From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 01:19:15 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] IRSP: Neutrality Statement

Dublin IRSP Neutrality Statement
No to American Crusade - Defend Ireland's Neutrality

Following the slaughter in New York and Washington the American
administration now seeks to build a 'coalition against terrorism'
essentially, a by word for the prosecution of war against the innocent
peoples of Afghanistan and the Middle East, and central to the building of
this 'coalition' has been the need to acquire support from the puppet
governments of both Britain and Ireland.  Within days of September 11th
both went on record supporting without qualification the American cause.

Ireland is supposed to be a neutral country, but yet here we are siding
with America, a country which has reaped terrible reward as a result of
decades of misguided foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere in the
world. We recall the American inspired slaughter in Lebanon, her support
for Israeli tyranny against the Palestinian people, the sanctions inspired
by America against Iraq since the Gulf war, sanctions which have so far
cost the lives of a million Iraqi children, not to mention the bombing of
Serbia orchestrated by NATO. Despite this record of terror no-one in
government circles in Ireland uttered one word of condemnation against
these unjust American actions!

The people of Afghanistan may prove the latest target for American revenge.
Are we in Ireland now expected to support the wholesale slaughter of these
oppressed people so Bush, his White House staff and the American lap-dog
Tony Blair can be seen to have done something? It certainly seems that we
are given the disposition of our government. We have a situation now in
Ireland where British planes regularly patrol the nation's airspace and
American troop planes land in Shannon and Knock airports, but yet we are
supposed to be a neutral country. We call for an end to these flagrant
breaches of our neutral status at the behest of a puppet government in
Leinster House.

We call for America to ponder why such a terrible deed was inflicted
against her as a means to explore a solution, as opposed to the prosecution
of an unjust war. American terror, such as that witnessed in Lebanon,
Palestine, Iraq and Serbia, as much as that of any other variety must be

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