppressed popular masses emerge as
masters of the world and carve out their destinies in an independent and
creative manner.
    It also said that Kim Jong Il has carried forward and developed the idea
and theories of Juche to give perfect answers to all the complex problems
arising in the present times. And he has smashed every move of the
imperialists with the great independent politics, the army-first politics,
and built a strong fortress of the struggle for independence to continue
accomplishing the cause of independence, it recalled, and further said:
    You are, indeed, the great defender of the cause of independence and the
brilliant guiding sun as you have protected and led the destiny of humankind
in the vortex of history.
    We extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people in the
efforts to build a powerful socialist nation and achieve the independent and
peaceful reunification under your wise leadership.


Japan's distortion of history protested
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- An estimated 250 Korean residents in the
United States reportedly staged a demonstration in front of the UN building
in New York on April 18, protesting against Japan's distortion of history
textbook. They were carrying a banner bearing letters urging Japan to stop
such deed. 
    The demonstrators called for boycotting Japanese products and checking
the shameless campaign Japan is conducting to occupy a UNSC permanent seat.


Friendly gathering with Polish delegation
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering with members of a
delegation of the Poland-Korea Association was held at the Pyongyang
Changhangjon Senior Middle School on Monday. Invited to the gathering were
members of the delegation led by chairman of the association Andrzej
    Vice-chairperson of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries Hong Son Ok and members of the Korea-Poland Friendship Association
were present together with teachers and students of the school.
    The Polish guests looked round educational facilities of the school
before appreciating an art performance given by schoolchildren.
    Then the participants talked to each other about the strengthening and
development of the friendly and cooperative relations between the two


Art exhibition opens to mark KPA birthday
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- An art exhibition was opened at the
People's Palace of Culture on Monday to celebrate the 69th birthday of the
Korean People's Army. On display at the exhibition are 50 odd fine art works
which show the enduring leadership feats performed by President Kim Il Sung,
leader Kim Jong Il and the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong
Suk for the foundation of the KPA and its strengthening and development as
well as the struggle of the KPA soldiers and people intensely loyal to the
party and the leader.
    Present at its opening ceremony were minister of culture Kang Nung Su
and officials concerned, artists and art lovers and working people in the


S. Korean defector publishes book
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Book "Under the Care of the Great Sun"
written by Yun Song Sik, a South Korean defector, was off the press. Yun was
active as a dissident democrat in South Korea before defecting to the north
in late Juche 87 (1998). He is now a permanent member of the consultative
council of former South Korean politicians in the north for the promotion of
peaceful reunification.
    Edited in the book are notes written by him, moved by the stirring
reality of the DPRK where the masses of the people are building a powerful
socialist nation despite manifold hardships, single-heartedly united around
leader Kim Jong Il.
    It also carries his letter to Kim Jong Il, accounts of his press
interviews and articles contributed to the press.


Chinese residents help builders in land realignment project
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Chinese residents in South Hwanghae
Province of the DPRK helped builders in the provincial land rezoning and
levelling project. They visited the Jangbang Cooperative Farm in Haeju to
convey their aid materials and help builders in land realignment project
    At the break the helpers sang and danced together with agricultural
    They also gave mental and material support to soldiers of Pak Song Un's
unit of the Korean People's Army who are carrying out the land realignment


Lao President on friendly relations with DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Khamtay Siphandone, chairman of the C.C.,
Lao People's Revolutionary Party and President of the Lao People's
Democratic Republic, met with secretary of the C.C., the Workers' Party of
Korea Choe Thae Bok who is leading the delegation of the WPK to the 9th
Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Hanoi on April 20. At the
meeting he said it is thanks to the prominent leadership of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il that an epochal phase has been opened up in the
relations between the north and the south of the Korean peninsula in recent
    Referring to the sincere support the WPK extended to the Lao people's
struggle, he said his party always remembers it.
    The relations between the two parties and two countries of Laos and the
DPRK are now developing on good terms, he said, expressing the belief that
they will continue to strengthen and develop.


