Young managers to work in localities

Many young managers and leading officials of Vietnam will be sent from the
central to local levels and vice-versa to hold new posts or work in new
capacities, in order to train them to meet the growing demands of national

This rotation will be conducted nationwide in conformity with a resolution
issued by the Party Politburo on January 25 to this effect.

The objective of the new rotation is to provide managers and leading
officials, especially young ones, with new conditions and opportunities to
train themselves and help them mature quickly, the resolution said.

It added "This is a very important policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam
- an effort to improve the organisational and personnel work of the Party -
as well as the entire political system and armed forces of Vietnam."

The resolution also highlighted the struggle against regionalism and efforts
to prevent negative attitudes and aspects while carrying out the rotation.

The resolution said that the rotation will cover officials who are managers
and administrative leaders, excluding those who work as professional
specialists and experts. (VNA)


General Secretary urges continued Party building, rectification

The Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central
Committee should focus their work in 2002 on serving the continued campaign
on Party building and rectification, Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh
has said. 

Mr Manh was addressing a national conference of Party inspectors in Hanoi on
January 28. 

Party inspectors should be qualified, politically, professionally and
ethically, and ready to overcome hardship to fulfill their assignments, the
Party leader noted.

He told the conference that inspection should be conducted of the
implementation of Party resolutions by Party Committee members, Party
organisations and Party members when there are signs of violations.

The fight against individualism, opportunism, corruption and wasteful
spending of public funds is a difficult task. Preventing and driving back
corruption and wasteful spending of public funds is not only the resolution
of the Party but also an order from the people, the Party leader said.

Under the strategic line for national socio-economic development in the
first decade of the 21st century adopted at the Ninth Congress of the CPV,
Vietnam has been striving to get rid of poverty and the state of under-
development and become a basically industrialised and modernised country by
2020, the Party leader reaffirmed.

Mr Manh said he hoped Party inspectors would carry out their jobs creatively
and raise their work efficiency to live up to the people's and Party
members' trust. 

Vu Quoc Hung, permanent deputy chief of the CPV Central Committee Inspection
Commission, delivered a report reviewing the accomplishments of the
commission last year.

An outstanding accomplishment by the commission last year was to help Party
organisations from the grassroots to the central level successfully organise
their congresses, according to the report.

It also said progress was also made in Party inspection work and
implementation of Party disciplines in 2001, the first year of exercising
the resolutions passed at the ninth congress of the CPV. (VNA)


Cambodian PM visits Military Zone 7

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen made a visit to officers and soldiers of
the Command of the Military Zone 7, in the southern province of Dong Nai, on
the morning of January 28.

The Cambodian Prime Minister has been in Ho Chi Minh City since January 26
for the second meeting of the Prime Ministers of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

During the visit, Prime Minister Hun Sen presented the Friendship Order,
first class, Cambodia's highest distinction for foreigners, to the Commander
of the Military Zone 7, Lieutenant General Phan Trung Kien, and the
Friendship Order, second class, to the armed forces of the Military Zone 7.

The Cambodian prime minister also presented the Friendship Order, second
class, to the Party Committee and the People's Committee of Dong Nai

The presentation of the honours constituted an encouragement to and a high
evaluation of the close co-operation and solidarity between the units of
Vietnam's Military Zone 7 and Cambodian commands in particular, and between
the armies and peoples of the two countries in general, the prime minister

He met and spoke with generals and other senior officers who once worked in
Cambodia and paid tribute to the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Cemetery in
Long Giao commune, Long Khanh district, in Dong Nai province. (VNA)


Government seek new measures for socio-economic development

Cabinet members should find out new concrete and practical measures to
implement socio-economic tasks set for 2002 at the January session, said
Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

Mr Khai was speaking at the opening ceremony of the government's three-day
meeting in Hanoi on January 28.

He said the most important solution should deal with investment
restructuring in the direction of improving the economy, focusing on raising
productivity, efficiency and competitiveness while boosting the export of
Vietnamese products.

The prime minister laid stress on addressing urgent social issues and
raising management capacity of State agencies, thus ensuring strict and
smooth implementation of policies and solutions.

Prime Minister Khai pointed to advantages for the country to fulfil its
socio-economic tasks in 2002. The world has considered Vietnam "a safe
harbour" and committed US $2.4 billion in ODA for 2002.

