TODAY'S NEWS (November.26.2001 Juche 90)



KCNA slams remark of U.S. defense secretary

Seminar on DPRK held in France

Return of U.S. bases in S. Korea demanded

U.S. troops assailed for destroying forest in S. Korea

Torchlight of Ranam flaring up all over country

New colleges established

Improved inter-Korean ties called for

Senior officials of DPRK meet Chinese delegation

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Lao delegation

Greetings to chairman of Bulgarian Socialist Party

For Spanish-speaking people


ee.uu. eleva grado de hostilidad a rpdc - comentario de atcc -

hay que abandonar ilusion sobre imperialismo

rpdc: nuevos institutos superiores


KCNA slams remark of U.S. defense secretary
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- U.S. defense secretary Rumsfeld at a
recent press conference pulled up the DPRK again, asserting that North Korea
is directly involved in terrorism and proliferating its missile technology.
This goes to prove that the U.S. anti-DPRK hostile policy remains unchanged
and it is set to escalate it.
    He, at the same time, disclosed the U.S. intention to push ahead with
its moves to establish the "Missile Defence" system (MD), which may disturb
the global peace and strategic stability, under the pretext of non-existent
"threat" from the DPRK.
    It is well known that the u.s. has so far gone ahead with the MD under
this pretext. 
    It is preposterous for the U.S., styling itself a "superpower," to claim
that it should establish the MD for fear of the DPRK's missile solely meant
for self-defence. 
    The international community, therefore, is ridiculing the U.S. insisting
on such pretext. 
    As the DPRK has already clarified, its missile program is of peaceful
nature and it poses no threat to any country which does not intend to invade
    Furthermore, the DPRK assured the international community that it would
freeze its launch of ballistic missiles by 2003 and is now sincerely keeping
this promise. 
    Nevertheless, the U.S. is again taking issue with the DPRK, asserting
that the DPRK's "development of weapons of mass destruction and
proliferation of its missile technology pose a real threat" to it. It is a
blatant challenge to the DPRK and a despicable plot to divert the
international resentment at its arbitrary and high-handed practices to the
    As far as terrorism is concerned, the DPRK had already clarified its
principled stand that it is opposed to all forms of terrorism and any
support to it. And no one can deny the fact that the DPRK is not involved in
any terrorism. 
    The groundless charges brought by the U.S. against the DPRK over the
issues of "terrorism" and "missile threat" go to clearly prove that its talk
about an unconditional dialogue with the DPRK is nothing but hypocrisy and
it is, in fact, not interested in the dialogue and improved relations.
    The U.S. had better stop behaving rashly, not forgetful of the
historical lesson that its escalated anti-DPRK hostile moves have never
brought any good consequences.


Seminar on DPRK held in France
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- A seminar titled "the DPRK in the
first year of the new century" was held in Paris on November 19. Edmond
Jouve, president of the council of the European Society for the Study of the
Juche Idea, in his report said that the DPRK is a society based on the Juche
idea fathered by President Kim Il Sung.
    The Juche idea is now being developed and enriched by leader Kim Jong Il
and its validity and vitality are fully demonstrated in the reality of the
DPRK, he said. 
    With the embodiment of the Juche idea, the DPRK has become a powerful
country independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant
in national defense and a people-centered socialist country where the
popular policy is in force, he noted, and added:
    Though the Korean people are undergoing difficulties caused by collapse
of the socialist market and natural disasters, they are building a powerful
and prosperous socialist country with conviction and optimism and making a
new advance in the struggle for national reunification under the leadership
of Kim Jong Il. 
    Then speakers called on all Europeans to express positive solidarity
with the most realistic and reasonable proposal for founding the Democratic
Federal Republic of Koryo for Korea's reunification.


Return of U.S. bases in S. Korea demanded
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The Inchon and Kyonggi Provincial
Federation of University Student Councils in South Korea reportedly issued a
statement on Nov. 17, condemning the U.S. troops for turning a blind eye to
the recent victim to a high-voltage line for their exclusive use. Referring
to the fact that a resident got an electric shock by a high-voltage line of
the U.S. troops at a construction site in mid-July, the statement said that
the U.S. military side brushed aside the repeated demand of the then people
in charge of the project for the removal of the high-voltage line before the
beginning of the project.
    The statement called for the U.S. military authorities' apology and
compensation for the victim to the high-voltage line, abolition of the
deceptive "joint land management plan," return of all the U.S. military
bases across South Korea and immediate withdrawal of the U.S. troops from
South Korea. 


