TODAY'S NEWS (October.14.2001 Juche 90) [CONTENTS] * Kim Jong Il eulogized * Japan's cunning predatory method assailed * More U.S. air force unit deployed in S. Korea * Floral basket placed before Kim Il Sung's portrait * S. Korea-Japan "fishery agreement" and Koizumi's junket to S. Korea For Spanish-speaking people * ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia * sequia prolongada en rp ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim Jong Il eulogized Pyongyang, October 14 (KCNA) -- Vice-chairman Reijo Catajaranta of the Peace and Socialism-the Communist Workers' Party of Finland on a visit to the DPRK had an interview with KCNA on October 12. He said that leader Kim Jong Il has firmly defended the people-centred socialism of Korean style, upholding the banner of Juche. Kim Jong Il has provided the people with a worthy life and happiness with the politics of love and trust, benevolent politics, he said, and continued: He pursued the original army-first politics in the most difficult period of the DPRK to defend the cause of socialism and tremendously increase national defence capabilities and the national power as a whole. Thanks to his outstanding army-first politics, benevolent politics, the Korean people full of firm faith in the future and optimism have accelerated the march of socialism under the red flag to build a prosperous and powerful nation, demonstrated the dignity of the country and opened a turning phase of national reunification. The communists of the world have regarded the DPRK as the beacon of hope. Kim Jong Il is the great leader of the international communist movement and the cause of socialism. His party would always support the workers' party and people of Korea in their struggle for the construction of a powerful socialist nation and national reunification, he said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Japan's cunning predatory method assailed Pyongyang, October 14 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article deals with the Japanese reactionaries' recent calling for increased "cooperation" with Asian countries. Japan is not entitled to talk about "cooperation" in Asia, the article says, and continues: The top priority of Japan is not "cooperation", but redress of its past. Obvious is what is sought by Japan in calling for "aid" and "cooperation" while evading redress of its past. Asia is abundant in natural resources. The Japanese reactionaries are covetous of these resources. Their loudmouthed increased "cooperation" is also related to their serious economic crisis. They try to find a way out of the economic catastrophe in increasing the exploitation and plunder of Asian countries. Their predatory nature has not yet changed. They are working hard to realize black-hearted aim with crafty methods under the mask of "aid donor" and "cooperator," taking into consideration the Asian people's long-standing anti-Japanese feelings. They are strengthening the economic infiltration with cunning methods under the signboard of "aid" and "cooperation." First of all, they are increasing "aid." they are blocking the countries dependent on their "aid" from achieving economic independence and are reducing their economies to their economic appendage. They are also craftily increasing export of goods. The Japanese monopoly capitalists are selling their accumulated goods at a higher price than that of the international market. The Japanese reactionaries are trying to further strengthen the economic exploitation and domination over Asian countries and, with this as a springboard, establish the sphere of political and military domination over them. Japan has reappeared as a dangerous plunderer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More U.S. air force unit deployed in S. Korea Pyongyang, October 14 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists deployed a wing in South Korea from the mainland on October 11, according to Seoul-based MBC. An official concerned of the South Korean Defence Ministry said that it came under the "agreement between South Korea and the U.S. designed to fill up the military vacuum on the Korean peninsula caused by the U.S. war against terrorism." Earlier on October 2, the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean military authorities in a "press release" said they agreed to additionally beef up the U.S. air force in a bid to minimize the military vacuum on the peninsula caused by the dispatch of the aircraft carrier kitty hawk to the mid-east region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floral basket placed before Kim Il Sung's portrait Havana, October 12 (KCNA) -- A floral basket was placed with due ceremony before the portrait of President Kim Il Sung by the organization of solidarity of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America in Cuba on Oct. 8 on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Present there were Juan Carretero, secretary general of the organization, the DPRK ambassador to Cuba and embassy officials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S. Korea-Japan "fishery agreement" and Koizumi's junket to S. Korea Pyongyang, October 14 (KCNA) -- Civic organization and fishermen in Pusan, South Korea, reportedly held a solidarity struggle urging re-negotiation of South Korea-Japan "fishery agreement" and protesting Koizumi's projected junket to South Korea. The all-citizens measure committee for checking the distortion of the Japanese history textbooks called a press conference on Oct. 11, together with over 60 civic organizations in Pusan, and made public a statement urging the authorities to take a step for the fishermen's vital rights through the renegotiation of the agreement, while