Korea's illustrious man St. So San
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Among the brilliant military commanders
recorded in the history of Korea is St. So San (1520-1604), a Buddhist monk
who fought the Japanese invaders in his advanced years. His real name was
Hyu Jong. From childhood, he was very clever and keen-minded. Left an orphan
when he was nine, he entered monkhood at 18 and in his thirties became
widely known for his sound knowledge of Buddhist scriptures and high
accomplishments. He was ordained as a saint (high-level Buddhist title given
by the feudal state).
    He went hiking to beauty spots across Korea, evolving verse on the
landscape and books on Buddhism.
    His fame among the Koreans reached the peak during the Imjin Patriotic
War (1592-1598). 
    When the Japanese samurais invaded Korea, he called on all the Buddhist
monks across the country to turn out in fighting, saying: "Remember that
monks are subjects of this country " though on the wrong side of 70, he
personally formed and led a volunteers unit in the attack on the walled city
of Pyongyang, opening a route of advance for the Korean army.
    His patriotism is still vivid in the memory of the Koreans.


Kim Jong Il's army-first politics praised
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Leonid Pablovich Kantamirov, a war
veteran of Russia, published a poem "Army of Korea Tells". The poem said
that power comes out of the barrel of the gun and an army should have a
great brilliant commander.
    General Kim Jong Il, an iron-willed commander, has wisely led the army
of Korea, it noted, and went on:
    The army of Korea which was founded on the basis of the tradition of Mt.
Paektu and is now standing guard over the defence line of the country as
imposingly as Mt. Paektu is the ranks of crack shots who can ruthlessly wipe
out any enemy on our planet.
    Noting that a country is bound to go to ruin and an army to suffer a
defeat if the country has no strong army though there is power and if it
lacks a brilliant commander though it has an army, the poem said the army
should always be led by the brilliant commander.


National technical innovation festival held
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A national technical innovation festival
was held here to mark the 40th anniversary of the start of the model machine
movement. On display at the festival were 1,400 materials out of the
successes of technical innovation in all fields of the national economy
through the active model machine movement for emulating lathe no. 26, a mass
movement for the management of equipment.
    The festival offered a good occasion of introducing achievements made by
various fields of the national economy in increasing production potential
and improving the production processes and methods by taking good care of
the equipment and introducing new science and technology in order to raise
the level of technical equipment and improve the quality of products.
    Meanwhile, a national seminar on the experience gained in the technical
innovation drive took place on the same occasion.


Rodong Sinmun on comradeship
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a joint article of
Rodong Sinmun and Josoninmingun calls for holding aloft the slogan of
comradeship. Leader Kim Jong Il has led the revolutionary cause of Juche to
one victory after another holding aloft the slogan of comradeship, the
article says, and goes on:
    Comradeship is a master key to the victory in the revolution.
    It is President Kim Il Sung's idea of comradeship that a comrade is more
valuable than anything else in the revolutionary struggle and comradeship
provides strength to carve out destiny, a key to the human emancipation and
a driving force for the victory in the revolution. Kim Jong Il
comprehensively systematized the idea of comradeship founded by the
president and made a unique clarification of the law governing revolutionary
development that a revolution starts and emerges victorious thanks to
    Comradeship we mean was initiated by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    Comradeship produces a powerful driving force for revolution, gives a
strong impetus to the development of the socialist society and helps train
true revolutionaries.
    The Korean revolution is a glorious one which has triumphed thanks to
comradeship and the history of the Korean revolution is precisely a history
of comradeship as it brilliantly decorated the 20th century.
    Comradeship was a secret of the ever-victorious Korean revolution, a
source of invincible spiritual power of the Workers' Party of Korea and
inexhaustible strength of the army and people of Korea.
    The whole course in which the Korean revolution was pioneered and has
advanced represents a history in which comradely relations that were
established with the birth of the down-with-imperialism union as a momentum
have steadily grown strong and comradeship has come into full bloom.
    Comradeship has demonstrated tremendous vitality in the Korean
revolution and brought about stirring realities.
    It was a source of inexhaustible strength that enabled Korean-style
socialism to dynamically advance despite all difficulties.
    No nuclear weapons could bring the people closely united on the basis of
comradeship to their knees and the enemies' anti-socialist moves were
completely frustrated by their invincible might.
    Comradeship was a decisive factor of the successful solution of the
problem of succession to the revolutionary cause, which makes it possible to
carry the cause of the Korean revolution to completion generation after
    The revolutionary soldiers of Korea have long glorified the brilliant
history, firmly united around Kim Jong Il on the basis of comradeship and
this problem of succession to the leadership over the Korean revolution
found a successful solution thanks to the comrades who, loyal to him, are
fully ready to share destiny with him.
    The Korean revolution should be accomplished by virtue of comradeship,
the article says, and continues:
    It is the fixed will of Kim Jong Il to complete the Korean revolution to
the last on the basis of comradeship despite manifold ordeals as Kim Il Sung
started and advanced the Korean revolution on the basis of comradeship. The
whole party and army and all the people should hold high the slogan of
comradeship under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    We should inherit and develop the tradition of comradeship, holding high
the banner of Juche idea and thus bring comradeship into full bloom in the
new century led by Kim Jong Il.
    When a hundred people get together they should be comrades of faith who
share will with Kim Jong Il and when a ten million people get united, they
should become comrades with strong sense of obligation who share life and
death with Kim Jong Il. All of them should remain true to the oath taken
before the party and the leader no matter how much water may flow under the
    The article calls for becoming Kim Jong Il's true comrades who earnestly
learn from his comradeship and wholeheartedly uphold his politics.
    It is necessary to consolidate all the social relations to be those of
comradeship and firmly protect the revolutionary and true ties of
comradeship that exist in our society, it concludes.


