>   It should be noted that
>my wings are about 14" shorter on each end than the plans call for (no foam
>extensions), and my wing's lift is being compromised by the lack of gap
>seals, not to mention gritty primer overspray on the wings.  So even with my
>best efforts, that's probably no help to you...
>Mark Langford



I'll also note for you ( :-) ) that you have the new airfoil, not the RAF48.
I have the RAF48 airfoil with 4 inch tips instead of 8 inch as called for
in the plans.  My usual ramp weight is probably 1050 to 1100 pounds
for most flights.  I probably lift off in the 55 to 60 mph range and
estimate my actual stall to be in the 55 mph range at altitude.  I can
maintain altitude at 40 to 45 indicated but we all know how accurate
that is.  I have flown formation with a two place Kolb tandem before
if that gives you any idea of how slow the KR can fly under total control.
With my weight and wing area I want to be in ground effect at 60 mph
indicated or else have plenty of distance between me and the ground.
On the flip side, my KR has the most gentle stall characteristics of any
aircraft I've ever flown and is capable of the softest "kiss it on" landings
on a consistent basis also.  ONE SWEET LITTLE BIRD !!!!!

Larry Flesner   ---  199.2 hours and counting !!  Hope to hit 200 in two
                                    years and one month this weekend !!

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