At 07:26 PM 7/11/2010, you wrote:
>Also the tail wheel main position.
>I still have not decided to have tail wheel or nose.
>What do you think with a heaver 0200 up front and the W&B?

Too many variables between airplanes to for me to guess.  My KR has a 
24 inch fuselage stretch and the main gear is right at 8 feet 
wide.  It handles like a pussy cat on the ground.  In the end though 
you have to go with what you are comfortable with.  Joe Horton's 
tri-gear and Corvair will probably be about equal to an 0-200 on 
tri-gear and he has not had a problem.  I know he has been in on some 
fairly rough sod as I was with him that weekend in Ohio.  I think 
pilot technique has a lot to do with how well the nose gear holds 
up.  Are you putting the 0-200 in a KR2 or 2S ?  The 2S should be 
o.k. but the KR2 might be a bit nose heavy.  You'd have to hold the 
engine close to the firewall and then that long pull starter might be 
a problem.  My 0-200 is on a HAPI mount that required some 1 or 1 1/2 
inch spacers to keep the starter off the firewall.  I have since come 
across a "free" pull starter with a slightly shorter body (1/2 to 3/4 
inch) so now I have plenty of space.  The starter was being thrown in 
the dumpster after removal from an Ercoupe on an upgrade to a new 
light weight starter.  My old one was leaking oil and I couldn't find 
a seal.  The new (used) one was in good shape so it was a double win for me.

If you have little or now tail dragger time you are probably like I 
was and wondering if you can fly a tail wheel.  Each time I had 
doubts I would think of all the pilot before me that flew tail wheels 
and lived to tell about it so I knew I had to have a go at it.  After 
wondering haplessly to the dark side I found it really isn't much of 
a big deal if one just uses the right technique and actually flies 
the airplane.  In the end it makes you feel like a "complete" pilot.

As always, your results may vary...............:-)


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