
Be very wary of the ADS-B discussions on here as most of us are based in the 
US.  Our systems use UAT out on 978 MHZ.  The European system is different.  I 
did a quick scan for Services in Europe and found the following from a paper 
dated March 2016:
In Europe, there are no supplementary FIS-B or TIS-B services currently 
provided which might encourage adoption across the GA fleet. Data can be 

1090ES for TIS-B only
What that means is that any kind of ADS-B receiver is nearly useless in Europe. 
 You would need a receiver that receives on 1090 MHZ to pick up traffic that is 
broadcasting on 1090 MHZ with extended squitter information.  You won't pickup 
any rebroadcast traffic (TIS-B) or weather (FIS-B) like we do in the US.  It 
seems that the usefulness of ADS-B for general aviation in Europe is extremely 

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

Subject: Re: KR> Duel Band ADS-B garmin
Hi guys,
I know there is a lot spoken about ADS B in the past weeks. I have seen the
cheap set up on youtube. Is there a cheap system to display the adsb info on a
Garmin 3gx?
After the discussion on the krnet I get interested, speciale the wether

Thanks Stef

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