60 years of Uncle Ho's return to homeland marked

A meeting to celebrate 60th anniversary of the day when President Ho Chi
Minh came back home to Pac Bo to lead and organise the Vietnamese
revolutionary movement (January 28, 1941 - January 28, 2001) was held on
January 28 at the Pac Bo historical site in the northern mountainous border
province of Cao Bang.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr Duong Mac Thang, secretary of the provincial
Party Committee highlighted the great significance of the founding of the
Communist Party of Vietnam 71 years ago and the event of Uncle Ho coming
back home to Pac Bo to directly lead the Vietnamese revolutionary movement
60 years ago. 

During that time, in Pac Bo, Cao Bang, Uncle Ho, together with the Party
Central Committee, outlined decisive policies and lines for the Vietnamese
revolutionary movement and the nation's fate. Under the leadership of the
Party and Uncle Ho, generations of ethnic minority people in Cao Bang have
followed wholeheartedly the Party, deserving the 'Viet Bac (Northernmost
Vietnam Revolutionary Base) Revolutionary Star'.

The whole army and people in the province have always promoted the glorious
revolutionary tradition, being determined to build Cao Bang into an
exemplary province in the process of socialist construction as once
instructed by Uncle Ho when he returned to the province in 1961.

The same day, many cultural, art and sport activities were organised at Pac
Bo historical site and Cao Bang town.


Party leader visits Hanoi poor district

Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu paid a Tet (Lunar New Year) visit to
the suburban district of Soc Son, Hanoi, on January 28, (January 5, lunar

Mr Phieu and authorities from central agencies and Hanoi visited the people
in Bac Son commune, which is considered as a new economic region in Soc Son
and Hanoi. 

The Party leader paid a careful attention to the lives of people, especially
to the poor and priority policy benefiting families, while visiting Do Luong

Mr Phieu and his entourage visited households who have recorded good
achievements in developing hilly household economies.


Leaders hold Tet tours to localities

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung held a meeting with representatives
from ethnic groups, intellectuals and religious organisations in the
southern province of Kien Giang on January 27 (January 4, lunar calendar) on
the occasion of Tet (Lunar New Year).

The provincial authorities briefed the deputy prime minister on the
achievements recorded by the local people in 2000. Mr Dung praised the great
achievements of the local people and the role of the provincial Fatherland
Front in uniting people for the country¹s cause.

On the same day, Mr Le Minh Huong, minister of public security, paid a Tet
visit to Vinh Phuc province.

The minister spoke highly of great efforts of cadres and officers of Vinh
Phuc Police to ensure social law and order, helping local people have a
happy Tet. 


Tet tree planting  festivals held nationwide

Mekong delta provinces are planting millions of trees in mangrove coastal
areas in an effort to restore forest areas destroyed by the flood last year.

In the past one month, each province in the delta has planted an average of
1,000 hectares of forests, bringing the total area of newly planted forests
of the delta to 270,000 hectares.

Ha Giang northern mountainous province¹s Bac Quang district is focusing in
developing the hill-gardening economy. Bac Quang now has nearly 3,400
hectares of hill-gardens. Of this figure, orchards account for 90%.

Dai Hue Plantation in Nghe An central province is tending 70,000 pine trees
and striving to plant 40 hectares of concentrated forests. The plantation is
also cultivating 320,000 pine seedlings. Last year, the plantation planted
240 hectares of concentrated forests and provided tens of thousands of
seedlings to locals people during the Tet tree planting festival.

The central province of Ninh Thuan this year plans to plant 1,150 hectares
of concentrated forests, double last year¹s figure.

Hanoi¹s Thanh Tri district launched the planting tree festival on January 27
(or the fourth day of Tet)

Last year, the whole country planted over 200 million of scattered trees, or
49,963 hectares of orchards and 30,000 hectares of trees.

This year, the country targets to plant 250-300 million scattered trees.
Over the past two months, provinces hit by natural calamities have prepared
seedlings for the replanting of the destroyed areas of trees.


New Year festival celebrated abroad

The Vietnamese mission to the United Nations headquarters organised a
get-together on January 27 (the fourth day of the lunar New Year) to
celebrate Tet (lunar New Year) festival in New York, United States.

The meeting attracted the participation of many Viet kieu (Overseas
Vietnamese,) cadres and students working and studying in New York and more
than 300 American people.

The participants spoke highly of achievements recorded by the Vietnamese
people during the renovation process, particularly the new policies of the
Party and State towards the Vietnamese community in foreign countries. The
Overseas Vietnamese also affirmed their warm sentiments towards their
homeland and said they wished to continue to contribute to assisting the
country and to the national construction.

A similar get-together to welcome Tet festival was held the same day in
France by Vietnamese People's Association in France.

Vietnamese ambassador to France, Nguyen Manh Dung and many French and
international friends attended the meeting.


Condolences sent to IndiaState President Tran Duc Luong, Prime Minister Phan
Van Khai and Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien on January 27 cabled their
Indian counterparts, expressing sympathy over human and property losses
caused by the recent earthquake in Gujarat State.

The joint sympathy message was addressed to Indian President K R Narayanan,
Prime Minister A B Vajpayee and Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh. (VNA)

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