Scott Perkins wrote:

> The question I have not seen answered is whether the KR-1 plans
> are available from the RAND company and if so how much and how long
> does it take and what kind of condition are they in.  IE such as
> complete, hi quality, accurate etc.

Well, Mike, the guy who posted the plans to the web wrote:

> I'm putting the plans on the net because I'm irritated at how long it took
> the get the plans from Rand Robinson, there was no chance of telephone
> correspondance and I was irritated by the serious lack of quality in the
> plans.

Which I interpret to mean that he eventually got them, and is one of the two 
sets he scanned and made available to whoever wants to download them.  Or 
you could do the RIGHT thing and send a check to the address at  (plans prices are there as well).

I'll probably have a lot more to say on this later, but suffice it to say 
that Mike's been unsubscribed and banned from the list.  I don't like doing 
that because I consider it to be a safety issue when you cut somebody off 
from the list, but in his case, I've certainly made an exception.

As for quality, the plans are ancient and leave a lot to the imagination 
(even more than the KR-2 plans), but as many have said before, a plane can 
be built from them.  I own a set myself, which I bought and paid for.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at"

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