At 05:07 PM 7/11/2010, you wrote:
>The question to you tail dragger builders with non stock KR2 undercarriage,
>is how far in front of the CENTER of the CofG is the center of the axle with
>the plane in the flying attitude?
>Barry Kruyssen

I checked my "Tony Bingelis" books, before we lost power and lights 
in storm that rolled through, and he says the rule of thumb is as follows:

Plane in level flying attitude, find the point (on the top longeron 
in our case) for the C.of G.
 From that point drop a line to the floor at an angle in the range of 
15 to 20 degrees forward.  That would / should be the contact point 
of the tire to the ground for the main gear on a conventional geared aircraft.

I think ( going from memory here) that my axle is pretty much in line 
with the lead edge of my wing.  With an airplane as light as a KR, 
where the pilot is such a high percentage of the gross weight, you 
will probably have to settle for light tail weight with no one on 
board.  Whenever I carry a passenger, I always make sure I can get 
the tail up well before lift off to insure I have a flyable airplane.

Remember, my opinion is worth what you pay for it. :-)

Larry Flesner

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