President Ho Chi Minh's birthday marked

On-going activities are being organised throughout the country to celebrate
the 111th birthday of late President Ho Chi Minh.

A meeting to review 20 years of 'Sen Village Singing Festival' was held in
Nghe An central province on May 16.

Ten art troupes across the country gave performances, praising Uncle Ho.

The Sen Village Singing Festival has been held in the province for the past
20 years in commemoration of Uncle Ho. Also during the celebration, the Nghe
An province's Department of Culture and Information decided to change the
name of the festival to 'Sen Village Festival'.

A delegation from the central province of Thua Thien- Hue visited Uncle Ho's
homeland and presented Kim Lien relic site with a statue of Uncle Ho's
youthful image. The bronze statue is 1.5 metre high and weighs 150

Sixteen public art troupes and 350 professional artists of Thai Nguyen
province participated in an art performance. The songs and dances praised
the Party, beloved Uncle Ho and the country.

The Party Committee and the Military Zone 1's Command organised many
political activities for officers and men to improve their knowledge on Ho
Chi Minh's thought.

Nam Dinh province held many activities to celebrate Uncle Ho's birthday such
as a public performance with songs praising the Party and Uncle Ho, a
display of President Ho Chi Minh's books and other writers' books on Uncle
Ho and a panel poster exhibition, 'President Ho Chi Minh, Hero in the
National Liberation and the Worldly Man of Culture'.

More than 700 children from 12 districts and precincts took part in the
fourth Childhood's Melody Festival. Through performances, children expressed
their fine sentiments to Uncle Ho, the country, parents and teachers.


Cuba celebrates President Ho Chi Minh's birthday

A talk on Vietnam was held in Havana, on May 16, to mark the 111th birthday
of President Ho Chi Minh by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the
People and the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba, Thai Van Lung, spoke of the Ninth National
Congress of Communist Party of Vietnam last month. He stressed that the
Vietnamese communists are determined to follow the socialist way with
Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought being the foundation to build
Vietnam with a rich people, a strong country, and an equal, democratic and
civilised society.

On the occasion, a documentary film named "Sai Gon - Ho Chi Minh City" was
screened, presenting historic stages against aggressors by the Vietnamese

Present at the talk were CVFA President Yolanda Ferrer and other
representatives from the Cuban Party Central Committee's Commission for
External Relations and the Foreign Ministry. (VNA)


Defence minister meets Algerian War Veterans Minister

Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General, Pham Van Tra, met the visiting
Algerian Minister of War Veterans, Mohamed Cherif Abbas, and his entourage
in Hanoi on May 17.

Minister Tra described the Algerian Minister's visit as a contribution to
boosting friendship between the peoples, armies and war veterans of the two

Minister Abbas expressed his joy to visit Vietnam and affirmed the visit
would strengthen the traditional friendship between Algeria and Vietnam.

On this occasion, Minister Abbas presented President Bouteflika's
Moudjahidine Armed Forces, "Friendly Order" to Minister Pham Van Tra.

The Algerian Minister and his entourage arrived in Hanoi on May 15 for a
working visit to Vietnam as guests of the Vietnam War Veterans' Association
Central Committee. (VNA)


Vietnam reaffirms sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Phan Thuy Thanh, on Thursday, May 17,
described as violating Vietnam's sovereignty, any move made by other
countries towards its archipelagos of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa

"Any move by other countries towards Vietnam's Hoang Sa and Truong Sa
archipelagos, as well as its exclusive economic zones and continental
shelves without its government's permit, is a violation of Vietnam's
sovereignty and rights of sovereignty in these regions," Ms Thanh said.

She also reaffirmed Vietnam's position on these two archipelagos by saying
"Vietnam has enough historical evidence and legal ground to affirm its
indisputable sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos."

In reponse to Vietnam News Agency's query about Vietnam's reaction to
China's decision to continuously ban fishing operations in the East Sea from
June 1st to August 1st this year, Ms Thanh said:

"A littoral country, Vietnam has all sovereign rights towards its exclusive
economic zones and continental shelves."

"Now as before, Vietnam intends to solve all disputes relating to the East
Sea through peaceful negotiations on the basis of respect for international
laws and practices, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the
Sea and the 1992 Manila Declaration on the East Sea."

