Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front

To the Embassy of Spain

On 27 January, on the CNN-Turk "Kriter" ("Criterion") television programme,
the Spanish ambassador made a speech regarding our organisation. The
ambassador, wanting to gratify the wishes of the murderous authorities, was
merely saying things to please them.
He said in a rather definite manner that he would expend his efforts to get
the DHKP-C placed on the "European Union Terror List".

1- The ambassador says in the same speech that "we cannot under any
circumstances accept those who resort to violence". Taking your words at
their face value, we are sending you, as a supplement to this, a report
prepared by TAYAD, an organisation of friends and families of prisoners,
which wages a struggle for rights and freedoms.
Are you speaking of terror and violence? There in the report is a tableau of
terror and violence. What you will examine in this tableau could be added
with hundreds of incidents and thousands of details added as a separate
If you wish, we can send thousands of documents and other information
to this.
It is impossible for an ambassador who has followed events in Turkey to be
ignorance of this tableau.
But even if you are, you are not questioning those who have created this
tableau. You are making no attempt to punish this tyranny. Nor are you even
making the most basic criticism of it.
Why is it that you do not turn to the murderous authorities of Turkey and
say, "if you are practising violence, this violence must also end."

2- "We cannot accept those who have recourse to violence," you say: in that
case, there you are. Those who resort to violence are the state forces of
Republic of Turkey.
Moreover, it is the kind of violence that has cost thousands of human beings
their lives. This is the kind of violence in which no questions are asked
about executing people, making them disappear or killing them in torture
centres. This is the kind of violence in which, without exception, all court
proceedings opened against those who carry out executions or belong to death
squads acting "in the name of the state" end in "acquittal".
As you know, we can send you thousands of pages of information devoted to
this. But you are saying that your policies are not measured according to
democracy, justice or law but are regulated by the interests of the Spanish
monopolies, you are saying that you are not interested in torture and human
rights violations. If you were to say that you only engage in politics for
your own interests, that would not be different from what you are saying
But then be honest and candid and do not mention democracy, human rights and
law. Do not sacrifice these concepts to the interests of the monopolies.

3- In Turkey, it is the state that uses violence. In Turkey, the fascist
authorities are the source of violence.
We prefer neither illegality nor violence. There is no other way to oppose a
regime based on repression and violence, to use the right to resist those
oppress the people, to develop the struggle for independence, democracy and
socialism and to replace the fascist government with people's power.
We are defending independence as opposed to imperialism, democracy as
to fascism, socialism as opposed to fascism, and people's power as opposed
the oligarchy's government.
Where is the crime in this? Where is the illegality? Where is the terror?

4- What will you gain if you put the DHKP-C and the PKK on the "list of
terrorist organisations"?
Who will profit, other than the fascist authorities of our country?
In our country, there is a FASCIST government. The fascist FRANCO government
ruled Spain for years and it is the same kind of people in our country

Look, you will see this in the supplement. At least look at the prisons in
our country. In the past few years dozens of prisoners have been killed and
hundreds left handicapped; look at the prisons they call F-Type, where
torture and isolation go on without a break; there you will see the true
of our government.
Your country has experienced Franco fascism. You will be able to give
testimony on how murderous and torturing a state can be.
Be a little more prudent; do not be so eager to gratify the fascist wishes
the fascist authorities with regard to this subject.
In this framework, here is our appeal to your embassy and your country: you
must examine the beliefs and policies of those whom you are trying to place
on a "list of terrorist organisations" for struggling against fascism.
Yes, when the ambassador of a country claiming to defend law and human
and be guided by democracy goes on TV, why does he not talk about the
thousands of concrete examples of torture, executions and prison massacres
which some examples are given in the supplement to the report?
An ambassador who see it as a duty to gratify the wishes of murderous
authorities and please them is in our view not the representative of Spain,
but is close to representing the Spain of Franco.
Which Spain do you represent?

Supplement: 1980-2000 Terror Report On Turkey
To be sent to: the Spanish Embassy in Turkey
The Spanish Prime Minister's Office

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi (Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)

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