Urgent Action Message

Communist Party of Chile Offices Ransacked by Police; Gladys Marin and other
Party Leaders Beaten, Arrested

Dear Comrades,

We have just received disturbing news of a brutal, planned attack on the
Central Committee offices of the Communist Party of Chile by over 300
members of the Carabineros, the Chilean National Police.

According to preliminary reports, the attack took place at the head offices
of the CP of Chile in Santiago on November 27. General Secretary Gladys
Marin, Luis Barria (Head of the International Department), and the leader of
the JJCC (communist youth league) were among the 50 or so party members who
were beaten and then detained by the police. Some comrades had to be taken
to hospital for injuries.

The offices were then trashed, telephone lines cut, and computers and other
electronic equipment smashed and thrown out onto the street.

Most of the comrades, including cde. Marin, have since been released from
custody, but a few are reportedly still under detention.

Chilean President Largos, and the newly appointed head of the National
Police, Arturo Cienfiegos, have subsequently claimed total ignorance of the
reasons for the police action, and have promised a full investigation. Many
doubt their professed ignorance however, because it is extremely unlikely
that rogue element within the police would complete such an atrocity without
approval from the highest levels of the state

This attack comes only three weeks before nationwide elections are scheduled
to take place, elections in which the vote for the Communists is expected to
rise. The destruction of the party national headquarters will severely
impact on the election campaign, a result which without doubt was intended.

The Communist Party of Canada sharply denounces this vicious repression
against Chilean Communists and demands swift action to bring those
responsible to account. We urge all democratically-minded Canadians to speak
out against this outrage, and to send faxes, e-mails, etc. to the Chilean
government and justice system to condemn this attack on democracy in Chile
and to demand justice.

Further information will be forthcoming as soon as it becomes available.

Comradely yours,

Miguel Figueroa,
Central Executive Committee
Communist Party of Canada

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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