"While accelerating negotiations for a basic and durable solution to all
disputes, all concerned parties should maintain stability on the basis of
status-quo and self-restraint, without taking any action to make the
situation in these regions more complicated," the spokeswoman said. (VNA)


Deputy foreign minister visits Persian Gulf countries

Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Van Nganh paid separate visits to Oman, Saudi
Arabia and Kuwait from May 5-16.

Deputy FM Nganh was accompanied by a number of Vietnamese entrepreneurs.

He had talks and exchanges of views on boosting friendship and co-operation
in economy, trade, labour and investment with officials of relevant agencies
in those countries.

During these working sessions, Deputy FM Nganh briefed his hosts about
Vietnam's current situation, its open foreign policy and co-operative
potential. He stated that Vietnam always attached importance to relations
with Persian Gulf countries, including Oman, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The hosts expressed their admiration at the Vietnamese people's struggle for
national freedom in the past and achievements in the national renewal
process at present. They expressed wishes to further boost relations with

During the tour, the Vietnamese Deputy FM met the Foreign Minister of Oman,
Yousuf Bin Alawi Bin Abdullah; the Minister of State in Charge of Foreign
Affairs of Saudi Arabia, N A Madani; and the National Assembly Chairman of
Kuwait, Jassem al-Khorafi. (VNA)


Ly arrested on charges of law breaking

Law enforcement forces in central Thua Thien-Hue province arrested Nguyen
Van Ly, on May 17, on charges of violating his probation under Article 269
of the Criminal Code.

Ly was arrested at his house in Truyen Nam hamlet, Phu An commune, Phu Vang

Nguyen Van Ly was born on May 15, 1946 in central Quang Tri province. He was
ordained as a priest in 1974. After the liberation of the south, Ly was
allowed by the local administration to preach religion in line with law.
However, he committed a number of law violations instead of concentrating on
religious practice and consequently received some punishments.

Of late, Nguyen Van Ly continued to provoke public disorder and incite
anti-government activities, thus threatening public security.

On February 5, 2001, the Hue Church decided to send Ly to another parish and
the decision received the local administration's approval. Ly, then, served
as a priest at An Truyen parish in Phu An commune, Phu Vang district, Thua
Thien-Hue province.

Ly continued his anti-Government activities and committed more serious
violations of law in the An Truyen parish. Consequently, the People's
Committee of Thua Thien-Hue province on Feb. 26 issued a warrant putting him
on probation in Phu An commune so that he would have time to correct his
wrong-doings. But Ly had defied the probation and continued his
anti-Government activities, causing public disorder, disturbing the daily
life and production of local people, and worse still, inciting believers to
cause unrest in Truyen Nam hamlet and at the office of the People's
Committee of Phu An commune, Phu Vang district. His activities have aroused
discontent and anger from the local population, and Catholic priests and

Ly was arrested publicly in the presence of a large crowd who expressed
their approval. (VNA)


US scientists warn about consequences of Agent Orange

Results of a latest research project conducted by US scientists show that '
Agent Orange,' used by US forces during the War, continues to seriously
threaten Vietnamese people's health.

The results of the research on the effects of Agent Orange were announced by
the US, "Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine" on May 15.

The research revealed that 30 years after US forces sprayed Agent Orange on
Vietnam's battlefields, a number of Vietnamese people in the areas exposed
to the poisonous chemical still show a high level of dioxin in their blood.

US health researchers have found that the dioxin content in the blood of
people living in Bien Hoa town, where a major airbase and chemicals
storehouse of the US were located, is 135 times higher than that in the
blood of Hanoians. In particular, 'Agent Orange' victims of Bien Hoa
included people who were not in Bien Hoa during the war time and also people
who were born many years after the end of the war. Evidence gathered by the
scientists suggests that the use of 'Agent Orange' by US forces during the
war, continues to pose a serious threat to the health of local people in
Bien Hoa.

Other US health researchers who had not taken part in the research said that
Agent Orange remains a disastrous legacy of the war that should not be

President of the Vietnam Red Cross, Doctor Nguyen Trong Nhan in a recent
interview with the Lao Dong (Labour) newspaper, said that according to
statistics released by the US Defence Department, US forces sprayed 72
million litres of toxic chemicals, including 44 million litres of 'Agent
Orange' containing 170 kilograms of dioxin, in Vietnam and adjacent regions
of Laos and Cambodia, between 1961-1971.

According to US scientists, there are more than 1 million 'Agent Orange'
victims in Vietnam, including 150,000 children. (VNA)

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