John Edwards wrote:

 > Has anyone flown a KR-1/Corvair combo?

I don't know of one, but Richard Shirley has a 3300 Jabiru on his KR-1, 
which is essentially the same power, but  lighter.  Some weight in the 
tail would be required, and the wing loading would be high, and landing 
speed correspondingly higher than with a lighter engine.  But that's 
essentially what I plan on doing, with more wing area and a longer tail 
to tame pitch sensitivity.  Loads of fun would be assured, as well as 
200 mph plus, straight and level.

Steve Trentmans's turbine KR-2T  has flown plenty, but it's a 
gas-guzzler, at something like 12 gph.  There are details from Steve at, and also in one of the Pine Bluff 
gathering sites on

Mark Langford
ML at

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