U.S. troops assailed for destroying forest in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The environment juridical centre for
public interest under the environment movement association and the U.S.
troops issue committee under the bar association for democratic society on
Nov. 21 submitted an open questionnaire to the ministry of national defense,
'the ministry of environment and the forestry administration as regards the
U.S. troops' destruction of a vast forest in Phaju, Kyonggi Province,
according to the South Korean newspaper Daehan Maeil. Condemning the U.S.
troops for destroying the forest, the questionnaire urged the authorities
and the U.S. troops to probe the case and take measures for its restoration
and for prevention of recurrence.


Torchlight of Ranam flaring up all over country
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The working people and agricultural
workers in the DPRK have turned out as one to bring about a great
improvement in production and construction in response to the torchlight of
Ranam, a flame of Korea in the era of the army-based policy. The officials
and workers of the Ranam coal mining machine complex accepted the demand of
the Workers' Party of Korea as a supreme order and carried out any target by
themselves in the transparent spirit of devotedly defending the leader.
    Leader Kim Jong Il highly praised them for their fighting spirit and
manner of work and led the whole country to step up the revolutionary
advance of the new century following the torchlight of ranam.
    Meetings were held at the Musan Mining Complex, the Unryul Mine, the
Ryongsong Machine Complex, the Komsan Farm in Sukchon county, South Phyongan
Province, and many other units on Nov. 25.
    At the meetings reporters and speakers said that the torchlight of Ranam
represents the unshakable determination of Kim Jong Il to build a powerful
country of Juche in this land at any cost and the unanimous desire of the
people and army of Korea.
    They called for bringing about a revolutionary turn in building an
economic power, holding aloft the slogan "Let us follow the Ranam workers'
spirit of devotedly defending the leader and devotedly implementing the
leader's instructions"


New colleges established
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The college of information science and
technology and the college of engineering science and technology were
established at Kim Chaek University of Technology, the highest seat of
training scientists and technicians in the DPRK. The colleges will exert
efforts to increase the use of computers in teaching technological subjects
as required by the era of the information industry.
    Close academic links between the two colleges in the fields of
information science and mechanical engineering will help train more
intellectuals necessary to develop the nation's science and technology and
modernize and pep up the national economy.
    More colleges are expected to appear at the university in the future.


Improved inter-Korean ties called for
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- Only when the relations of mistrust
and confrontation between the north and the south are replaced by those of
trust and reconciliation is it possible to achieve the independent and
peaceful reunification of the country by the concerted efforts of the whole
nation, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It says:
    The history of the national division that has lasted over half a century
teaches a lesson that the confrontation and mistrust between the north and
the south only resulted in such misfortune as continued division and a war.
    Whoever truly wants national unity and reunification should meet the
need of the era for national independence and reunification ushered in by
the publication of the north-south joint declaration.
    Those who depend on foreign forces and pursue "cooperation" with them,
betraying the nation and ignoring its driving force are fated to be forsaken
by the compatriots.
    The north-south relations can be turned into those of trust and
reconciliation and a phase of independent reunification can be opened only
when everyone joins efforts with fellow countrymen from the stand of
national independence, a patriotic stand, and comes out against outside
    It is a prerequisite for improving the inter-Korean ties to put an end
to the political and military confrontation between the north and the south.
    Such practices inciting misunderstanding and mistrust between the north
and the south and obstructing national reconciliation and unity should not
be allowed. 
    Accusing the ultra-rightist anti-reunification forces in South Korea of
finding fault with the June 15 joint declaration and putting a brake on the
process to improve the north-south relations, the article notes:
    If this is allowed to go on, it is impossible to improve the ties
between the north and south nor is it possible to achieve national unity and


Senior officials of DPRK meet Chinese delegation
     Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the
Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, and Paek Nam Sun,
minister of foreign affairs, separately met and had talks with the
delegation of the Chinese Foreign Ministry led by its vice-minister Li
Zhaoxing today. 


Gift to Kim Jong Il from Lao delegation
    Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from
the national organization for the studies of politics and administration of
Laos (NOSPA). It was handed to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central
Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, by its vice-president Kikeo
Khaykhamphithoune, who is leading the visiting delegation.


Greetings to chairman of Bulgarian Socialist Party
    Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea on Nov. 21 sent a message of greetings to Georgi Parvanov,
chairman of the supreme council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, on his
victory in the presidential election. In the belief that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the two parties and the two countries would
further expand in the idea of independence, peace and friendship, he wished
him a greater success in his responsible work.


