TODAY'S NEWS (January.20.2002 Juche 91)



Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's celebrated work observed

Implementation of joint declaration called for in S. Korea

Anti-U.S. solidarity rally held in S. Korea

U.S. urged to apologize for Rogun-ri massacre

Removal of danger of war from Korean peninsula called for

For Spanish-speaking people


kim jong il envia ofrenda floral a feretro de im rok jae

creadas mas de 30 mil obras literarias en 10 anos


Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's celebrated work observed
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il published a famous
work "Theory of Juche-Based Literature" on January 20, Juche 81 (1992) and
this marks a historic event that provided literature with a true textbook
and indicated a correct way for literature to follow in the era of
independence, says Rodong Sinmun today in a by-lined article dedicated to
the tenth anniversary of the publication of the work. It goes on:
    The work is a great program of literature which takes the Juche idea as
ideo-theoretical and methodological basis.
    The work says that the theory of the outlook on literature and arts, the
hardcore matter in creating literary and artistic work, calls for abiding by
the principle that the popular masses should be made a center in thinking
everything and it should be made to serve them.
    By expounding all the ideas and theories of literature and arts on the
basis of the Juche idea Kim Jong Il clearly indicated the way to be followed
by literature that serves as a powerful instrument for the defence of
independence of man.
    This is his great achievement made in the history of literature and
    The work gives an encyclopedic exposition of the theoretical and
practical matters in the creation and building of literature in the era of
independence and the ways of carrying them out.
    He put forward a theory of the seed in literary and artistic works and
made a flawless formulation of that theory of the seed in his work on the
basis of the experience gained in bringing about the greatest successes in
literature and arts through its embodiment.
    His work gives a comprehensive and profound formulation of the theories
of the fundamental matters in the building of Juche-based literature,
including the heritage of national literature and arts, traditions of the
revolutionary literature and arts, the socio-political organism that is an
eternal source of depiction in our literature and the depiction of the
revolutionary leader that is the supreme task of Juche-based literature. It
also gives an integral systematization of theoretical and practical matters
related to the creation of all genres and styles of literature.
    His publication of the undying program of literature is his immortal
feat as it serves as a valuable guideline in the creation of literature to
meet the desire of the era of independence and aesthetic need.
    For its immutable truth the "Theory of Juche-Based Literature"
demonstrated a great vitality for the last ten years.
    Today our literature has effected miraculous innovations in all domains
of literature, guided by the Juche-based idea of literature and arts and
decorates the flower garden of Juche-based literature with great
masterpieces of the times, the article adds.


Implementation of joint declaration called for in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- The third rally for "day of all-people
action for the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration" was
reportedly held in Seoul on Tuesday under the sponsorship of the
reunification solidarity for the implementation of the June 15 South-North
Joint Declaration and peace in the Korean peninsula. Addressing the rally,
the permanent representative of the solidarity called upon the citizens of
different circles to come out in the solidarity action, recalling that the
united states is now pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to a
grave phase after declaring this year as a "year of war".
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    The resolution noted that 2001 was a fruitful year in which the south
and the north gained more shining results in achieving the great unity of
the nation than ever before.
    The joint declaration provided the nation with a key and guideline for
reunification, it said, adding:
    We will make 2002 an important year for the implementation of the June
15 joint declaration, a year of epochal significance in achieving national
reunification by pooling the wisdom and efforts of the 70 million fellow
countrymen to shatter the U.S. and the separatist forces' persistent policy
of division. 


Anti-U.S. solidarity rally held in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- The 28th anti-U.S. solidarity rally was
held in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Tuesday, according to South
Korea's Thongil News. Attending the rally were members of citizens
organizations, including the people's action for the revision of the South
Korea-U.S. "status of forces agreement", the preparatory committee for the
headquarters of the movement for the return of the U.S. military base in
Ryongsan, the joint measure committee for retaking our land, U.S. military
bases, and the all-people measure committee for the closure of the U.S.
bombing ground in Maehyang-ri, and workers affiliated to the Daewoo Motor
trade union. 
    At the rally speakers angrily stated that it is shameful that foreign
troops are present in South Korea, vowing to fight on until the U.S. forces
have been withdrawn from south korea.
    The ralliers also heard a report from the joint measure committee for
probe into the case of Jon Tong Rok, a victim of the U.S. military
high-tension line accident, and speeches denouncing the U.S. construction of
apartment houses in Ryongsan military base and war moves.
    When policemen tried to block the rally, the ralliers clashed with them,
strongly demanding the right to a peaceful rally.