Work to preserve cultural relics brisk
    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Work to preserve cultural relics is now
under way as a mass movement in the DPRK. April is the "Month of Preserving
Cultural Relics." 
    April and November have been annually observed as "Months of Preserving
Cultural Relics" since Juche 74 (1985) and a variety of work has been
conducted in those periods.
    Measures are to be taken in those months this year to preserve scores of
relics including the site of the Anhak Palace and Hyanggyo (Confucian shrine
and academy) in Junghwa, Pyongyang, the Ankuk Temple in South Phyongan
Province and Kwaegung Pavilion in Ryanggang Province.
    Every cultural relics preservation department (bureau) of provincial
(city) people's committees will organize various work such as creating
ornamental forests near historical relics to suit their geographical
features, mending headges and renovating landmarks and explanation boards on
    A variety of work will also be organized to explain laws and regulations
on the preservation of cultural relics to working people, youth and students
and introduce relics through film shows and publications.
    Thanks to the policy of preserving national cultural heritages pursued
by the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government, many relics have
been unearthed, restored to their original state and preserved across the
    As a result, national cultural heritages created by forefathers are
preserved in their original state.
    In recent years alone, new measures have been taken to preserve lots of
relics including the Sungyang Confucian Shrine and academy in Kaesong,
Kwangbop Temple and Popun Temple in Pyongyang and Mangmi Pavilion in Manpho,
Jagang Province. 