accusing them of their fishery diplomatic policy. Noting that Japan's apology and official explanation should be ahead of Koizumi's visit, the organization called for an immediate halt to the overseas dispatch of the "Self-Defence Forces" and cancellation of the plan to allocate more money for national defence expenditures. It decided to hold a large-scale meeting of citizens at the plaza of Pusan railway station on Oct. 15, the day set to receive the Japanese prime minister. More than 200 fishermen under a fishermen's organization went on tent sit-in at the plaza of the Pusan city hall on Oct. 11. Earlier on October 9, the headquarters of the movement for correcting Japanese textbooks started a relay race demonstration in Seoul. They in a statement issued before starting the demonstration demanded that prior to his visit to South Korea Koizumi together with the Japanese people repent of the issues concerning distortion of history textbooks and compensation to the victims to the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Spanish-speaking people ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ee.uu. debe actuar con prudencia pyongyang, 14 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero de hoy inserto un comentario denunciando a ee.uu. que en el nuevo siglo atenta contra la dignidad de la rpdc. el comantarista senala en particular: llama atencion la reciente creacion por ee.uu. de la comandancia de destacamento de desminado de las aguas en su base en sasebo del japon. este ano ee.uu. al reforzar sus fuerzas armadas y levantar alborotos militares en el contorno de la peninsula coreana expone abiertamente la intencion de aplastar con las fuerzas a la rpdc. ee.uu. impulsa el establecimiento del sistema de defensa antimisil pretextando la "amenaza de misil" de la rpdc. es un abuso de la palabra y un abierto desafio a esta. no se puede justificar ni perdonar jamas la intencion de ee.uu. de impulsar el establecimiento de este nuevo sistema de armas teledirigidas de punta so pretexto de la "amenaza " de la rpdc. de hecho, hemos observado la actitud de ee.uu. con respecto a corea, despues de la aparicion de la administracion de bush. sin embargo esta nos trata con una actitud desafiadora. ee.uu. vocifera de la "amenaza" y el "problema del derecho humano" y se junta al japon en el alboroto de "secuestro" para calificar a la rpdc de "un pais de apoyo a terrorismo". de esta manera intensifica sus provocativos y temerarios actos contra la rpdc. esto refleja la intencion de ee.uu. de intensificar su politica hostil y complot de aislamiento y aplastamiento a la rpdc en detrimento de la mejora de sus relaciones con esta. no perdonaremos jamas tal acto de atentar nuestra dignidad y de desafiar a la rpdc. nuestro principio revolucionario y modo de accion es responder con la buena voluntad a la buena voluntad y con resuelto enfrentamiento al desafio. mientras ee.uu. nos trate intransigentemente no podremos menos que responderle de igual manera. si los imperialistas norteamericanos toman el camino del enfrentamiento con la rpdc el ejercito y el pueblo de esta le infligiran una represalia mil veces mayor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sequia prolongada en rpdc pyongyang, 14 de junio (atcc) -- la severa sequia por la alta presion atmosferica continental perdura en toda la region de corea. segun una informacion del laboratorio central de pronosticos de la direccion meteorologica e hidrologica la presente sequia de mas de 100 dias desde el 4 de marzo hasta la fecha es un fenomeno sin precedente en la historia de observacion. segun un registro historico, en el ano 1727 por la sequia de 90 dias a partir del primero de julio murieron en masa todos los seres vivos y el rey dicto la orden de poner en libertad a los presos. el clima anormal de la actualidad es un fenomeno excepcional que viene 1000 anos despues en vista de la duracion de sequia y la climatologia. durante ese periodo las precipitaciones de todas las regiones del pais son de 18.3 mm en promedio que equivalen al 11 por ciento de los anos ordinarios. la alta temperatura atmosferica registra el valor supremo en la historia de observacion. en particular, la temperatura maxima de varios dias de abril y mayo en kaesong, sariwon, hamhung, wonsan y hyesan fue de 12-13 grados mas alto que el promedio. a nivel nacional fue de 3 grados mas alto que el promedio. pasaron en varias veces fuertes vientos de 11-18 metros por segundo y de mas de 20 metros por segundo en pyongyang, haeju, sarion y otras regiones de la costa occidental y en hamhung, wonsan y otras regiones de la costa oriental. son tremendos los danos en la agricultura por la gran sequia larga, la alta temperatura y fuertes vientos. ahora, se secaron los terrenos de mas de 25 centimetros de profundo y se ha hecho dificil el crecimiento de maiz, trigo y cebada, patata y otras plantas de campos de secano. cientos de miles de hectareas danadas se consideran areas imposibles de cosechar y es imposible la resiembra. por falta de agua de regadio fue interrumpido casi el transplante de retonos de arroz. se queman los retonos ya trasplantados. son gravemente danados los recursos forestales por incendios que no cesan de ocurrir en decenas de ciudades y distritos. otros varios dominios de la economia nacional sufren grandes consecuencias de las calamidades naturales. el estado toma todas las medidas para prevenir los danos por la sequia. pone en accion todas las instalaciones de bombeo y la mano de obra y embalsa el agua del mar. pero sigue de pie el estado de los estragos. se preve que continuaran la sequia y la alta temperatura. _________________________________________________ KOMINFORM P.O. 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