Someone in the initial thinking/designing phase of a KR project might
consider using electric power instead of our tried and true engines. 
Pipestrel just got their trainer approved by EASA and the FAA can't be
far behind.  Once the gate is open there will be a flood of electric
planes getting certified and hitting the market.  None of us with engines
would give up our known power sources but for someone thinking of
building . . . I haven't looked into it be just from general impressions
an electric motor, maybe one taken from a wrecked Tesla, hooked up to a
self-sought controller and batteries and other components . . . Pat
Panzera probably already knows someone in the LSA or Experimental field
putting together turn-key electric propulsion solutions for homebuilders.
 Electric planes are good only for training or flying around the ranch
but Pipestril is saying they'll have a four-seater with three hours of
range certified a year from now.  Their EASA certification arrived a year
earlier that they had been projecting so this technology is moving fast. 
In ten years I would expect fast chargers sitting next to the fuel bibs
at just about any airport except the smallest.  

Just an observation prompted by the Pipestril certification.  Electric
power is the future, and not that far away.   The KR is a slick fuselage
with a wing that carries a lot of weight without much trouble -
relatively perfect.  If someone were to buy NVAero and start thinking
electric our KR designs will be part of the evolution.


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