While I used to be a computer hardware guy by degree and essentially haven't 
practiced this century I do have a very good phd level software engineered who 
work for me and we do collaborative development with a world reknown
 lab at Purdue. I once voiced about changing over to windows based OS from 
Linux on one of our instruments and the Purdue group looked at me like I had 3 
heads and said why move from a stable platform to an unstable MS platform? My 
phd bought a motorola zoom and using android customizes and makes his own apps 
effortlessly. If he had design criteria and was tasked with it, i have no doubt 
he could design a stable EFIS system and not be hindered by Apples development 
guidelines. Both the Android and Linux platforms allow for easily implemented 
upgrades and customization and can be supported by independent "shareware" type 
development groups globally. For the masses who don't know how to type a URL in 
directly but rather always utilize google for their portal onto the web, MS and 
Apple are perfect. 

For anyone who can think, there are better options. 

Rich Parker
Greenfield NH
Unfortunately most of my PIC time over the past 10 years had been "Passenger In 

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