For Spanish-speaking people

ee.uu. eleva grado de hostilidad a rpdc - comentario de atcc -
     pyongyang, 26 de noviembre (atcc) -- el secretario de defensa
norteamericano rumspeld en una reciente conferencia de prensa volvio a
hablar de que "norcorea participa directamente en el terrorismo y difunde la
tecnica de misil". esto demuestra que ee.uu. persigue invariablemente la
politica de hostilidad a corea e intenta elevar su graduacion.
    ee.uu. se propone perseguir el establecimiento del "sistema de defensa
antimisil" enderezado a destruir la paz y la estabilidad estrategica del
mundo pretextando supuesta "amenaza" de la rpdc.
    ee.uu. autodenominandose "superpotencia unica" pretende establecerlo so
pretexto de la amenaza de misil de la rpdc.
    pero esta insistencia absurda suscita solo la burla de la sociedad
    como lo hemos patentizado mas de una vez, el plan de misil de la rpdc
reviste un caracter pacifico y no da niguna amenaza a los paises que no
quieran agredirla. 
    la rpdc se comprometio a la faz de la sociedad internacional a congelar
hasta 2003 el lanzamiento de misil balistico y lo ejecuta con sinceridad.
    sin embargo, ee.uu. vuelve a vociferar de que "el desarrollo de armas de
exterminio masivo y la proliferacion de la tecnologia de misil de la rpdc
constituyen una amenaza real. evidentemente esto es un desafio a la rpdc y
una vil artimana para descargar a esta la antipatia internacional sobre su
    patentizamos ya la posicion de principios de oponernos al terrorismo en
todas sus formas y el apoyo al respecto y el mundo reconoce que ahora la
rpdc no se interpone en el terrorismo.
    ee.uu., acusa sin motivos a la rpdc de "terrorismo" y la "amenaza de
misil". esto demuestra que ee.uu. habla hipocritamente del dialogo sin
condicionamiento con la rpdc y no tiene interes en el dialogo y la mejora de
sus relaciones con esta.
    ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia sin olvidar la leccion historica de que
la intensificacion de su maquinacion de hostilidad a corea no trajo
resultado bueno. 


hay que abandonar ilusion sobre imperialismo
     pyongyang, 26 de noviembre (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el
numero del dia 25 inserto un articulo individual subrayando que para
promover con vigor la causa de independencia de las masas populares hay que
abandonar la ilusion sobre los imperialistas y desplegar una resuelta lucha
contra estos. el articulo senala en particular:
    la ilusion sobre el imperialismo paraliza la conciencia del pueblo,
debilita su lucha antimperialista y arruina el pais y la nacion.
    los imperialistas hablan de que se ha cambiado su naturaleza y se valen
de todos los medios y metodos para crear la ilusion sobre si mismos.
    "hablan de la "ayuda" y "cooperacion" con otros paises.
    pero esta" ayuda" y "cooperacion" no pasan de ser medios para crear
condiciones favorables a realizar su dominio sobre otros paises que las
    bajo el rotulo de "ayuda" y "cooperacion" los imperialistas se apoderan
de los importantes renglones economicos de otros paises y se valen de tales
o cuales metodos para impedir la independencia economica de esos paises y
hacer de la economia de esos paises un apendice suyo.
    pero hablan de la eficiencia de su "ayuda" y "cooperacion".
    la agresion y el saqueo son la naturaleza del imperialismo. por mas que
se cambie la situacion internacional sera invariable la ambicion
dominacionista de los imperialistas.
    la "ayuda" de los imperialistas es un lazo del saqueo y la subyugacion.
lo demuestra elocuentemente la realidad tragica de aquellos paises y
naciones que otrora abrigaban la ilusion sobre los imperialistas.
    el imperialismo no es algo temible sino la basura de la historia y el
tigre de papel. 
    los paises y pueblos aspirantes a la independencia deben distinguir
correctamente la naturaleza agresiva y la vulnerabilidad del imperialismo,
mantener siempre la firme posicion antimperialista por la independencia y
rechazar categoricamente toda la ilusion sobre los imperialistas.
    ademas deben dar importancia a los asuntos militares y reforzar el
poderio de autodefensa para luchar hasta el fin contra los imperialistas.
solo de esta manera podran defender la soberania de la nacion y lograr su
prosperidad y desarrollo.


rpdc: nuevos institutos superiores
     pyongyang, 26 de noviembre (atcc) -- fueron fundados el instituto
superior de ciencia y tecnica de informatica y el instituto superior de
ciencia y tecnica de maquinaria en el instituto universitario politecnico
kim chaek (centro supremo de formacion de cientificos y tecnicos competentes
de corea). estos centros docentes dedicaran las fuerzas a aumentar la
proporcion de aplicacion de computadoras en la ensenanza de asignaturas
tecnicas conforme a la epoca de la industria de informatica.
    brindaran vinculos academicos en los sectores de la ciencia de
informatica e ingenieria mecanica para desarrollar la ciencia y la tecnica
del pais y formaran al personal competente para modernizar y vitalizar la
economia nacional. 
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