National meeting held to mark KPA anniversary
    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- April 25 is the foundation anniversary of
the Korean People's Army (KPA). On the occasion, a national meeting was held
at the April 25 House of Culture today to celebrate the 69th anniversary of
the heroic KPA. 
    Present were senior party and state officials, KPA officers and men and
working people in the city.
    Invited were foreign diplomatic envoys and military attaches here.
    Kim Yong Chun, member of the DPRK National Defence Commission and chief
of the KPA general staff, made a report "Let us firmly guarantee the
revolutionary cause of Juche with arms, consistently holding fast to the
party's army-first policy."
    For nearly 70 years after their foundation the revolutionary armed
forces have successfully carried out their noble mission and role as the
main forces of the revolution through the arduous struggle and performed
immortal feats which will shine long in the annals of the country, he said,
and went on: 
    The victories in the two big wars against the most atrocious and
formidable Japanese and U.S. imperialists were historic ones which could
have been achieved only by the revolutionary armed forces that had grown to
be an invincible army intensely loyal to the party, the leader, the
fatherland and the people under the army-first leadership of President Kim
Il Sung. The victories were a noteworthy military miracle in the world
history of war. 
    It was thanks to his far-sighted revolutionary army-first leadership
that the people's army resolutely foiled the ferocious challenge of all
sorts of the hostile forces and class enemies in those grim decades of
revolution, creditably defended the security of the party, the revolution,
the country and the people and firmly guaranteed the victorious advance of
the socialist cause of Juche by force of arms.
    The Juche cause of army building and revolutionary army-first leadership
of the president are being successfully carried forward by supreme commander
Kim Jong Il at a new higher stage.
    He set forth the army-building policy of modelling the whole army on the
Juche idea and wisely led the struggle for its realization.
    It was thanks to his unique army-first leadership, considering military
affairs as the first one of state affairs and giving top priority to
strengthening the revolutionary armed forces, that the defence lines of the
country have been firmly consolidated as an impregnable socialist bulwark
and the people's army could emerge victorious in sharp confrontation with
the imperialists, demonstrating its invincible might.
    Due to the reckless provocations and aggression moves of the new U.S.
administration, the Korean peninsula is beset with the danger that its
situation, which was developing in favour of detente and reunification, may
go back to confrontation and tension.
    If the imperialists force a war upon us despite our serious warnings,
our army and people will deal an annihilating blow of retaliation at the
enemies with all potentials they have built up for decades and the enemies
will face the most miserable end.


Lao foreign minister and Namibian delegation here
    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Somsavath Lengsavath, deputy prime
minister and foreign minister of the government of the Lao People's
Democratic Republic, and his party arrived here today. They were met at
Pyongyang Railway Station by vice minister of foreign affairs Pak Kil Yon
and Lao ambassador to the DPRK Khamkheng Sayakeo.
    Meanwhile, the Namibian government delegation led by Nahas Angula,
minister of higher education, training and employment creation, arrived here


Chairman of Hyundai Asan of S. Korea here
    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Jong Mong Hon, chairman of the Hyundai
Asan of South Korea, and his party arrived here today. They were met at the
airport by Song Ho Gyong, vice-chairman of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace
Committee, and officials concerned.


For Spanish-speaking people

dirigente kim jong il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de industria ligera de
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il dirigio
sobre el terreno del 21 al 23 del mes en curso las fabricas de industria
ligera de la ciudad de sinuiju de la provincia de phyong-an del norte. le
acompanaron yon hyong muk, miembro del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea, kim kuk thae, secretario del cc del
partido del trabajo de corea y los primeros subjefes de departamento del cc
del ptc. 
    le acogieron en el mismo lugar kim phyong hae, secretario responsable
del comite del ptc en la provincia de phyong -an del norte, jang yun son,
presidente del comite popular de esta provincia y los funcionarios
directivos de la provincia, la ciudad y las fabricas.
    el dirigente kim jong il ante todo dirigio sobre el terreno la fabrica
de articulos de tocador de sinuiju nuevamente construida en sinuiju sur.
    al recorrer los talleres de jabon, pasta dentifrica y articulos de
tocador y otros varios procesos de la fabrica se entero de los detalles del
estado de construccion y produccion.
    el dijo que es muy elevada la calidad de todos los productos de esta
fabrica y se mostro muy contento de que desde ahora se puede suministrar con
mas abundancia los cosmeticos a nuestro pueblo.
    enseno que se debe aumentar sin cesar la produccion en la fabrica de
articulos de tocador de sinuiju por que esta ocupa una importante porcion en
la realizacion del proyecto del partido del trabajo de corea de asegurar la
vida mas abundante y civilizada al pueblo y presento las tareas concretas
para este particular.
    despues dirigio sobre el terreno la fabrica de vasijas de hierro
esmaltado de sinuiju.
    el subrayo que para aumentar sin cesar la produccion en la fabrica es
preciso renovar audazmente a base de la tecnica moderna todos los procesos
de produccion e introducir en estos los adelantos de la ciencia y tecnica.
    dijo que debe esforzarse por que sean mas utiles y hermosas las vasijas
de hierro esmaltado que son articulos de uso diario predilectos del pueblo,
enseno los medios para este fin y presento las tareas concretas que se
presentan para normalizar en un alto nivel la produccion.
    vio la funcion del grupo de propaganda movil de la fabrica.
    acto seguido el dirigente kim jong il dirigio sobre el terreno la
fabrica de alimentos basicos de sinuiju.
    al recorrer varios procesos de produccion se entero de los pormenores
del estado de equipamiento tecnico y de produccion y se mostro muy
regocijado al ver la salsa y pasta de soya, aceite y otros distintos
alimentos basicos que salian a chorros.
    dijo que las modernas fabricas de alimentos basicos construidas en un
corto espacio de tiempo en distintas localidades producen gran cantidad de
alimentos secundarios predilectos de nuestro pueblo y anadio que esto es una
revolucion en el desarrollo de la industria alimenticia de nuestro pais.
    dijo que es importante aumentar sin cesar la produccion en las ya
preparadas bases productoras de alimentos basicos y subrayo que se debe
tomar estrictas medidas para suministrar con suficiencia soya y otras
materias primas y materiales.
    el dirigente kim jong il enseno que los obreros del sector de la
industria ligera de la ciudad de sinuiju con el abnegado servicio al pueblo
deben operar nuevo cambio en la produccion para suministrar mayor cantidad
de articulos de primera necesidad de buena calidad a nuestro pueblo.