He also emphasised socio-political stability and the effective conclusion of
the Vietnam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement as from late last year.

The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his deputies
Nguyen Tan Dung, Nguyen Manh Cam, Nguyen Cong Tan, and Pham Gia Khiem. (VNA)


Court sector starts work for 2002

Representatives of the people's courts nationwide gathered in Hanoi on
January 28 to start the work for 2002.

President Tran Duc Luong sent a letter to the meeting, saying he was proud
of the Courtıs work in the past year, yet he still felt very disappointed at
the mistakes made during judicial works in many cases which created
dissatisfaction among the people. He said he hoped that the work will be
done better this year to ensure the law and order are well observed.

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Van An, in his speech at the meeting, said
the court is of the people, by the people and for the people and that every
person working for the court should improve the skills and qualifications
along with revolutionary virtues to serve the people, the Party and the
State and to live up their expectations.

The report by the people's supreme judge, Trinh Hong Duong, at the meeting
numbered the case the sector handled in 2001 at 197,584 and completed
167,584 cases, or 84.8% of the workload for the year. The report said most
of the cases were handled within the timeframe set forth by the law. The
sector took tougher measures against crimes related to drugs, social evils,
national securities and corruption. The judge detailed examples of poor
handling of several typical cases for discussion at the meeting for better
experience in future works.

The three-day meeting will focus on the work for 2002 to ensure development
of a market oriented economy under socialist guidelines, which guarantee the
development of education and training, culture, science and technology and
social order and security to help make the socio-economic development
programme for 2001-2005 a success.


First meeting of Election Council convenes

The first meeting of the of the Eleventh National Assembly Election Council
held its first meeting under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman
Nguyen Van An, who is also the chairman of the council, in Hanoi on January

The date for the eleventh national assembly election is fixed on May 19,
2002 and the council includes 21 members, according to the Resolution 284
dated on January 26 of the National Assemblyıs Standing Committee.

Mr Vu Mao, as the councilıs secretary general, reported the rights and
responsibilities of the council and the plan to be deployed for the coming

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Van An assigned tasks to members, who
discussed the implementation of the councilıs rights and responsibilities.
The council has agreed to set up two sub-committees, including a propaganda
committee headed by Mr Vu Mao and a Security, Social Order and Safety
committee headed by Nguyen Phuc Thanh, National Assembly vice chairman.


Australia values ties with Vietnam: Australian FM

Australia highly values co-operative and constructive relations with Vietnam
within the framework of regional forums, such as the Asian-Pacific Economic
Co-operation (APEC) Forum and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer has said.

Speaking at a function to announce the new Australian ambassador to Vietnam
in Sydney on January 27, Minister Downer also said that Australia supports
Vietnam's joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Australia boasts time-honoured, constructive and diversified ties with
Vietnam, the minister noted, saying the relations between the two countries
have recently been broadened to co-operation in the executive and defence

Vietnam is Australia's 18th largest trading partner with two-way trade
reaching AUD 2.9 billion in the 2000-2001 period.

Vietnam is also the third biggest recipient of Australian aid.

Between 4,500 and 5,000 Vietnamese students study in Australia annually,
four times higher than those from any other country.

Around 200,000 overseas Vietnamese in Australia have made active
contributions to Australia, Minister Downer emphasised. (VNA)


Cambodia volunteers' remains repatriated

A solemn ceremony to receive 183 sets of remains of Vietnamese army
volunteers who gave up their lives in Cambodia during the past war was held
in the southwestern border province of Tay Ninh.

Representatives from the governments and the Defence Ministries of Vietnam
and Cambodia and officials of the two border provinces of Tay Ninh and
Kompong Cham attended the ceremony.

A re-burial service for the fallen Vietnamese combatants was held afterwards
at the Tay Bien district cemetery in Tay Ninh province.

Thousands of local people stood on both sides of the 20 kilometre road
portion from Xa Mat border gate to the cemetery to receive the remains on
their way back home.

Also on January 28, 54 sets of remains of Vietnam's army volunteers who were
killed in action in Cambodia were reburied in the national Ngoc Hoi cemetery
in the border central highland province of Kon Tum.

The remains were found by group K. 53 of Kon Tum's Military Command in
Cambodia's Ratanakiri province last December.

Earlier, Ratanakiri people held a memorial service for the fallen Vietnamese
combatants.  (VNA) 

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