The only advantage that I can see to make the changes suggested is if the
airplane was going to be a dedicated high altitude flyer. This suggested set
up would eliminate the situation Mark L is describing of having his plane
nose up at high altitude.

The problem is that based on what I am hearing and have experienced in my
own KR2, you will LOSE all the other good traits of the design. Look at Mark
L's description of what happened when the builder (the name escapes me) that
used a different airfoil in an effort to make the KR2 faster, which became
the poster plane for the KR2S. Landings became very different as I expect
the stalls did also. Plane was not kept for to much longer there after.

Mark L has a great documentation of the new airfoil on his site. Use it as
is, or else build the old RAF48 airfoil.  I would hate for you to end up
with an unpredictable stall, or nasty low speed characteristics!


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