comunicado conjunto sobre establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas rpdc -
     pyongyang, 24 de enero (atcc) -- quedo publicado el dia 23 de enero del
2001 el comunicado conjunto sobre el establecimiento de las relaciones
diplomaticas entre la republica popular democratica de corea y el reino de
belgica. el comunicado conjunto senala:
    los delegados de los ministerios de relaciones exteriores de la rpdc y
el reino de belgica celebraron el dia 18 de dicimembre del 2000 y el dia 23
de enero del 2001 en bruselas las conversaciones para establecer relaciones
diplomaticas entre ambos paises.
    las conversaciones tuvieron lugar de acuerdo con las cartas
intercambiadas por los cancilleres de ambos paises relativas al
establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas.
    en ellas ambas partes acordaron establecer relaciones diplomaticas a
nivel de embajador entre la rpdc y el reino de belgica a base de los
convenios de viena sobre las relaciones diplomaticas y las relaciones


corriente indetenible
     pyongyang, 24 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el
numero de hoy senala: la normalizacion de relaciones entre la rpdc y los
paises occidentales es el ruto de la politica exterior independiente del
partido del trabajo de corea.
    recientemente la rpdc establecio las relaciones diplomaticas con canada
y espana. con anterioridad lo hizo con holanda y belgica.
    el ano pasado entablo relaciones diplomaticas con filipinas, italia y
gran bretana y las reanudo con australia.
    la independencia, la paz y la amistad son invariable ideal de la
politica exterior del partido del trabajo de corea y el gobierno de la
republica popular democratica de corea.
    la rpdc no practica discriminacion ni propone condicionamiento en la
mejora de las relaciones exteriores.
    el partido del trabajo de corea mantiene la posicion de establecer y
desarrollar las relaciones de buena vecindad, amistad y cooperacion con
todos los paises que respetan la soberania de la rpdc y tratan amistosamente
a esta. 
    hoy es una corriente indetenible el hecho de que se agranda de dia en
dia la atencion internacional a la rpdc y varios paises aspiran a mejorar
sus relaciones con esta.
    esto es sumamente natural y normal.
    la realizacion de la normalizacion de relaciones de la rpdc con varios
paises del mundo constituye una positiva contribucion a la paz y la
seguridad del noreste asiatico y a la larga, del mundo.
    el gobierno de la rpdc tambien en el futuro desarrollara relaciones de
amistad, cooperacion y buena vecindad con todos los paises del mundo que
respetan la soberania de la rpdc y tratan amistosamente a esta y asi
contribuira activamente a la causa comun de la humanidad para verificar la
independencia del mundo.

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