Hello Pete and congratulations on getting to this point. I’m still building but 
have flown KR’s before and I’m a current CFI. First off I’d like to say I like 
your attitude about being safe. Getting hurt shouldn’t be a part of the 
homebuilt experience. 
There are a lot of factors here that need to be addressed. Do you have a 
tricycle gear or conventional. Have you flown anything similar like a Grumman 
in the past? Any very clean airframes, etc. the KR’s that I’ve flown have been 
very good handling airplanes. The airplane is very responsive and slippery. If 
you don’t have flaps you either need a long runway or be up to speed on slips. 
As far as your ability you know more than any of us. If you are not fully 
qualified you will be nervous and that will add to the stress. So if you aren’t 
ready how do you get ready?
If there’s nothing close to you that is similar go see someone who has a KR and 
get some rides. This will give you the sight picture anyway. The person doesn’t 
have to be a flight instructor because you are already legal to fly it. You 
don’t need access to the throttle but just the ability to do some slow flight, 
landings and straight and LEVEL. This get you up to speed on the sensitivity of 
the elevator. After a couple of flights with someone else you will know when 
you are ready to fly your airplane. 
Take all the time you need to get ready for the first flight. Taxi the airplane 
until you are 100% at that. Then balance it on the main gear. Up to that speed 
and then back down to zero. 
I have done many first flights for people and by the time I actually lift the 
airplane out of ground effect I already know how it’s going to handle and how 
the engine is going to run at all speeds. You will too. This will not only give 
you confidence in your ability but in the airplane as well. Bottom line here is 
start doing taxi work. If you feel good about that then balance the mains. If 
you can do a wheelie down the runway then you have the pitch under control. 
When you can do that you can fly it down the runway at 1 to 3 feet. If at any 
point you feel uncomfortable STOP. 
Above all, be honest with yourself. If it’s beyond your ability then reach out 
for training. If you are nervous get un-nervous with more runway hops. 
After you taxi it a while look at every nut and bolt on the airplane. In fact 
before you fly it out a small line of fingernail polish on every nut on the 
airplane. This makes it easy to tell immediately if anything is loosing up. 
Check the prop torque after just a few hours. 
I’m not saying don’t get someone else to fly it for you. You built it and 
deserve the joy in launching it for the first time. But only if it’s safe to do 
Stay safe and go at your own pace. 

Victor Taylor CFI

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 24, 2019, at 17:00, krnet-requ...@list.krnet.org wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1.  Phase 1 testing (Pete Klapp)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 15:15:18 +0000
> From: Pete Klapp <pke...@hotmail.com>
> To: "krnet@list.krnet.org" <krnet@list.krnet.org>
> Subject: KR> Phase 1 testing
> Message-ID:
> <cy4pr13mb1063fe1a58eb2458eb11f512ca...@cy4pr13mb1063.namprd13.prod.outlook.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Netters
> That time had finally come as the FAA will be coming on Thursday this week 
> the inspect and hopefully bless N729PK!!  So now comes flight testing which 
> has me in a quandary as I'm being advised not to conduct the first flight 
> myself as I am too invested in the plane having spent over a decade building 
> it. I have been taking dual instruction to knock the rust off my flying 
> skills, but unfortunately it's in a 172.  There is nothing close a a KR 
> anywhere near the area. Is there anyone in the KR community to assist me as a 
> start Phase 1? Any and all assistance and advise would be GREATLY appreciated.
> Hopeful in Ohio,
> Pete Klapp, N729PK
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of KRnet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 148
> *************************************

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