> The stuff at http://www.n56ml.com/kcontrol.html ought to get you there.
 > I've had people say they wanted better drawings, but if you can't build it
 > from the drawings that are there (which are also linked to printable pdf

>Perhaps you're right, I shouldn.t be building an airplane. I shall remember
>that after I finish the 3 that I am doing at present.... which are projects
>#8, 9and 10.


I'm always amazed how quickly people take offense at something that 
they totally miss interpreted.  Mark was in no way saying you were 
not capable of building an airplane.  He said that someone not 
capable of building a dual stick assembly from the drawings on his 
web page shouldn't be building and airplane and I agree.  It's up to 
you to decide if you are capable after reviewing the drawings.  I 
think we've all known Mark long enough to give him the benefit of 
doubt if you think he's just hit you in the head with a brick.  He 
probably wasn't even throwing at you.  If he intends to hit you he 
probably won't miss.

Larry Flesner

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