U.S. urged to apologize for Rogun-ri massacre
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- A former GI testified to the fact that
the mass killings of inhabitants during the Korean War were committed by a
U.S. military order to fire machine-guns, according to news reports from
Seoul. This soldier was involved in the killing of civilians in Rogun-ri,
Yongdong county, North Chungchong Province of South Korea in July 1950.
    The headquarters of the people's movement for the withdrawal of U.S.
forces from South Korea, in a commentary dated Jan. 14, urged the United
States not to make a mockery of the Korean nation but to admit the massacres
in Rogun-ri and all other areas and make a thousand-fold apology and
compensation for them.
    The Taegu and North Kyongsang Provincial Federation of University
Student Councils released a statement on Jan. 16 demanding that the U.S.
make a thousand-fold apology and compensation to the Korean people at once.
The U.S. forces should immediately get out of South Korea, the statement


Removal of danger of war from Korean peninsula called for
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- It is necessary to foil the moves for
aggression and war and remove the danger of war from the Korean peninsula if
peace and the independent reunification of the nation are to be achieved,
says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The danger of war is increasing on the Korean peninsula due to the U.S.
hardline policy to stifle the DPRK by force of arms.
    This danger of war will mount unless a struggle is waged against the
    The U.S. troops in South Korea are a main factor of harassing peace and
stability on the Korean peninsula.
    They are playing a major role in carrying out the U.S. anti-DPRK
hardline policy by force of arms.
    The U.S. claim that its forces in South Korea are a "war deterrent
force" is nothing but sophism intended to justify its military presence in
South Korea and its moves to ignite another Korean war.
    They have no other mission than to ignite a new Korean war.
    Therefore, the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea is a
prerequisite to removing the danger of war from the Korean peninsula. This
is also essential for ensuring peace and stability there.
    The U.S. should, at the same time, drop its hardline policy towards the
    In order to remove the danger of war and ensure durable peace and
stability on the Korean peninsula it is necessary to frustrate the Japanese
militarists' wild ambition to stage comeback to Korea.
    The U.S. tries to use the Japanese reactionaries as its shock brigade in
the new Korean war of aggression to be provoked by it.
    The DPRK is made the first target of the Japanese militarist forces'
overseas aggression.
    Japan is just waiting for the U.S. to give the green light to the new
Korean war. 
    A struggle against Japan's moves to reinvade Korea is, therefore,
urgently required to ensure peace and stability not only on the Korean
peninsula but in the rest of Asia.


For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il envia ofrenda floral a feretro de im rok jae
     pyongyang, 19 de enero (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea envio el dia 18 una ofrenda floral
al feretro del heroe del trabajo, academico, prefesor y doctor titulares im
rok jae, miembro suplente del cc del ptc, diputado a la asamblea popular
suprema de la republica popular democratica de corea, director del jardin
botanico nacional y de la academia de silvicultura en senal de profunda
condolencia por su fallecimiento. im rok jae fallecio el 17 de enero del ano
91(2002) de la era juche a 81 anos de edad por el infarto del miocardio


creadas mas de 30 mil obras literarias en 10 anos
     pyongyang, 19 de enero (atcc) -- durante estos 10 anos que datan de la
publicacion de la imperecedera obra clasica del dirigente kim jong il
"literatura juche" se crearon mas de 30 mil obras tales como las poesias,
novelas y obras de literatura infantil de alto valor ideo-artistico bajo la
sabia direccion del partido del trabajo de corea. la obra publicada el 20 de
enero del 81(1992) de la era juche sintetiza integralmente todos los
problemas teorico-practicos que se presentan en la construccion y el
desarrollo de la literatura juche, a saber la mision principal y la
caracteristica de la literatura juche, la tradicion de la literatura y el
arte revolucionarios y el patrimonio de la literatura y el arte nacionales,
la esencia y la caracteristica del realismo juche, la descripcion de la
imagen del lider, la teoria de semilla y el principio de la descripcion de
las obras literarias, el problema para realizar la popularizacion de la
literatura, etc.
    los noveladores crearon mas de 20 obras que son continuacion de las
novelas en serie "inmortal historia" y la "inmortal orientacion", y la
novela larga "en el camino de la fidelidad" que relatan las inmortales
hazanas revolucionarias del presidente kim il sung, el dirigente kim jong il
y la heroina de lucha antijaponesa kim jong suk.
    se crearon las novelas largas "el anhelo", "el monte paekgum", "la
tierra roja", en fin, mil y cientos de obras novelisticas y de literatura de
motivos tomados de la realidad en total que contribuyen a armar a los
trabajadores con la concepcion de la vida revolucionaria y acelerar la
marcha de la bandera roja del socialismo.
    los poetas crearon mas de 20 mil obras de diversas formas que convienen
a la aspiracion y el sentimiento de la epoca.
    los escritores de la literatura infantil crearon las novelas y las
poesias que se ajustan a la psicologia infantil.
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